
Hope I am still awake, after all its!

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Barb, I had 2 cups of java in the last few hours.... I don't usually ever have caffeine or sugar (unless in a recipe form the Orient) in my regular diet so I'm with you tonight for the long haul.

releventchair, the photos of the escarpment are for you my friend, hope it brings back some good memories... Didn't I mention we had a good view from the Family property? Thanks for leaving Ma and I some coins. :occasion14: IMG_0005.webpIMG_0002.webpIMG_0023.webp

BB, glad ya'll had a fun time and hunt! Thank for the pics, real nice!
You is the real thing man! :occasion14:

Yep the cat is up and running today! :laughing7:


Beautiful country! Fun finds! Love the pictures!!!!!
Hope you got some!

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Its stunning perception for sure.
Feelings going to vary but mine were ,"puny human!" followed by "don,t run around near the edge at night".
Sure special country. Good medicine even for infrequent visitors, but to look and see them regular would be something!
Thanks for sharing.:weee:

Well, we can travel the globe today, thanks to the www's! LOL!
Kinda like taking a trip and never leaving the barn! :laughing7:

Meanwhile, down under, awesome party in outer Sydney, Penrith actually, Defqon.1, if your in to that sorta thing. 8-)
Kinda reminds me of Burning man, but different. :laughing7:


"Burning Man" is a INTERESTING "Tradition"... related to the "Fall Harvest". 8-)

I've always wanted to attend the "Burning Man" festival, looks like good times.

Good afternoon everyone! Looks like we all have had a good weekend so far. just returned from the Green Mtns. in Ripton, about 30 miles from the lake. It's an area of old abandoned hill farms, sawmills, and logging jobs. Now owned and managed by the USFS, it has returned to it's prior wild state, and does contain one of VT's 2 widerness areas.....foot traffic only within it's boundaries, and preserved for all time in it's natural state with no manmade far it has spawned some terrific trophy deer, and the comeback of furbearers, and small game. Since it is not actively managed, Mother nature has had her way, and the windblown, and downed thickets make travel difficult, but that's where you want to be to observe the way Mother works, and have the primal experience. Great day, and located a small thicket of ginseng...none mature enough to dig yet, and have to check if in fact you can in wilderness area.

RC, bear have been moving out of the mountains here for a couple years, and even shown up on peoples porches in the area of Burlington, destroying the bird feeders, and people keep putting more out, and then get upset with Fish and Game when they have to remove the bear. Most are either live trapped, or tranquillized and taken back to the mountains and released. Some return and cause more problems, and are dealt with more severely! They become unafraid of people, and can do a lot of damage when pissed off!

Remember in 1982, when the Moose population was just expanding, and moving to new areas of the State, got a call one Sunday morning about a bull moose joining a foursome at Burlington country club, and not leaving. Grabbed the tranquilizer gun and headed to town.....first moose I bagged, put it temporarily to sleep on a fairway, and reality hits, how to get 1200 lbs of moose in the truck? Some 2x10's, and a come-a-long, and a headache later, Bullwinkle was returned to the wilds, the golf game continued, and I was home in time for lunch. When the wild children of Mother Nature meet man, one never can predict what will happen, but like the saying goes," it's not a job, it's an adventure"......Gary


Went back over the pictures and notice a dream catcher in one of the pictures....can you enlighten me/us as to
the meaning behind them curious minds would like to know.

Regards + HH


I've always wanted to attend the "Burning Man" festival, looks like good times.


Went back over the pictures and notice a dream catcher in one of the pictures....can you enlighten me/us as to
the meaning behind them curious minds would like to know.

Regards + HH


Dream Catchers were originally made by the Ojibway people as a talisman or a charm so to speak that was typically hung over a child's bed to ward off evil spirits and to protect them while they were in the dream world. The picture some how ended up sideways so I will post up the proper view for everyone. :laughing7: The tree is my Uncle's all year Ojibway Christmas tree so to speak and he made the Dream Catcher from a Willow (my Daughter's name) Tree in his yard when she was born. Dream Catchers were originally constructed using Willow Trees.


Thanks for the photo tour. You are among some stunning country. Thoroughly impressive.

All the photos were fantastic, and I loved the quartz. Now you just need a rock crusher and extract that yellow stuff...

I'd type more, but I'm going to look at the pictures again.


I've made some "dream catchers" awhile ago.
I gave most of them away.
Here's a couple that I still have.







I have two with feathers in my house! Maybe they help us all!

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Its raining,but all right​

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Thanks for the explanation now I'll be a little less

This calls for a song.....Gary Wright - Dream Weaver.

Dream Catchers were originally made by the Ojibway people as a talisman or a charm so to speak that was typically hung over a child's bed to ward off evil spirits and to protect them while they were in the dream world. The picture some how ended up sideways so I will post up the proper view for everyone. :laughing7: The tree is my Uncle's all year Ojibway Christmas tree so to speak and he made the Dream Catcher from a Willow (my Daughter's name) Tree in his yard when she was born. Dream Catchers were originally constructed using Willow Trees.
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