My 7 year old Pit, and my sons, 7 week old Pit that he just dropped off at the house. The baby has fallen for me. She goes everywhere I do, and I have her trained where she barks when she needs to go potty. At first the 7 year old Pit was like oh come on I have this to deal with, geez look. dang it my pics are always sideways



My take on forgiveness. ..I think a better word to use (for me) is releasing!
I do not forgive unless a person owns up to their part, but for my own health I end up releasing the issue.
I might add after dealing with many feelings in the process!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Its easy to forgive. Not easy to forget.

Pat cat its a military thing, Ive lost 56 friends in 30 years, so its hard to get inside my you're here tomorrow I'm cleaning out your locker for your family.........thats where that comes from.......tonight we are on a mission together, and during that mission, I end up carrying your body to the helo...........I get counseling for that at the VA, its hard for me to make friends. I mean at the VA I had this wonderful doctor, BAM, she leaves, tell story all over to new counselor BAM she gets counselor Hey do you mind of I bring my new boss in? Yes I do, its just me and you. It also comes from being abandoned as a I have a small circle. I'm working on steps right?

Tgf, I too came from a very poor family. And your issues with your wife sound a lot like my wife and I. She is very soft on our son as she grew up in a welfare supported home. I am the one who keeps our son in line and it drives me crazy too when he misbehaves and my wife just says he is only a kid, let it go. If she has been unfaithful in the past then you have VERRY GOOD REASON to distrust her. I for one could never get past infidelity and I would cut her loose immediately. But you must do what you think is right for you. Unfortunately many people these days see nothing wrong with cheating...

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I want to thank you for caring, I'm working on least thats a steop in the right direction......I know as long as I keep it bottled up, I'm a prisoner to it myself....

Ps. I had such a rough week that when I got home yesterday the wife booted me out of the house and told me to go get balanced. I went to the casino and played poker/listened to music for three hours. I won a couple hundred.

I've got a really great fool-proof system! It can't fail!!!!

I'll meet you at the casino.

You bring the cash, I'll bring the plan...



Crispin and I will be on a world cruise with all our cash!

I would have cut her lose diesel but she is became ill She's sick with a brain tumor, pituitary tumor, and another tumor...........I promised her I would take care of her. I am a "rescuer" and that is what I have done, take care of her. I guess its time for me to grow up and forgive. I finished my career as a highly trained medic, to save people.........I need to save myself. Thanks diesel, and everybody

I've got a really great fool-proof system! It can't fail!!!!

I'll meet you at the casino.

You bring the cash, I'll bring the plan...

View attachment 875874


Crispin and I will be on a world cruise with all our cash!

Look out! High rollers comin through!.

2GF, what a great kindness of compassion, you hold within you(I did not know. I'm sorry). I think sometimes, the compassion, love, and care we have for others, is something we should turn inwards, and bestow upon ourselves. (I dated a nam vet decades ago, graves duty, is that what that position was called?) My dad served as Honor Guard, so humble and strong all them men were/are. At my fathers' funeral, not one of them passed by me, who was not sobbing, and they had no shame in it, either. Bless those men and you, too!

YOU are your own best friend! In your silent speech to yourself, why on earth, would one not want to be the best friend they have, to themselves? Sometimes, we have to give ourselves a break(when no one else will). We are the only constant in our lives and in our heads. Be good to yourself, be whole, and be well. How can one effectively serve another, if not ok within themselves?

Please don't think, I don't have illness in my family either. I was in counseling to leave my Mr, when a terminal diagnosis was given to him. I cannot turn and walk away from someone I cared enough to marry, just because they get sick. But I have made mistakes in staying and am trying to cause as little harm and hurt, as I possibly can. Me and Mr been together 26 yrs, married 19. While I may not approve or like, some of the things he does, I have to accept that this is who and what he is, only in accepting can I be my better self, and not resort to anger, hate, and fear. He is a great man, just hurt and injured, like all the rest of us. We are only human.

I become Grasshopper today and thank you PatCat for life lessons.......

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Soooo,how far can one travel on the I.C.W.?. Enough work for a hobo with a paint brush to provide gas and grub?.Productive fishing?
Sorry so many questions. Got to keep happy place imagination fresh.:key:

I would have cut her lose diesel but she is became ill She's sick with a brain tumor, pituitary tumor, and another tumor...........I promised her I would take care of her. I am a "rescuer" and that is what I have done, take care of her. I guess its time for me to grow up and forgive. I finished my career as a highly trained medic, to save people.........I need to save myself. Thanks diesel, and everybody

We all make mistakes. ..If a person learns from them , then it's worth continuing with the relationship. ..if the mistakes repeats itself with no hope if change, then time to leave!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Listen, that gambling boat is looking better and better! LOL!
Only problem, I don't gamble! :laughing7:

I'll just lay back with the squiggerator and we'll guard everyone's drinks! :laughing7:

tanning cats.webp

I want to argue with her logic but...thCAODDQ4B.webp

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Soooo,how far can one travel on the I.C.W.?.

You can go from one end all the way to the other...

Unless you stop looking where you are going.

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Okay, since we are telling sad tales:

My step son (adult) was rear ended by a truck when he was sitting at a red light 6 months after he got married.

(Short version)

Broken up real bad. Lots of long surgery. Handed a wheel chair, said you won't walk again.

Went to expensive sports surgery center in Atlanta. More surgery, therapy.

Young new bride gets new walkable boyfriend, moves him into marital home.

Stepson crawls around on our floor for a while and forces himself up on his noodle legs.

Eventually gets leg braces. Abandons wheel chair. Uses arm crutches.

New bride files for divorce, takes house, and say's... and I quote (explaining new boyfriend to our other kids) "I didn't sign up to be married to a cripple."

New brides father dropped 25K into the wedding less than a year before the divorce. (I'm still laughing)

Step son now has great job in an office. Learned to drive again. (not on a motorcycle)

Ex-step daughter (name rhymes with Ashley) is married to new boyfriend and she is a clinical psychologist giving advice to other people. (I'm still laughing)

Stepson is the happiest I've ever seen him-

So, no matter how bad it is, there is hope.

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There is light at the end of the tunnel, just got to look real hard sometimes.

You can go from one end all the way to the other...

Unless you stop looking where you are going.

View attachment 875907
OMG! hehehehe, I'm glad that wasn't at the #4 marker, he would have clipped my head, as I was coming up with 3 lobsters!

Me and the mr have a favorite pastime, we sit in the boat near a sandbar in a safe place, and watch all the idjuts come around the corner,
and bottom out! LOL!

Blue blue, sail on through.
Green green, lean and mean,
Brown brown, run aground.
White, white, you just might........ :laughing7:

OMG! hehehehe, I'm glad that wasn't at the #4 marker, he would have clipped my head, as I was coming up with 3 lobsters!

Me and the mr have a favorite pastime, we sit in the boat near a sandbar in a safe place, and watch all the idjuts come around the corner,
and bottom out! LOL!

Blue blue, sail on through.
Green green, lean and mean,
Brown brown, run aground.
White, white, you just might........ :laughing7:

Prop and lower unit repair popular around here too.
A buddy some years back and his stepdaughter were on a large impoundment near here when he spotted a boat with comely females in it ,about the time he caught their attention a sandbar caught his hard enough to break his chair. He had to jump in and push boat off to free it while his stepdaughter and onlookers laughed.

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