Looking back I think they were swingers eeeewwww YUCK!!!! Sppppllltttt or he just let her do her own thing. I can say this . Neither one were wearing wedding rings! Scary Katy! I told my wife about it last night......... Yeup the couch was warm and cozy!

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2G about to tell the Mrs..


Haha yeup thus the visit to the couch thus up all night just remember this- when it comes to spouses no secrets! Maybe that's how we've lasted in our later years, our earlier years were rough. Where's my buddy Scott?

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I was a chaperone for my 6th grader grandson's last class trip. On the bus we playd this song. All the kids started dancing and singing. I love this song, maybe it will get your feet moving too.......

Well I posted more pics that disappeared in cyberspace....... Oh well no more boring stories well ok one. I took the boys snorkeling in St Thomas and at about 12 feet deep they both saw their first octopus! Until some chucklehead stabbed at it with his snorkel. I hate people like that, and oh he got an earful from me while treading water!!!

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Haha yeup thus the visit to the couch thus up all night just remember this- when it comes to spouses no secrets! Maybe that's how we've lasted in our later years, our earlier years were rough. Where's my buddy Scott?

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I'm still here, Brother....
(Just "around the corner." You know, "Over The Rainbow," "Truly gone Fishing....")

It's been a challenge lately for me...

I broke a tooth over the 4th on some corn on the cob and have
been in constant pain since.
Sleep is a long lost Friend,

And when "The Sandman" does come,
I'm usually sitting in my easy chair...

I've an appointment on Friday to pull the remaining root on that tooth and to pull another 2-3 in preparation for dentures....

Nothing says, "You're getting old" than to need dentures.


The total cost is about 3 Grand.


That hurts just as much as my tooth does!

But, my Landlord is willing to help me!

Have I mentioned that

I only hope that it doesn't interfere with my Fall Semester Classes...
(see below)

I've done pre-emptive research on the instructors....
(might also be considered as "Re-Con"...:dontknow:)

Jamie*Mitchem at University of North Georgia - Gainesville -

John*O'Sullivan at University of North Georgia - Gainesville -


A woman brought in to the shop an old,
"Promotional" item from a local bank in
the form of a bank that looks like a book.
I'm guessing from the 1930's....
Her key doesn't work anymore....
She needed it opened.

I slightly shake it and hear coins rattling....

I make a "one finger pick" from a large paperclip and have it opened in about 10 minutes.


I saw an 1854 large cent, some silver and a Social Security card that she needed.

I told her that I could make a key.

I also mentioned that I would be interested in purchasing her coins for a fair price and even the "bank" itself.

I was out of the shop afterwards and didn't get to work on making a key until about 4:30.

I spent about 25 minutes hand cutting a key with a jeweler's saw and needle files.

Old Dude does it again!

I called her up and she's to pick them up in a day or two.
I'll take my camera to the shop tomorrow and snap some photos....

Hope All are doing well!

As Always,


Click here for a printable version
Meeting Time[SIZE=-1]CRN[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Section[/SIZE]Course[SIZE=-1]Sess[/SIZE]Course TitleHrGrd[SIZE=-1]Instructor[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Location[/SIZE]
1230-1345 [SIZE=-1]T R [/SIZE]2190G2SOCI1160[SIZE=-1]Full Session [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Intro. to Social Problems [/SIZE]3[SIZE=-1]O'Sullivan, J[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]GV - Strickland - 192[/SIZE]
1400-1515 [SIZE=-1]T R [/SIZE]41031GEOG1112[SIZE=-1]Full Session [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Intro-Weather & Climate [/SIZE]3[SIZE=-1]Mitchem, J[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]GV-Science - 201[/SIZE]
1530-1645 [SIZE=-1]T R [/SIZE]41041GEOG1112L[SIZE=-1]Full Session [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Intro-Weather & Climate Lab [/SIZE]1[SIZE=-1]Mitchem, J[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]GV-Science - 201[/SIZE]


Charlie Chan.jpg
"And, what does only Son, Scott, know about weather to take such a Science Course?"

Charlie Chan's son.png
"Gee, Pop,
The way I see it,
Scott's been in a lot of different weather situations in all of his camping trips.
He's also lived in Kansas and Oklahoma.
He's danced with tornadoes, Pop!

I'll bet he has a story or two....
I'd say he knows enough about weather to do pretty good in such a course....."

Hope that I brought a smile to the face of an Earl Derr Biggers fan....

Charlie Chan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I bring humor and lightness of heart through my personal pain.

Sonja sent an email requesting my help for a "scrub" day to help Sylvester,
And another Client who needs his wheelchair worked on and I will go to him....

As I replied to Sonja,

"Remember why we do what we do!"

My Best,


No particular reason...

I just happen to feel this song right now.

Do you?

"Enjoy the sun, the fun,
Make memories that last,
Images of the past....

Today is yours.
Hit the ground on all fours.
Life is to help and share.
Brother, I'll always be there!"

Got my box tuned up and working on a song....
Since I can't sleep....

Sleep comes with total exhaustion.
I'll take what I can get.....

Never mind....



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For my Critter Friends,
Some OLD TIME humor that is funny yet today.

Enjoy a chuckle or two...



Yeah, I knew many of the answers, including the "final" question.


Already been requested to a taping back in '96.
Still have the "Acceptance" letter received from my application around here somewhere......

Had to go where?

In California?
A "Flight?"


Sheldon Cooper.jpg
"You do realize that I hate being more than 4 stories above the ground, don't you"
(They won't issue me a parachute and refuse me to inspect the aircraft before I board....Imagine that....:dontknow:)


"I hate flying."




Just a few other thoughts tonight....

I'd appreciate any stories and info about dentures.....


Anyone wanna sponsor me for a game show?

Pick your favorite. Or MY Favorite....
Doesn't matter.....

Must provide some $, fare and chaperone on any flight as alcohol will surely be involved to get me on one more damned airplane....


Here it is. The "invitation to win money."

Working on picture as I type....


Dream your impossible dream.


Make it come true!


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Now that is funny brother!!!

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Hey, glad you guys are all still here, still slowly recouping from this winter's medical problems, more Drs. and another CT scan and should all be over. Computer acted up a couple months ago, and needed to add a mouse to the laptop, and hopefully will be back more often....missed all of you....need to catch up on some past reading, and see you all later......Gary

Hey, glad you guys are all still here, still slowly recouping from this winter's medical problems, more Drs. and another CT scan and should all be over. Computer acted up a couple months ago, and needed to add a mouse to the laptop, and hopefully will be back more often....missed all of you....need to catch up on some past reading, and see you all later......Gary

Howdy partner!

Hey, glad you guys are all still here, still slowly recouping from this winter's medical problems, more Drs. and another CT scan and should all be over. Computer acted up a couple months ago, and needed to add a mouse to the laptop, and hopefully will be back more often....missed all of you....need to catch up on some past reading, and see you all later......Gary

Didn,t figure you had gone upriver yet but had seen the map. Tough ol cuss.

Nice picture RC, you paint it?

Life was though back then. This guy was probably in his early 30's...


Glad to see you drop in and hopefully your medical issues have been sorted out.

Regards + HH


Hey, glad you guys are all still here, still slowly recouping from this winter's medical problems, more Drs. and another CT scan and should all be over. Computer acted up a couple months ago, and needed to add a mouse to the laptop, and hopefully will be back more often....missed all of you....need to catch up on some past reading, and see you all later......Gary

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