A father and son were riding in their truck together one day and the son asked the father, "Dad, how high can you count?"

The father replied, "Well, I don't know, son -- how high can you count?"

The son immediately replied, "One thousand, five hundred, forty-two."

The father said, "Why did you stop?"

The son shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, church was over."

What a day, what a day.......Our adult children have been keeping tons of crap in our garage and huge shed. Wife says it’s got to go. Today as we are working in the shed, she comes running out of the shed, hands above her head screaming saying “ get my machete, I got to kill it!” Kill what? Oh it’s about this long, I touched it. Holds up hands about 18 inches apart. I said” you’ve been touching it for 40 years, you’ve never wanted to kill it!” What was it? She slaps me and says “ you know one of those dead things...... what? You know it plays dead. Oh you touched a possum? Yeah kill it. So I go in the shed, nothing. Life gets back to normal. Then my Dachshund goes missing. I thought she was with my gs, he thought she was with me. I start calling her name...... nothing..... wife says I heard her yip behind the shed. Wife starts slashing thru the vines and comes face to face with a Burmese python...... again she screams. Hurriedly I search for my dog..... nothing. Wife hears cars behind our house slamming on breaks. I’m now going thru a patch of woods to get behind our fence. I’m running and come to a dead stop. Thorny vines hit me mid thigh....... so I decided to jump over it. Cuts from my belly to my feet. Finally I get behind our fence and I’m screaming for my dog........ then my gs says he’s got her. I sprint around the houses and back home. He’s holding her, she’s shaking. I grab her, I’m shaking where did you find her? She was in the other corner of the fence shaking and crawled up in a ball.......... thank you buddy. I walked in the house and just fell out on the couch with her........ how was your Sunday??????????

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First it was cancelled, tonight I am packing my bags to leave tomorrow for Key West........... if she changes her mind, I’m taking my dog and 12 y/o grandson and going ANYWAY!!!!!! Weigh in on this decision guys!!!!!!

For OV, especially the first video clip


First it was cancelled, tonight I am packing my bags to leave tomorrow for Key West........... if she changes her mind, I’m taking my dog and 12 y/o grandson and going ANYWAY!!!!!! Weigh in on this decision guys!!!!!!


Where can I get the hat? Well my dogs a female so I need to get her s corset! Haha thanks RC

I love number 6!!!!!


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