Okay, since we are telling sad tales:
My step son (adult) was rear ended by a truck when he was sitting at a red light 6 months after he got married.
(Short version)
Broken up real bad. Lots of long surgery. Handed a wheel chair, said you won't walk again.
Went to expensive sports surgery center in Atlanta. More surgery, therapy.
Young new bride gets new walkable boyfriend, moves him into marital home.
Stepson crawls around on our floor for a while and forces himself up on his noodle legs.
Eventually gets leg braces. Abandons wheel chair. Uses arm crutches.
New bride files for divorce, takes house, and say's... and I quote (explaining new boyfriend to our other kids) "I didn't sign up to be married to a cripple."
New brides father dropped 25K into the wedding less than a year before the divorce. (I'm still laughing)
Step son now has great job in an office. Learned to drive again. (not on a motorcycle)
Ex-step daughter (name rhymes with Ashley) is married to new boyfriend and she is a clinical psychologist giving advice to other people. (I'm still laughing)
Stepson is the happiest I've ever seen him-
So, no matter how bad it is, there is hope.
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There is light at the end of the tunnel, just got to look real hard sometimes.