You done did it now...
Just ONE more story from Scott....
I had just gotten married and my wife collected bells.
This was in the mid 80's...
She kept them in a china cabinet.
In the same room/area that my guitars and amp was.
Here's a buddy from Georgia, who I met in the Army, and his wife who came up to Kansas for my wedding.
The China cabinet was to the left of the guitars.
One day, when I was alone,
(never leave children unattended...)
I decided to "crank it up" with some wicked distortion on some new riffs I was workin' on.
Since our closest neighbor was about 2 miles away,
I'd not get into any trouble. Right?
I hit a sustained high note and succeeded in shattering
her "favorite" crystal bell that was given to her by,
My Mom?
Her Mom?
I promised to move my guitars and amp to the garage,
when I was going to play stupid again, instead of sleeping in the garage.
Marital bad start if ever there was one.....
Curiously, it was the longest marriage.......
End of story.
A "moral?"
If you want to do it or like doing it,
it's probably illegal or get you banished to the garage.
I know....
Back to studyin'.....