You ever been over to Isleboro?
I have never been over there but on occasion my wife goes over on house calls for animal care. I think I have been by it on a lobster boat about twenty years ago. The boat broke down and I hoped on another lobster boat at about 9 pm. at night and was able to get home. A experience I hope to never relive...

I have never been over there but on occasion my wife goes over on house calls for animal care. I think I have been by it on a lobster boat about twenty years ago. The boat broke down and I hoped on another lobster boat at about 9 pm. at night and was able to get home. A experience I hope to never relive...

My Mom was born and brought up there,spent many a summer on that Island!

My Mom was born and brought up there,spent many a summer on that Island!
That's pretty cool! I bet my wife knows some of the same people your mother does. She seems to know everyone.


A tune for you going into the new week.....

For some reason or other I love these Southern in your face

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama(live)


I rechecked my registration time and found out it was 7:30,
so I just registered for a Bachelor's level Psychology course,

Cross Culture Psychology

This course is a survey course in cross-cultural psychology. It is designed to familiarize the student with theories of human development and current psychological research from a cross-cultural perspective. The course is designed to expand the student’s awareness and sensitivity to global similarities and differences in behavior. The student will make interconnections among culture, development and behavior in their own lives as well as others. Prerequisite: PSYC 1101/1101H with a grade of C or higher.
3.000 Credit hours

Perhaps this course is a perfect fit.....



Have fun with your class Scott. You can never have to much knowledge.
I am getting ready to go to the dermatoligist (spelling?) to see if I need any more treatments on my nose. last couple times I went she used liquid nitrogen to freeze a precancerous spot and so I am supposed to go back once a year to be looked at, as well as wear sun screen everyday. I have been good about the sunscreen but haven't been back in two years. I hope I am all set. It seems I am far to young for this type of problem...

Hope all works out well.



Hope all works out well.



Just got out of the doctors and all is well!! I do feel better!

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Now that my Fall schedule is set,
I now know what days and times that I'll be available for volunteer work.

Here's another organization that I'm considering:

Welcome to Rehabilitation Industries Of Northeast Georgia

There are so many, it is hard to choose....

My Best,


One of the Partners of R.I.N.G. is Kipper Tool.

They have been the sponsor of a Military Scholarship
that I have received for the last several semesters,
in addition to various other Foundation Scholarships.

It's now time for me to show my appreciation for the generosity of these Scholarships and,




I had contacted the Director of the Honors Program, as advised by Dr. Stewart,
and just now received this reply:

Dear Mr. Xxxxxx:
Based on Dr. Stewart's recommendation, we have added you to the Honors Philosophy course.
Please double check that your new schedule reflects the addition of this course.

Also, please note that we are moving into an Honors Program format here at UNG;
if you would like to be a part of the program itself, you'll need to go to and apply.
You may also find out more about the perks and requirements of the program on that page.

All best,
Dr. Turner

Anastasia Wright Turner, Ph.D.
Assistant Director, Honors
Assistant Professor of English
University of North Georgia
Nesbitt Building 4132
3820 Mundy Mill Road
Oakwood, GA 30566

Having already investigated the new policy, after the consolidation within the University System of Georgia,
I was aware of the changes and opportunities.

University of North Georgia Honors Program




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I replied thus:

Thank you for replying.

I'm currently investigating several local organizations for the purpose of volunteer work.

Please keep me apprised of any volunteer opportunities that I may participate in.

My Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx

This is shaping up to be a very important and memorable semester! :thumbsup:



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Glad to hear everything is OK, just made my annual physical appt. and gearing up for the yearly lecture on.....Stay out of the sun, if it hurts, don't do it, and you realize your not 25 any more......all this and see you next year. That will be $5oo please!


Glad to hear everything is OK, just made my annual physical appt. and gearing up for the yearly lecture on.....Stay out of the sun, if it hurts, don't do it, and you realize your not 25 any more......all this and see you next year. That will be $5oo please!

500 dollars! Wow, you have some pretty lousy insurance or none at all. Heck, even none at all should not be that expensive. Spend the 500 dollars on a plan ticket down to Florida in the fall and I will tell you what is wrong with you for free. Professional diagnosis: You smell bad and your mother dresses you funny.



Glad to hear everything is OK, just made my annual physical appt. and gearing up for the yearly lecture on.....Stay out of the sun, if it hurts, don't do it, and you realize your not 25 any more......all this and see you next year. That will be $5oo please!


Don't you kids know that age is nothing more than a number?

You are in the physical health that you feel! :thumbsup:

I'm 54 and some days I feel 24; other days, I feel 154.
("feeling" less than 18 is a crime in most states....)

Keep the brain well fed, the body active and your spirit towards benevolence.

That's my secret.
Shhh, that's just between y'all and me.

Hope all is well in your exam, GMD!




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500 dollars! Wow, you have some pretty lousy insurance or none at all. Heck, even none at all should not be that expensive. Spend the 500 dollars on a plan ticket down to Florida in the fall and I will tell you what is wrong with you for free. Professional diagnosis: You smell bad and your mother dresses you funny.


OK, Mr. Smarty Pants,
answer this;

Why do feet smell and noses run? :laughing7:

I'm guessing the same reason that we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway....



and "your Mother Dresses you funny?"

My only sibling is an older sister.
I HATED "hand me down" clothing during my school years.



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