
I see your off the wall humor is showing through.....that's a good sign it means your spirits are positive...another free diagnosis from Uncle

Regards + HH


He must have finished "The Bathroom Project"
and is enjoying a cold Guinness....



Don't really know why,
but a couple of Bonnie Raitt songs have been floating in my mind today...

With John Prine.

Y'all know John Prine, right?

Perhaps a subconscious need to hold my guitar and play....



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My favorite John Prine recording....

Though it brings sadness....




My tongue was once again planted firmly in my cheek, my insurance pays 100% of prevent medicine, as it should for the $878 /month premiums!And I am the fist to realize the costs and overhead that you in the field have, my wife has been in the field for almost 40 years,( she's good at holding a job).

Scott, you are right, you are only as old as you feel, and when you have a 25 year old brain, giving commands to a 62 year old body that has has been broken down by falling trees, skidders, hand piling 4 ft. pulp wood,( still done here in the North Country, and years of outdoor excitement, I hope you can see my problem, I feed my mind daily through the reading and posting of all of you, and find my catharsis, and strength to go into the next on with the rest of the day. gary

A "newer take" on an older Hank Sr. song....


My Best Wishes,


Just because I hear that some would like to hear the original version.....




You have my respect and admiration on your ability to persevere....

I, too, have had a rough "youth."

Carrying bundles of shingles up ladders, mucking in the mud during construction,
sitting in a bunker, in freezing cold, in a foreign country, waiting for chow.....

We all have had sometimes hard times, and those times help to define
our character and provide strength for our future survival.

You, Friend, are a survivor and my hat is off to you.

May your days ahead be filled with the wonder of a child,
the wisdom of an old man and the Happiness of one in Love!

My Best,


For Gary....




At 63 I can relate.....I seem to recall an old time character actor on the Johnny Carson show's response to the question of how does it feel to be growing older.....after a long pause......"It beats the alternatives"

Kind of my take on the issue also....but I do try to pace myself more than in my misspent youth....and am more moderate in my intake of libations.

Regards + HH



My tongue was once again planted firmly in my cheek, my insurance pays 100% of prevent medicine, as it should for the $878 /month premiums!And I am the fist to realize the costs and overhead that you in the field have, my wife has been in the field for almost 40 years,( she's good at holding a job).

Scott, you are right, you are only as old as you feel, and when you have a 25 year old brain, giving commands to a 62 year old body that has has been broken down by falling trees, skidders, hand piling 4 ft. pulp wood,( still done here in the North Country, and years of outdoor excitement, I hope you can see my problem, I feed my mind daily through the reading and posting of all of you, and find my catharsis, and strength to go into the next on with the rest of the day. gary


My wife took off the bandage today that the doctor put on after the stitches were done and asked me what I thought....I said heh it's not quite 48 hours and is still in the process of healing.....she said she wanted a 2nd opinion from a Doctor ok so here

Ouch! Hope your wife feels better. My finger ended up being cut at an angle. I have some steri-strips at home, I replaced the skin flap and let that be the suture. I'm not afraid of the dentist. I feel like I'm drowning when they are working on me.



  • DSC00323.webp
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I have found, to my dissatisfaction,
that I am no longer able to do back flips,
most gymnastic apparatus performances,
and other various physical feats once easily performed.

However, reaching the "age of maturity,"

I have found other means to prove myself.

I no longer "tote shingles up a ladder," muck in the mud during construction,
nor sit in a bunker waiting for chow.

I have progressed to applying myself in more important endeavors such as
helping the youth NOT to do these tasks.

The future for me is in using my brain to learn and help others to find their place in society.

"Cause, who really remembers the "jocks" from high school?

(Wasn't a jock...was a "nerd"....)

I found out that it's never too late!
In College, getting Scholarships and making a difference!

My Best,


I can no longer do back flips either, no desire to dive off high places either. My highest dive was 55 feet.

The trade off is I no longer object to a nice nap......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Since the temp. here on the lake has risen to 92, clear and with a pleasant breeze, tonight leys head south of the border, infiltrate a local cantina, and enjoy good Mexican food, actually what I'm serving tonight......

Cut up some chicken breasts into 1-2 in. strips, put in non-stik pan with olive oil, garlic, touch of oregano, red onion( sliced thin) and some green pepper. Here is where I will add a cut up, fresh chili pepper of my choice, tonight, I have a red chili at my disposal. Cook until the chicken is done, in a glass oven dish I spread some taco, or enchilada sace on the bottem, wrap your chix mixture in 10 in. tortillas, and place in the bowl and cover with remaining sauce.( I usually use 1 8 oz. can ) Bake at 350 for 10-15 min, or until bubbles....Cover with shredded cheese, back in oven to melt and place 2 of this tasty morsals on each plate. Tonight, served with super iced....Mint and lime infused iced tea. But to be traditional, and Marguareta would definitely fill the bill.. Chunked pineapple, melon, watermelon, and blueberries end the night on a cool note......Enjoy......By the way I have also made this with pork, and venison is the bomb.......Gary

"Cause, if you know, it's the end....



I can no longer do back flips either, no desire to dive off high places either. My highest dive was 55 feet.

The trade off is I no longer object to a nice nap......

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I can remember crying and pitching a fit...
"A nap preceded by milk and cookies?"

"Hell Yes!"



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"Ah, someone said 'nap,' didn't they"

"Yeah, go back to sleep, you fool."



Make me take a nap, please!!!!!

I tried it at work and the boss got mad for some stupid reason...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I have a busy schedule tomorrow,

So I'll leave my Friends with this for tonight....



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