Tuesday evening, my Landlord knocks on my door.
He says, "We need to talk."
Folks, that's NEVER a statement that you want to hear from a Landlord.
He said that he will be ready to move into his new house the end of July.
I have to be out of the basement apartment that I've called home for the last 12 years by then.
He also said that he wouldn't charge me rent anymore to help me save up for the move.
That helps.....
Certainly, I've mentioned that he is THE. BEST. LANDLORD. EVER!
Never heard back from Judy Judy et al. so it looks like I'm headed to local court this Thursday.
Oh, Well. Jeopardy's loss, I guess....
And to think that I've been studying by cram reading non-fiction encyclopedias, dictionaries and trivia books.....
Veterans Court on Tuesday went well.
2 of my guys are poised to Graduate the program within a month and I picked up a new Veteran to the program to mentor!
After court, I met with Judge Roberts and said that I had reached out to Congressman Collins to attend a court session but hadn't yet had a reply.
Judge Roberts said that he'd personally contact Congressman Collins on the issue.
This morning I met my locksmith Friend at his shop to "harvest" chips from miscut auto keys
to re-use in blank key shells, saving money on auto key-make calls.
(Helpful image of RFID chips)
After harvesting 25-30 chips, I asked him about the double head gumball machine in the corner.
He said that he was going to have me do my magic on it when he got me to come to the shop.
(helpful image of a "Double head" gumball machine)
I smiled and said, "I got you, Bro!"
30 minutes later, I had 2 working keys.
It was a somewhat unusual lock because it utilized a "double sided" cut key.
But, Y'all know that ole Scotty made it happen.
Before I left, I asked about a small digital safe in the corner with a coupla years worth of dust and cobwebs that I remembered from way back.
A customer had brought it in and wanted it opened.
When the price was quoted for the service, he said, "Forget it. Just keep it."
Well, my Friend said, "Take it with you, Scotty."
I said, "OK."
It's a small safe with a digital keypad.
It requires no batteries because as you spin the dial, it charges up internal batteries to make the digital electronics work....
Yeah, I got a new toy to play with....
Shouldn't take too long for ole Scotty.
I got it in the back end of my truck.
Pictures soon....
Hope my Friends are Well!
As I am making this post, I won another poker Tourney....
Can you say, "Multi-tasking?"

Can't wait to go on vacation again to Harrah's in New Orleans where I won only $600 last year.....