The recipe is worthless unless you use Hvarti Cheese.....
How do I know?
I am a Chef.
Not a "Greasy Spoon Late night cook."
I have prepared meals for parents on "Parent's Day" as the Kitchen Manager of a Sorority at a major University....
But, I have nothing to prove to anyone. I know where I have been and what I have seen....
Cooking is better than killing, isn't it?
View attachment 1643575
"I don't always waste my time,
But when I do, it is with my Critter Friends."
And, what I expect from my Friends, that which are your best in your life,
to be there for your Family and your Friends, and America's Vets.
To help another who may need help...for a vet, you may see, with a sign, along a road, asking for a meal,
remember that it might be me....I might be hungry.....
Yesterday, as I was getting gas,
I saw a walking skeleton.,
I pulled up beside him and said, "My Brother, Are you hungry?"
He feigned help, but I saw his needs.....
When others are blind,
Scotty has a vision......
The story continues.....