I wasn't going to post this, I guess sometimes I just have to get things out of me, too.

crispen, ty for the info. I've always contended that the heart and brain operate on different electrical frequencies. Does the heart control the head or the head control the heart? I read long long times ago, Edgar Cayce comparing the 12 cranial nerves to the 12 oarsman from the Egyptian Book of the dead. I can't find the Cayce story, and it's been ages since I read EBOD, I may look at that again.
Yep, coffee and beach tekkering! Good for the mind!

2GF, I would hope your higher self would come through and you would be the example of someone that treats another they care about, the way they would want to be treated. Those boys are learning about ppl and relationships, from observation. If they were to see, you could withdraw love from someone you're so close to, that may can leave them to wonder, would you withdraw that love from them, also? True proper Love, should never be conditional.
No matter what another does to you, don't allow them to provoke your better thinking and higher self.

There is tremendous power in forgiveness. First, is that it allows the brain to do what it was designed to do, and that is, to keep STRESS at reduced and/or acceptable levels.
Second, anger, hurt, and hate is more damaging to the vessel that it is held within, than the one it is poured out upon. Think about what your thoughts are doing to you! Mentally and physically. Forgiveness is nothing more, than the ACCEPTANCE of something being the way that it is, and not the way YOU want it to be. Once a mind can ACCEPT reality and let it go, it can be physically felt within that person.
It ain't got NOTHING to do with letting someone of the hook for something, it has EVERYTHING to do, with controlling your own mind/body. These things take strength, so please do view them as a weakness, they are not!
The only thing that is certain, is change. Nothing, no one, not one of us, are the same person, we were just two minutes ago. Everything is in a flux of change, of some sort or another.
If the above is done correctly, you will reduce stress. If not done correctly, or other "outlets" to dealing, is needed, and needed, and another outlet needed, then you are increasing stress, not reducing it.

ok I'm off my soapbox

LOL!, the squiggerator! LOL!

"Si, I paid some towards rent. Last moths rent.
I am still behind?
Well, senior, I guess I'll have to sell some more from my currency collection.
Is it not better to have a place of anchorage than material possessions?"

Yeah, I've heard pawnbrokers tell me that when I lost a Gibson Fire Engine red electric with dual Humbuckers....





"If you've not yet learned how to play creditors,
you're not paying attention...."



In the meantime, I'll try Bill's method of music sharing.
"The music needs a landing spot, My God!
Let the music flow to the masses for whatever uses, medicinally or in combination...."
(Fingers are crossed....)

Let Her Cry by Hootie & the Blowfish on The Best of Hootie & the Blowfish (1993 thru 2003) - Free Music Streaming, Online Music, Videos - Grooveshark
(There's a sad personal story behind this song for me.)

"And if the sun comes up tomorrow...."
"Let 'er in"
I am 'er.

Listen to the song again....
What I mean is that I've cried for the loss of my Veteran Brothers and Sisters.

I also cried when my Mom Died...

Crying is healing.
No one should be ashamed of showing such emotion.

"Only the strong cry."

To our Veterans!




Your post about seeing your wife again after a parting, reminds me,
sadly, of Friends that I never had the chance to see again.

I've lost many Friends from the military and my other family like my Mother and Father.
I really have only a few living relatives....I can count them on one hand.....

"Love those that you care about and care about those that you love."

Scott's Honors Philosophy lesson for today.


My Best Wishes,


YES! I'm studyin'!

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In the meantime, I'll try Bill's method of music sharing.
"The music needs a landing spot, My God!
Let the music flow to the masses for whatever uses, medicinally or in combination...."
(Fingers are crossed....)

Let Her Cry by Hootie & the Blowfish on The Best of Hootie & the Blowfish (1993 thru 2003) - Free Music Streaming, Online Music, Videos - Grooveshark



Yeah! Seemed to work.

Also, funny though it might seem, one of the topics that I will inquire about from
the student that I will interview concerning cultural differences for my paper in Psych is about superstitions!

So, I guess I'm back to studying?

At 12:30 at night.
Looks like an all nighter sometime this weekend.....

Let's get with it....


Nope. Guess that didn't work.
How 'bout this?

Just so y'all know, this ain't right....

I miss my youtube....



The student that I'm to interview is a female of the eastern Indian culture.....

"Perhaps I've said too much...."

Think of the recipes that I can learn!



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"Oh, really, Honey?
You're gonna tell me that Scott's studyin'?"

"Well, the results of his GPA and Scholarship awards should indicate academic progress!"

"REALLY, Miss Snow White?"

"OK. He's in back drinkin' beer and posting online at some treasure web site.....
What would you expect from a college student who needs to produce an A quality mid-term paper
for an Honors Course in two days?"

By the way....
You never saw me, right?
(Do Post Office photos count?)



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Almost 2:30 am. Study break....

"Quiet! I wuz too studyin!"

View attachment 875758
"You obviously notice my intensity..."
Ask Winston! He might have been there!


