In 36 hours I will have my day in court with the weasel.
I'm certain that I have my court exhibits prepared and ready for presentation.
Almost $9000 is at stake and I want what I'm owed!

Let's see how this works out, shall we my Friends.



Please let us know this outcome. Remember, it’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove in court!

Please let us know this outcome. Remember, it’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove in court!

I'm thinking that due to his felony busts of drugs, with possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, nearly a year ago, he may have already been tried and sentenced to prison time, meaning that he won't even appear leading to a default judgement.
In the event that he DOES appear, he has no chance.
I WILL win a judgement.

Now then....
The question of collecting comes about.....

I can see it he pleads.....
Damn Weasel....
Perhaps his only asset is the Flea Market/Antique Store.
I will advocate that he sell it.
To ME!
But, what do I know of antiques?
Heh, heh....


This is not an album that I have.
I have the CD!

J Geils.webp
As you can see, it is well played.....

From 78rpm's of the early 1900's to CD's of today,
Ole Scotty has the music in him! Dig!

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In today's world, where thinking is done for you via social media and the mainstream media, consider this:

What if the British had quashed America's rights to Freedom of taxation without representation?
What if the Democrats had won to keep slaves and Black people in oppression?
What if Hitler, Mussolini, and Hideki Tojo had defeated the Allies?
What kind of twisted world would you be living in today?

Bread lines of the Great Depression would be a minor inconvenience because you would certainly starve to death under the socialist regime of Stalin.
Millions did.

Perhaps you like a ride in a train in Germany in the 40's.
To a death camp. No ticket or papers required. Get on board to your death.

How about you go live in the fabulous socialist country of Venezuela?
I'll buy you a one-way ticket to your paradise.....

But, today, you live in America.
Where thousands of extraordinary people, like myself, once pledged their fortune,
their honor and their life to protect the way of life that your parents, grandparents and you now enjoy.

Those people are called Veterans. Patriots. Heroes.
If you do not appreciate what we have done to better your life in a Free Democracy, you can get the F*** out of MY Country.
"Live Free Or Die."

No, my Friends, I fear not any "Government" nor any demands contrary to my beliefs, for I have recourse....
Any Questions?


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What if the Native Americans won?


This gal that belongs to a craft group(same one as my wife) makes some neat stuff just using recycled junk.


  • star wars.webp
    star wars.webp
    155.3 KB · Views: 49
Court was a success.

Before court, we met with a "Mediator."
As I produced pages of documentation, there was nothing left to question.

The weasel then started to talk about a squirrel who chewed up wires in the breaker box at the flea market....
But the mediator would have none of that.

Mr. Weasel tried to hem-haw but eventually coalesced that he owed the money.

Total judgement in my favor was $9129.50.

Monthly payments of $500 for 18 months.
Possible early payoff.
If he defaults, he goes to jail.

I said that I'd accept silver coins, at melt price, as possible payments.
Weasel sure looked like a whipped puppy....

But, ya know, I think I'd rather have all of my currency back.....
Oh, Well.....



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Haha good job. Well I didn’t get threatened with jail at the VA today...... I guess the ******* cop got some wall to wall counseling

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Just got a text from my locksmith Friend.
He needs help with a Toyota Camry key.
A "Chip" key.

Sometimes people will drop off vehicles needing work at the shop.

Sometimes, it is an antique car needing all new keys where none are owned.

Sometimes, it is a vehicle the customer wants all new keys due to it having been previously stolen
and new locks are requested to prevent future occurrences.

Sometimes it is when a lock (ignition) is damaged and needs replacing.

From what I've gathered, this time it is a key in the ignition that can't be removed.
Whether it is the incorrect key, or it is broken off in the lock, I'm not sure.
But, time for ole Scotty to put on his cape and Wizard hat and do his magic!

I texted back,
"I'll see you at the shop Saturday at 9 o'clock. We will make it happen. You know I got your back, Brother!"



Also, Tony, who works where I do and is related to my locksmith Friend, wants me to assemble a smoker for him.
He asked what I'd charge.
I said, "Brother, only a plateful of what you cook!"

I just texted my locksmith Friend, Garry, to have Tony meet us at the shop on Saturday.

Perhaps after all of this, I can go shooting.
I'll have to check with my Landlord first and see if it is OK to shoot on his property....
Maybe we can all go shooting!
I have plenty of paper targets....

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And, how do I feel right now?

After winning a court case that I have lost sleep worrying about?
After worrying about having to move?
After worrying about my future?

Just lit a $20 Romeo Juliet cigar.
Cracked open an $80 bottle of Scotch.
Ah, yes.
The finer things of life shall come to those who deserve them.

You tell me.
And I'll tell you how to be a winner.

Key thought is, "Focus."


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Just spoke with my Landlord.
Shooting this weekend?

My Mp 15 is in his hands....

And, I'd like to see the progress of his home.....


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I use to work for a Lt Col that loved to drink. I protected him more than once. He use to say “ I need another Scottle of Botch” read it fast.........

Court was a success.

Before court, we met with a "Mediator."
As I produced pages of documentation, there was nothing left to question.

The weasel then started to talk about a squirrel who chewed up wires in the breaker box at the flea market....
But the mediator would have none of that.

Mr. Weasel tried to hem-haw but eventually coalesced that he owed the money.

Total judgement in my favor was $9129.50.

Monthly payments of $500 for 18 months.
Possible early payoff.
If he defaults, he goes to jail.

I said that I'd accept silver coins, at melt price, as possible payments.
Weasel sure looked like a whipped puppy....

But, ya know, I think I'd rather have all of my currency back.....
Oh, Well.....



Glad things worked out well. One quick correction. If he defaults on his agreed payments he will NOT go to jail. This is a judgement in civil court and civil court does not have jail as an option. If he defaults then the court will issue a default judgement in your favor, and you can then use certain options to collect on that judgement.

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