Just a post, before I go.....
A bit of advice, concerning wives....
I should know, I've had 3....
No, Smarty, not at the same time. That's against the law.
In most states....
And against the law of sanity.....
Who in their right mind would want more than one "Mother-in-Law" at a time?
Forgive me, I once again digress....
One piece of advice is that....
Men never can remember "important" things, like anniversaries, birthdays, what she wore the first time you saw her...
My advice is to have a card and gift already prepared for ALL such occasions, hidden away in perhaps the garage.
When that day comes, that you have forgotten,
Say, "Sure, Baby, I remembered!"
Then, go to the garage, retrieve the hidden gift and card, and you will win, Dig?
Man info #2....
When the subject of, "Where do you want to go out to eat" comes up,
give her the keys and say, "Surprise me my Love!"
I hope that I've made Y'all's life just a bit easier....
"You gotta admit that ole Scotty knows what time it is."
"Yeah, but he doesn't know what day it is."
Be Well, my Friends....