And the beat (studyin') goes on....

Here's a great full album play for study....

"Spin That beautiful early Fleetwood Mac album, Scott!"


"Must, find...
questions without answers....
in the new chapter.....
of my Psych textbook.....


Extra credit...."



Diesel you are quite right brain damage can occur from a high temperature .........Scott aka Au2, with the grandest intentions sir, dont put the cart before the horse. Lets worry about getting you better first. Only take an ice bath as the last resort. Take any heavy clothing off and take tylenol as directed for your fever. Dress lightly .Bath or sponge in lukewarm water (NOT ice water). Drink liquids. I suggest small sips of the light gatorade. We will get worried if you start puking..........I am NOT a doctor just giving friendly advice. So why does my buddy have a fever? We need to watch for vomitting or diaharrea if that starts hall arse to the ER and get your well needed IV fluids. Also keep yourself in tune for severe sore throat, severe swelling of the throat, or a persistent earache, pain with urination, back pain, or shaking it boss?

My Medic Friend,

The worse has passed.
I have made sure of hydration and bodily exchanges through my affinity to one of the main food groups; Beer.
(and an occasional oral shot of 80 proof. Medicinally, of course...)

I have rudimentary battlefield first aid skills. I sew my own wounds.

There has been no appetite loss, only a loss of the senses of smell and taste.
Nausea was an early companion but now I crave hot and spicy.
Surely I'm on the mend.

Thank you and thank all for their concern.

Ha! I ain't goin' nowhere without a fight!



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Maybe we should rename you Rambo? Haha

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Right,gotta sweat.Need fluids for that.A wet cloth rolled and placed over back of neck can help. a spare chilling in fridge or freezer nice.
Dang it Scott, quit being ill so i can accuse you of licking the handles on shopping carts!:sadsmiley:

Dang! I told you not to mention that.
Oh well, better than....

HEY! How 'bout them Atlanta Braves!
Another Pennant, maybe heading to the World Serious....



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I was just giving my friend my $37.72 worth hehehe

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Maybe we should rename you Rambo? Haha

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I'm no "Rambo."
I sew my own wounds as a result of having to care for some of my cats.

I became good friends with a Veterinarian years ago who provided me with supplies and medicines.
I managed to get a suture kit and, since I was working construction, injuries were sometimes an unavoidable consequence.

One day, while digging in an old basement, I laid my hand wide open on some broken glass.

Yes, I called it quits for the day, went home, cracked a bottle of kickin' chicken and pulled out the suture kit and gave myself 6 stitches.

Well, having made 3 quilts and knowing different stitches, I did a "bang-up" job.
My Boss made me go to the company doctor, and all I was looking for was a tetanus shot.
The doctor looked at my handiwork and said,
"If I ever hear of you sewing anyone other than yourself, you are in big trouble. Nice sutures, though."

I got my tetanus shot and have only had to use the suture kit twice since then.

I still have the kit in case I screw up again...



I've sewed myself give myself injections, even gave myself IVs why I knew I was in good hands hahaha I trusted myself speaking of ouch did you hear that I was just attacked on the elbow by the 6 week old puppy man does she have sharp teeth wait one......yeup I'm bleeding she got me. Oh well time to bath my boys g'night all glad you are feeling better friends do that to you you know haha

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Here's another tune for you....

Mariah Carey - Can't let go.


I've sewed myself give myself injections, even gave myself IVs why I knew I was in good hands hahaha I trusted myself speaking of ouch did you hear that I was just attacked on the elbow by the 6 week old puppy man does she have sharp teeth wait one......yeup I'm bleeding she got me. Oh well time to bath my boys g'night all glad you are feeling better friends do that to you you know haha

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Ah, but the rush of an atropine injection to the heart can't be duplicated!



"Soon, the medicine will take effect....."

"Don't fight it.
That's right.
Just relax......"



Uhhhh never tried that nor will I .........haha no fear of death, a man who fears death has not yet lived

Did someone say, "Relax?"



Back to studyin' the new chapter in Psych....
"Development and Socialization."

Yeah, I got this....

Piece of cake. I understand what is happening but on the damn scantron, well,
guess I need to study harderer....



Uhhhh never tried that nor will I .........haha no fear of death, a man who fears death has not yet lived

I do not fear death, Death fears me for I have cheated him many times....




To paraphrase Winston Churchill...."The devil is not ready for me yet"

Regards + HH


I do not fear death, Death fears me for I have cheated him many times....



Scott to late I already posted Relax go back a couple pages gotcha oh lord here we go thinking the same again that's scary bud

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It's alright now....

I've found peace in the mountains when I go camping.
My love of Nature will surely bring me closer to the Creator.



"But Andy, I'm worried about the boy."

"Shazam! What if he get's lost in the mountains...."


"Now, boys, you know Scott won't get lost, unless he wants to.
I hear that he can track a midge fly across the holler from his campsite, at night, barefoot.
So don't you worry 'bout ole Scott.
No Siree. He's just a country boy tryin' to make good in a city-folk kinda way."



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My landlord has flown to NY this weekend for business.
That means I get to love on some cats!
Alice and little hiding girl Olive.

Check the food and water and get some quality pettin' time!



After collecting change found in my truck and chair cushions,
I'm still somewhat short on this month's rent.....:BangHead:
Only by a coupla hundred dollars.....
Guess I'll look into the aluminum cans I've collected.....

and I'm sure I've got some zincolns from my last trip of swingin' my beep stick....

dollar two ninety eight, ninety nine...oh look!
A dime!



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Since I'm older than dirt I've always had a soft spot for the early Rock 'N Roll songs and artists.

Bo Diddley

The intro by the hardest working man in show business, James Brown!

A story about his house on Walton Way in Augusta will have to wait until another day....

Oh. Older than dirt? Yeah, right.....

Also the story of what REALLY caused the dinosaurs' demise....I was there. I know.

For now, though, here's some more great blues...



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