HA! Our BRAIN is like a RECEIVER in a Radio/TV... or even a Computer to receive or send; "BROADCAST wave" is intercepted; WHO or WHAT are you "tuned" or "attuned" to? Self-generated thoughts are like "data-entry" in computer; based on knowledge, training, and experience. It IS all Electro-Magnetic Energy; WE are Electro-Magnetic Beings of the HUMAN kind... MOSTLY composed of H2O (water). :headbang:

Well said PTC! Maybe we should skip detecting in November and just go for a coffee. Hard to chat with the buzzing. Eva got a bath last night because the wife felt she smelled bad. I didn't notice anything. I tried to explain to the wife that you can't put baby powder and baby lotion all over a puppy. Now that she has a baby she wants Eva to smell better. I apologized to Eva but she pouted most of the night anyway.

Quick medical lesson for anybody interested: Preventricular contractions (PVCs)
The tenth cranial nerve is the vagal nerve. It runs from the brainstem and down into the heart. It has many functions, one of which is external rate control of heart beat. Stress can cause overstimulation of the vagal nerve. This can lead to what is called a preventricular contraction. The Left ventricle pushes blood out into the body. The left atria pushes blood into the left ventricle. If the Left ventricle fires before the left atria then there is no blood to push out. These are known in common terms as "dropped beats." A beat is not acutally being dropped, but no QT wave shows up on EKG.

Having a PVC feels like one is having a heart attack for a split second. These commonly lead people to have panic attacks and end up in the ER. Guess who starts throwing PVCs by the end of most weeks? It can be treated a few different ways: meditation, beta-blockers, and benzodiazepines. Meditation is the treatment of choice but really hard to find time for in a busy household. Beta-blockers can have a side effect that impairs young men from studding....not good. Benzodiazepines are addictive and the body can rapidly develop a tolerance. The only other treatment I know of is lots of beer. The problem with alcohol is that the next morning it can make them come back with a vengance while the body is in withdrawal from it. I gave up my weekly ration of Guinness six weeks ago to try and help calm them down. It has overall been helpful, but it still has those moments...sigh.

Moral of the story: All that Glitters isn't gold.



How about a Guinness with a coffee chaser.....that should cancel them both out...

Regards + HH


I for one am glad you gave it up! :)

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

I for one am glad you gave it up! :)

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

My other plan is to close down my practice for a month and go trounching through the wilderness of Canada with Backbacon. I bet that would get rid of them in no time flat. Two problems with that: 1. Wife, child, and puppy. 2. People would die.

How to slow me down, and also not watch the news then?

Like I said once before you get two people in the same room, and their will be disagreements.

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Hi, gang,

Just got home and this is the first place I headed. Death is a somber fact of live, and it's been a real long week, but the weather, and fall foliage here in the North Country made the final service and rememberance worth any word that could be spoken. I will remember this man as a mentor, and a man of the highest integrity, who welcomed me into his family 40 years ago, as my wife grew up next door, and the family's have 3 generations of absolute friendship. It's hard to see where one family starts, and the other ends. The service was beautiful, with a masonic service before the church service, and a full Marine honor guard interment, I have never seen a better sendoff to a great individual. I'm writing this now, as I wait for his son, my friend, Billy to arrive so we can finish up the preparations for Duck hunting, which opens this coming Wednesday. If I may a short story.....The first time that I was introduced to this fine family was in 1974...My wife and I had just decided to get married, and It was the gathering for the first weeken of the waterfowl season. We arrived at camp on the lake, just around the corner from were we bought our house, and now have resided for 35 years.....intoductions were made, and I just sat down and started cleaning ducks from the morning hunt.....Peter turned to my wife, and said...."

Sorry hit the wrong finish my story....." peter remark to my wife was....This one will last, he hasn't puked yet", evidently some of her other boyfriends didn't meet with his approval....and I couldn't be prouder.....enough for now, will be back later....

Crispin, my friend am so glad that you have returned to us, and hope you are here for the LONG run.....Gary

Thank you GMD,
I'm going through a rough patch and I'm back for the much needed support. I'm also happy to lend my expertise where it is needed. I'll never be what I was before, too much hurt has been caused. However, I'll stay in touch when I can.

Crispin,hollar if we can do something for you besides cheer.
Getting you in trouble might help,us more than you probably.:laughing7:
Beer can glued on back bumper or roof maybe.


Sorry for your loss but remember the good times you shared.

Regards + HH


Thank you Bill, you all don't know how glad I am to be back on the Lake, and having friends to communicate with.

I also want to welcome Don to our little group, and think that his selection for CM was well done. I have learned a lot from his informative post on coins, esp, the early cobs....congradulations.....Gary

Now I have no audio from youtube..............must be a bug.......

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