
Well if she goes towards the Pacific and you head East no issues with fighting at least.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Just a post, before I go.....

A bit of advice, concerning wives....
I should know, I've had 3....
No, Smarty, not at the same time. That's against the law.
In most states....
And against the law of sanity.....
Who in their right mind would want more than one "Mother-in-Law" at a time?
Forgive me, I once again digress....

One piece of advice is that....
Men never can remember "important" things, like anniversaries, birthdays, what she wore the first time you saw her...
My advice is to have a card and gift already prepared for ALL such occasions, hidden away in perhaps the garage.
When that day comes, that you have forgotten,
Say, "Sure, Baby, I remembered!"
Then, go to the garage, retrieve the hidden gift and card, and you will win, Dig?

Man info #2....

When the subject of, "Where do you want to go out to eat" comes up,
give her the keys and say, "Surprise me my Love!"

I hope that I've made Y'all's life just a bit easier....



"You gotta admit that ole Scotty knows what time it is."
"Yeah, but he doesn't know what day it is."

Be Well, my Friends....

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Soon, I will post videos of me playing original songs.
Not here, but my Friends know where....
Time to tune up my guitars, open up my years old notebooks of lyrics and melodies and play my soul once again.

Perhaps I'll find some who also want to play....
And you might hear of us one day...."

In my life, the sweetest sound to me has always been music.
And my Mom, saying that she loved me just before she died....
She knew of my Service.
And was proud of her Son.....
And I didn't have to play a "Veteran's Card."


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Really though, Friends come and go.

I cry when I lose a Friend.
Especially in my arms....

Should I cry for you, Dean?
Perhaps I'll play the "Friendship Card."
You, Sir have NO idea of my Service or any other Patriot's service to America.
Stand Down and let America's Heroes keep you safe.Perhaps you have forgotten that my pledge
to protect and defend America has no expiration date.
I am always there. And my weapons are ready.
Try me....
There's a card for you to play.....

Ah! Your silence was ANTICIPATED. I KNOW WHY.....
Do you?
Meet me somewhere in a psychology debate....
I'm game....
Are you?
Perhaps you are scared of ole Scotty?
How could ole Scotty show you up in psychology?
Maybe because he got solid "A's" in College?
Perhaps that his Major Degree is psychology?

Never mind all that.
What is it that you want to discuss with Scotty?

I already know what you are thinking before you speak.

Yeah, see why the Army wanted me?
I've said too much.
Good bye my Friends.,



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You know, I'm tired of dancing around one who pissed me off.
If you do not apologize for the comment of "Playing the Veteran Card,"
I will lose all respect for you.
You can either make apology publicly or by PM.
Friends that I spent time with, told me of "Cards."
Cards that they left on bodies of North Vietnamese.

So, when you think that you know about "playing a card,"

You don't know S*it..

Your move...


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I told my mother the original song is my mantra. I play the original every night for my grandson. I told my mother I hope I fulfilled what she wanted of me. She said “ son I love you. I just wanted you to be happy “ I’ve requested, when the time comes, for them to play this song at my funeral........

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I think this song just rocks!!!!!!

You know you’re getting old when no matter what musicians are playing, you stand there with your lighter on or smartphone and yell FREEBIRD, FREEBIRD! Yeup I can’t sleep


Here's hoping your get you insomnia under control, take care my friend.

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I recently installed the Ring doorbell. Even though I have 2 posted “ No trespassing, no soliciting and no loitering “ signs, we still get miscreants at our front door. I try to be very security conscious, even though there are 2 police officers living within 100 yards of my home. One of my favorite deterrents is to place a large dog bowl by the back door.Fill it with water....... I highly suggest a ring doorbell for everyone. I bought mine off EBay and I pay $30.00 a year!

I had to go to the lab and give blood ( I think I don’t have any left) and a urine sample. I took my service dog. When the tech handed me the bottle she said “ we need a urine sample” I said “ why do you think I brought my dog?” She laughed at my response


Thanks for the chuckles, here's hoping the tests are A OK.


Here's an interesting article about how a village in India solved it's water scarcity problems.


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