Peyton Manning
Gold Member
sheesh guys, why did no one tell she was out of her drug induced stupor?
I am always watching Jeffers!
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War on men, huh?
Seems the last time I was involved in any such activity, it was the "sexual revolution of the 70's."
With "women's lib" and "Free Love," I ended up on the losing side....
Well my wife is due home tomorrow from her "cruise" to Jamaica, the Cayamans, and Key West......I dont know if I should be happy for her or be angry.......although she did go with her older sister and brother in law, there was no adult supervision.......and there is a history of infidelity....maybe I should just give her the benefit of the doubt and act like she was really really missed, or I could act like this ship sailed perfectly without her at the helm........oh what to do what to do.........hehehehehehehehehehehe.......I was watching the wx channel and did see some bad weather her way. I did miss her alot but not her senseless nagging. I did take great care of the boys, and I did get bad news at the optometrist that I have cataracts, I guess I better trade them in for me Rincoln......hehehe So I guess I'll just hug her and embrace her, see what happens from there.......damn thing is, I build guns on the side as a way to keep my hands busy, and some major parts for my sniper rifle are coming in tomorrow, I sure was hoping they would beat her home hehehehehe. this is going to be real interesting, but I'll be glad shes safe at home. If I could go any where for a week, Id go to Bora Bora if I had the money, where would you all go to for one week if money wasnt a worry?
Well said PTC! Maybe we should skip detecting in November and just go for a coffee. Hard to chat with the buzzing. Eva got a bath last night because the wife felt she smelled bad. I didn't notice anything. I tried to explain to the wife that you can't put baby powder and baby lotion all over a puppy. Now that she has a baby she wants Eva to smell better. I apologized to Eva but she pouted most of the night anyway.
Quick medical lesson for anybody interested: Preventricular contractions (PVCs)
The tenth cranial nerve is the vagal nerve. It runs from the brainstem and down into the heart. It has many functions, one of which is external rate control of heart beat. Stress can cause overstimulation of the vagal nerve. This can lead to what is called a preventricular contraction. The Left ventricle pushes blood out into the body. The left atria pushes blood into the left ventricle. If the Left ventricle fires before the left atria then there is no blood to push out. These are known in common terms as "dropped beats." A beat is not acutally being dropped, but no QT wave shows up on EKG.
Having a PVC feels like one is having a heart attack for a split second. These commonly lead people to have panic attacks and end up in the ER. Guess who starts throwing PVCs by the end of most weeks? It can be treated a few different ways: meditation, beta-blockers, and benzodiazepines. Meditation is the treatment of choice but really hard to find time for in a busy household. Beta-blockers can have a side effect that impairs young men from studding....not good. Benzodiazepines are addictive and the body can rapidly develop a tolerance. The only other treatment I know of is lots of beer. The problem with alcohol is that the next morning it can make them come back with a vengance while the body is in withdrawal from it. I gave up my weekly ration of Guinness six weeks ago to try and help calm them down. It has overall been helpful, but it still has those moments...sigh.
Moral of the story: All that Glitters isn't gold.
Really, though,
someone give me some advice on the youtube audio thing. PLEASE!
I see Bill is still jumpin' the shark.....
I can't study without music....
Sorry, Ancient Aliens doesn't help study concentration.
View attachment 875698
"Is this not what an alien might say?"
"I've got music stackin' up, ready to land....
Circling, waiting, slowly running out of fuel...."
View attachment 875699
"I Picked a damn time to quit smokin'...."
sheesh Uncle Bill, I can't pick her out from the legions of females trailing me
So, Romeo,
Who's Win, Place and Show?
{ 'bout some tips?}