"Look, ya little goof,
I'm tellin' ya,
Scott's delirious. Now is the time to request stories!"
"Gee, Eddie, what do you mean?"

Scott's "Burnin' up."

{pardon the disco era reference}




Since I've got not fade away in my's another version for you.

Joe Ely Band - Not fade away.



And not to forget the ladies.

Stevie Nicks - Not fade away.



"Now, Ward, weren't you a bit hard on the Beaver last night?"



aspirin provides no relief.
Only the toss of study books to the side and the refuge of rest can provide relief.

Good night early to all....



aspirin provides no relief.
Only the toss of study books to the side and the refuge of rest can provide relief.

Good night early to all....



Before I fade off, I give you 48 hours to present worthy candidates for Charter Membership.

And then, well, I'll have another drink...




48 Hours....

"Ah! The fever must be breaking!"

"Yeah! Give him another beer, I think he's coming around!"

"Lucidity? Well, maybe...."


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You take care, and I'll see if I can come up with a viable candidate.......see you later...Gary


As long as you don't hear voices in your head you should be ok....exceptions do apply's a song to cheer you up.

The McCoys - Fever.

I am kind of medical illiterate. Is brain damage a possibility from a fever?

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There is much to be said regarding "self medication."

If, in the morning you eat a live toad, nothing worse will happen in the course of your day.

Truer words were never spoken....




I got a couple of extra toads if ya need one.....
NOT to be confused with lickin' toads....

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Thought I'd post up what's on the menu tonight.....

Arancini which is a classic Sicilian's made with Arborio rice which is an Italian short grain rice.

The trick is to cook up the rice the night before and put it in the fridge which makes it easier to handle when you put them together the next day....these were filled with cubes of cheese and breaded and baked rather than deep fried which is the
standard recipe.

Served with some tomato sauce from our garden and a green salad....lots of version floating around so just do a search to find the one you like.

Regards + HH



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As long as you don't hear voices in your head you should be ok....exceptions do apply's a song to cheer you up.

The McCoys - Fever.

What? Not everyone has thirteen screaming voices in their head all at once? Darn, I thought I was normal!:D

Sent from my USCC-C6721 using Tapatalk 2

Diesel you are quite right brain damage can occur from a high temperature .........Scott aka Au2, with the grandest intentions sir, dont put the cart before the horse. Lets worry about getting you better first. Only take an ice bath as the last resort. Take any heavy clothing off and take tylenol as directed for your fever. Dress lightly .Bath or sponge in lukewarm water (NOT ice water). Drink liquids. I suggest small sips of the light gatorade. We will get worried if you start puking..........I am NOT a doctor just giving friendly advice. So why does my buddy have a fever? We need to watch for vomitting or diaharrea if that starts hall arse to the ER and get your well needed IV fluids. Also keep yourself in tune for severe sore throat, severe swelling of the throat, or a persistent earache, pain with urination, back pain, or shaking it boss?

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Right,gotta sweat.Need fluids for that.A wet cloth rolled and placed over back of neck can help. a spare chilling in fridge or freezer nice.
Dang it Scott, quit being ill so i can accuse you of licking the handles on shopping carts!:sadsmiley:

The body won't let a fever get too high from an infection unless there has been damage to the temperature regulator or "thermostat" of the brain, the hypothalamus. Damage to the hypothalamus can occur from a brain infection (meningitis or encephalitis), or a poisoning. When the weather turns warmer, there is a danger of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. During heat stroke, the body loses the ability to cool itself and control body temperature, and brain damage can result.

und jetzt, für Ihren Genuss,

Those who have written to me and sent donations know of my Germanic heritage by my last name.

I was "Popular" while stationed in Germany in the 70's.


Too many stories of frei bakery goods, discounts at das Fleisch Märkte!
{und rachen mit der Burgermeister kinder}

I made sure that my American Dollar carried weight!

Alas, Is America the same in the eyes of the world that it was
when I experienced it in Europe in the 70's?

Been overseas?
What did you feel, as an American?



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Since I'm older than dirt I've always had a soft spot for the early Rock 'N Roll songs and artists.

Bo Diddley



Since I'm a bit of a music freak.....there's probably about a dozen or so artists that were the founders of Rock and Roll..
If I had to narrow it down to 2 main artists.....I'd have to go with Sam Cooke and Buddy Holly.....

Sam Cooke's recorded songs were good but kind of sanitized for the mainstream market.....this version of bring it on home to me was recorded live at the Harlem Square club in Florida and is much more gritty and better than the mainstream version....enjoy.


Scott I've been around the world 21 times. I am glad she's still married to me. Was shaky in the early years

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

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