"Who's up for sushi?"


My Best,
To Barb, and all,


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"But, Andy, I'm worried."

"Yeah, I don't want anything to happen to Scott 'cause he owes me two dollars."

"Now, look, boys.
Scott is gonna be OK. Just doan cha worry 'bout that, no siree.
Now lookee here, boys, iffen ole Scott goes up in the Mountains for a weekend,
Well, you just let him be.
We all need a little time to ourselves."

Dreaming of my mountains,


3 am.
Back to....studying...yeah, that's what I meant.....

Golden Earring - Grooveshark

By the way, sushi has become easier to make through my experimentations.

Was Delicious....

I dip,
the last piece,
in soy and wasabi....




Think I'll learn Cajun cuisine next.
Or Indian....Stop it!
This is an academic interview!
I have no idea how cute she is.....

Perhaps I should have phrased that differently....:icon_scratch:


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Oh, Dig this....

Under the consolidation of the Universities, to achieve a BS, I have to declare a minor degree...

SAY WHAT? :BangHead:

Sheesh, I'll never live long enough to get a BS.
Seems like too many barrels and hoops.
Without a dinner and a movie....


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Hmmm...4 am...

Maybe tomorrow will be the "all nighter."

Good night, All!



Well my wife is due home tomorrow from her "cruise" to Jamaica, the Cayamans, and Key West......I dont know if I should be happy for her or be angry.......although she did go with her older sister and brother in law, there was no adult supervision.......and there is a history of infidelity....maybe I should just give her the benefit of the doubt and act like she was really really missed, or I could act like this ship sailed perfectly without her at the helm........oh what to do what to do.........hehehehehehehehehehehe.......I was watching the wx channel and did see some bad weather her way. I did miss her alot but not her senseless nagging. I did take great care of the boys, and I did get bad news at the optometrist that I have cataracts, I guess I better trade them in for me Rincoln......hehehe So I guess I'll just hug her and embrace her, see what happens from there.......damn thing is, I build guns on the side as a way to keep my hands busy, and some major parts for my sniper rifle are coming in tomorrow, I sure was hoping they would beat her home hehehehehe. this is going to be real interesting, but I'll be glad shes safe at home. If I could go any where for a week, Id go to Bora Bora if I had the money, where would you all go to for one week if money wasnt a worry?

If I had the time...I would buy a camper and travel around the country/Canada to meet and detect with the people I have met here. I've been to Kauai a couple of times. Hiking the Ka'a Na Pali coast is absolutely breath taking. No snakes to worry about either.

I wasn't going to post this, I guess sometimes I just have to get things out of me, too.

crispen, ty for the info. I've always contended that the heart and brain operate on different electrical frequencies. Does the heart control the head or the head control the heart? I read long long times ago, Edgar Cayce comparing the 12 cranial nerves to the 12 oarsman from the Egyptian Book of the dead. I can't find the Cayce story, and it's been ages since I read EBOD, I may look at that again.
Yep, coffee and beach tekkering! Good for the mind!

2GF, I would hope your higher self would come through and you would be the example of someone that treats another they care about, the way they would want to be treated. Those boys are learning about ppl and relationships, from observation. If they were to see, you could withdraw love from someone you're so close to, that may can leave them to wonder, would you withdraw that love from them, also? True proper Love, should never be conditional.
No matter what another does to you, don't allow them to provoke your better thinking and higher self.

There is tremendous power in forgiveness. First, is that it allows the brain to do what it was designed to do, and that is, to keep STRESS at reduced and/or acceptable levels.
Second, anger, hurt, and hate is more damaging to the vessel that it is held within, than the one it is poured out upon. Think about what your thoughts are doing to you! Mentally and physically. Forgiveness is nothing more, than the ACCEPTANCE of something being the way that it is, and not the way YOU want it to be. Once a mind can ACCEPT reality and let it go, it can be physically felt within that person.
It ain't got NOTHING to do with letting someone of the hook for something, it has EVERYTHING to do, with controlling your own mind/body. These things take strength, so please do view them as a weakness, they are not!
The only thing that is certain, is change. Nothing, no one, not one of us, are the same person, we were just two minutes ago. Everything is in a flux of change, of some sort or another.
If the above is done correctly, you will reduce stress. If not done correctly, or other "outlets" to dealing, is needed, and needed, and another outlet needed, then you are increasing stress, not reducing it.

ok I'm off my soapbox

LOL!, the squiggerator! LOL!

Great post PTC,

I grew up in Virginia Beach so I'm familiar with Cayce. I really got interested in him after my grandfather died and I started having a lot of dreams with him in them. His books on dreams and the afterlife were very helpful at the time.

