Maybe we should rename you Rambo? Haha
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I'm no "Rambo."
I sew my own wounds as a result of having to care for some of my cats.
I became good friends with a Veterinarian years ago who provided me with supplies and medicines.
I managed to get a suture kit and, since I was working construction, injuries were sometimes an unavoidable consequence.
One day, while digging in an old basement, I laid my hand wide open on some broken glass.
Yes, I called it quits for the day, went home, cracked a bottle of kickin' chicken and pulled out the suture kit and gave myself 6 stitches.
Well, having made 3 quilts and knowing different stitches, I did a "bang-up" job.
My Boss made me go to the company doctor, and all I was looking for was a tetanus shot.
The doctor looked at my handiwork and said,
"If I ever hear of you sewing anyone other than yourself, you are in big trouble. Nice sutures, though."
I got my tetanus shot and have only had to use the suture kit twice since then.
I still have the kit in case I screw up again...