My favorite Cinderella song....
I often find myself humming the tune, and singing out loud, "I'm Nobody's Fool!"
Sometimes co-workers and even the boss look at me with a quizzical look on their face when I bust out singing...
Co-workers know that I'm "old" (their words, not mine...) and have eclectic tastes in music, but, they REALLY don't understand....
Kipp, a younger co-worker, whose father is close to my age and a Vet, has told me that his Father wants to meet me.
Perhaps do some shooting together.
OK. Say when....
I'm a rocker from way back and I guess you would have to have been there to understand what music and certain songs meant
to me during my life.
A story of my youth....
When I was about 20, I decided to follow a guy to an "illegal house of gambling."
Buddy's name was, "Crazy Legs."
I was bold, young and ignorant.
We go to a house on the east side of Connecticut Street, only 2 blocks of my house, and soon, I had a $100 in the pot.
The turn of a card, the flash of a gun....
I never had time to draw my weapon.
I dove out of a window and my $100 on the table was what saved my life.
And, the worse part was having to explain how I lost $100 to my wife that night....
PS. OV, Good to hear from you my Friend!
Any one want to hear of me chasing someone through the projects looking for a clear shot?
"You go, Scotty!
And, when will America realize the strength of American Patriots...
I am one to be reckoned with...Dig...