Oh Johnny where are you friend? I hope you are well......


Here's a cavalia performance for your enjoyment.


Fall soon approaches.

Now is the time to take care of those chores that you have put off all summer......

One chore, that my Landlord has neglected all summer, is a section of fascia, in the front, that REALLY needs attention....


Tonight, I will pay rent for October and inform him that ALL of the squirrels in the neighborhood have
found out about this and I saw one run inside this morning.

I'll offer to repair the fascia including caulking and painting, ready for his "gutter man" to reinstall the gutter.

How much, you (he) may ask?


All for the low price of:
"He pays for all materials and I get credit for one month's rent."

Including the one month's rent and his cost of materials, I'll guess the total cost would be somewhere around $500...
Give or take a "dollar-two-ninety-eight...."

Was busy this weekend buying more currency.....

A couple of 1929 $20 notes, a "funny-back" $1 note, an early $10 note and a couple of older $5 notes....
I'll post pics when they arrive.

Hope all had a great weekend.

Always my Best Wishes,


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Tomorrow, I will have to leave for work early so I can mail some coins to a Fellow I'm swapping with in Mississauga, Ontario.

I'm working on a few other swaps with guys in France, Germany and Texas.




I'm considering leaving "The Critters."
I was unfairly accused of "Playing the Veteran Card" in a PM.....
DEATH is unfair....

Perhaps the one who made me angry will PM me to patch things up....

I'm open to such encounters.....

Your comments will determine my decision.
In the meantime, let me show you what a Vet is.....



This is when you realize that you love your fellow vets....

Cold War?
Any War....

And, Here's my "Veteran's card."

The freezing temperatures of laying in a bunker, somewhere in Europe,
my weapon ready, rounds I've been ready to send, and dinner in a can, thrown to me.
If you are lucky enough....
Hope your ass has a p-38....
And, then, your platoon is deployed!

I only wish that it could have saved many of my Friends.....then and later....
But, I cannot talk about my service.
What I can say is that it was a major event, involving Nuclear missiles
And the "Red Army Faction."

And, You were safe, weren't you?
I am Proud of my Service and NO ONE will ever take that from me.

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Uncle Bill grandson says “ Thank you, would love to see you in the stands! Hahaha

Scott you worked nukes, I worked anti/counterterrorism. Always remember this from an old cranky senior enlisted man” we are and will always be One team, one fight”! Didn’t matter if you cooked, drove the boat, stacked the bombs, or flew the jet!!!!

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So, let's enjoy America, Shall we?

As an American Vet, I will live and die for America.
I don't need to play any "card."

Those who know me will agree...


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Easy there.......Take it easy


Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results." –Willie Nelson

I’m at a bad place in life. I’m not well. I’m tired, my kids are driving me insane, an argument everyday about nothing, wife and I don’t get along...... so I decided to do this Kokoro Yoga 30 day challenge. I’m on day 11 now. I have read every book Commander Divine has written. So I decided to go back to the basics. My grandson wasn’t doing well in baseball. I had him visualize his batting. He hit a double off the fence. He is doing this with me!!! It’s awesome. Think about it in your life........

So this happened yesterday— as you guys know my wife wrecked her car. So we got a rental vehicle while her car was being worked on. I took the rental back yesterday and finally picked up her car. As I was in the vehicle rental place, this happened

There was a lady turning in a rental. The agent said to her “ I’m not going to charge you the $250 for clean up this time, but you know there’s no smoking allowed in our vehicles “
She says “ I don’t smoke”
Ma’am somebody did
I don’t smoke and my husband don’t smoke
Ma’am somebody did and you can smell it
Look you can smell it and see the ashes
That’s dirt
I have to call my son to come get me. Oh wait that’s him now
In that silver car?
Right there?
In the drivers seat?

And I looked over to see this monster cloud of smoke emanating from the silver car........... SILENCE........ hehehe


Good luck with the 30 day challenge, anything that gets you out of your funk and in a positive frame of mind.

I’m at a bad place in life. I’m not well. I’m tired, my kids are driving me insane, an argument everyday about nothing, wife and I don’t get along...... so I decided to do this Kokoro Yoga 30 day challenge. I’m on day 11 now. I have read every book Commander Divine has written. So I decided to go back to the basics. My grandson wasn’t doing well in baseball. I had him visualize his batting. He hit a double off the fence. He is doing this with me!!! It’s awesome. Think about it in your life........

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