its all cool i forgive you and i apologize for me commenting like that
Gold Boy,
You once commented that you were my Friend.
That means alot to an old Vet like me....
You really don't know what we have been through....
And I hope that you never do.....
Regardless of what others may think,
When a Friend says, "Why not?"
With a pistol to their head,
All of your trivial bullshit has no basis.
Does it?
You just lost a Friend.....
22 Vets commit suicide every day.
I mentor Vets who have issues.
I've lost Vet Friends to suicide.....
I have personally met with Congressmen and Senators regarding Veterans issues.
Whom among you can say the same?
I personally apologize to you, Gold Boy...
I didn't realize your youth and thought of you as an adult,
based upon your posts that led me to believe that you were older than your years....
Perhaps, despite your youth, you are an adult....
Though some are quick to chastise me, mentioning "The Veteran Card," and such,
I don't play those games. Dig?
Life and Death is no game.
I truly wish for you the best in your formative years and hope that your life choices will be beneficial.
And worthy of this old Vet....
Always know that you will have my best wishes and if I can offer any advice,
Know that I and other Vets are always here for you.
Be Well, My Friend!
And, this will never be discussed again unless I can help Vets....
I have another meeting scheduled with Congressman Collins next week....
Perhaps he will listen to my missive.....
After all, he is a Vet.....