I have a few thoughts on forgiveness. There are some people who should never be forgiven. Some people on this earth are just plan evil. However, separating out the person from the act of the person is acceptance. There are people in my life living and dead that I will never forgive. However, I have learned to forgive the acts that were done. Free will allows people to make choices, the circumstances that influence those choices are vast and impossible to completely understand. Acceptance is achieved after going through Elizabeth Kubler Ross' five stages of grief. This can be applied to much more then death alone. No short cuts to acceptance, no fast forward button. However, continuing to work towards it means that eventually it will come. Meditation has been a life saver for me. Au24K is correct, I can control my heart rate through meditation, but it takes a significant amount of time to achieve that. It is not so easy as being turned on and off.

Soap box: Our moods are influenced by our circumstances, our neurochemicals, and our genetics. We can not change genetics. Modern medicine can help with this. Off soap box.


Ps. I had such a rough week that when I got home yesterday the wife booted me out of the house and told me to go get balanced. I went to the casino and played poker/listened to music for three hours. I won a couple hundred. Not a great coping mechanism if low on cash but it helped this time.

Pat cat and Scott.........thank you both. She called me about 40 minutes ago to telol me she was in port, I immediately lit up. There is a lot of trust that I need to work on between her and I.........but I was so glad to hear her voice, there is a ship tracking web site, I found myself tracking her boat, telling the kids, hey mom is here i wonder what she is doing right now. I do love her, she was my high school sweetheart..........but there is a lot of trust that I need to work thru. Like I tell my VA counselors, I dont make new friends because you are going to a) hurt me b) leave me or c) die on me, pretty sad huh. Maybe this time apart will rekindle the spirit, relight the candle, Im not getting any younger........damn Pat you got me crying again.........afterall, on paper we've truly been together 34 years!!!!!!!! We've just drifted apart. One of our biggest issues is that I am a hard a$$ to the kids. I came from nothing, I dont believe in getting a handout. At 16 I was homeless, lived in a Chevy Blazer, shot what food I ate, took a shower at school I was at school so much the janitor gave me a key. I did my studies in the back of my truck with a kerosene lamp. I worked for $25.00 a week at a auto body repair shop for mostly gas money, sometimes I didnt eat. I was intelligent enough that I skipped the 10th grade.......I graduated May 31, 1980 and June 4th I was at basic at Ft Benning, I never looked back.....I went away for awhile and came back and swept her off her feet...and married her. Here we are my kids are 27 and 30 and whatever they ask for, my wife gives them. My daughter just got fired from a pharmacy job, always late, sent my son to firefighter emt school, he dont work. I'm on a fixed income and she just hands them money whenever......I dont believe that. My life was tough, I earned what I have. They dont need handouts, they need JOBS, so my wife and I disagree about everything............I left home at 16 graduated high school with straight A's wherees these kids drive, just ask mom.....NO I dont have it to give, so me and momma argue over it and Its real old. So, My son asked me for $50.00 recently, I had some stuff to get rid of, so he earned it. We are in a world of now, they want now, and my kids are lazy, they are hand to mouth, day to day, dont worry about the future.........I'm not like that I am a planner. Do you know why I didnt go on this cruise? because I knew the grandkids would have no one to take them to school, pick them up, feed them, bathe them etc.......I sat back and watched one evening, by 2100........I was right. Is there jealousy i didnt get to go you bet. Do I love MS Greenfeet, like no other does she show me any love, no too wrapped around the kids problems....and on top of all this, she has a brain tumor, a pituitary gland tumor and thyroid tumor........I'M my wall I spoke of earlier goes up........I'M VERY SCARED.....sorry to bother you all but that is my life story in a nut I looking for another woman LORD NO, I just wish mine would hug me and give me time.............thank you for allowing me to vent..........God bless you all

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Scott, its all about the monies..........when dealing with colleges.

Scott we had this guy at work that was notorious for borrowing money and not returning it. So one day he asks me if I had 5 bucks, I said sure. This was early in the week. Well come Friday the team was going out for lunch and he still hadnt paid me back so I decided to embarass him he was in the lunch group about to leave I make my sneaky Ninja attack "Steve do you believe in the hereafter?' "Well yes of course I do" "Good then because I'm hereafter that 5 bucks you owe me!"
I got my money, he never asked me again..................hehehehehe

Delicate balance with spouse.
Should she ask if you missed her ,maybe don,t say ,"yes,I must not have allowed for windage".

Relchair that is hilarious

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

I dont make new friends because you are going to a) hurt me b) leave me or c) die on me,
I hate to be the one to break it to you.......
Everyone is going to hurt you, leave you, and die.
I tend to cut ppl loose, before I allow them to provoke me........ yep, I can terminate a friendship in one sentence. :laughing7:

I've kinda been practicing, for a long time now, being a "big hole". Allowing the coming and going of thoughts, emotions, and happenings to pass through, that's not to say I am not feeling, I have to rise about anything and everything this world is going to throw at me. That is how I overcome, if only in my own head, and to me, that's where it matters the most!
(btw, I too left home at 14 yrs old, 9th grade dropout. I learned that all the awards, medals, and plaques I have taken down off my wall, does NOT make me a "good person") At least, I'm not angry, anymore........


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