RC you a funny man. Hey Dram sh*t I forgot what I was going to write...... checking out, be back later

Check this out. I’m a member of a neighborhood online thing called Nextdoor. For the most part it’s info sharing but now the old goodie two shoes are just whiners!!!!!!! A bunch of tattletales and as I call it runtelldaddys. So I live about 1 mile from a Harley dealership. They always have live bands. Well on this inter web site, a bunch of goodie twoshoes, leaveittobeavers, are trying to complain and get a petition signed against the dealership......... whine about something that counts such as traffic problems we have......... I think I’m going to go to the dealership and tell them what people are trying to do in advance........... and I don’t want anything for it. I can’t stand people like that. Would you guys tell the Harley dealership????????


Sure why not if they are complaining about chicken **** stuff.

A2cions has been reading this whole thread!
Must be an insomniac

I guess that I'm not smart enough to send pictures from my phone to my PC,
so I took in my camera for the jack pictures....

The base of the jack that went off the dock.
Notice the big crack at the base of the ring....

Another view of the stripped down base.

The "parts" removed to use on the new base.

The drive unit with drive wheel.

Can't wait for the new deck to arrive!

Then, yesterday, I was told to report to the administration building to assemble something....:icon_scratch:
So, I grabbed a multi screwdriver and a pair of pliers, slipped them into my back pocket and went.....

Anyone have a guess?
The whole time, I was thinking to myself, "Some assembly required...."

The finished project.


The company is sponsoring a program called "Empty Bowls" or something and will draw at random for this prize to give to someone who has contributed.
Not bad skill for only having a multi screwdriver and pair of pliers.
About an hour and a half.

Hope all are well!

Best Always,


Today, I saw Jason, Shannon's Boss, the guy who I painted his office a couple of weeks ago and I asked him if anyone had been selected yet for September's "Employee of the Month."
He said that he didn't think so.
So I said, "I nominate Kipp. He's been with the company over 15 years and he has taught me alot and I still learn from him everyday. He has leadership skills and is taking ammonia refrigeration classes to enhance his value to the company."
Jason said, "I like your nomination and I will vote for him!"

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Check this out. I’m a member of a neighborhood online thing called Nextdoor. For the most part it’s info sharing but now the old goodie two shoes are just whiners!!!!!!! A bunch of tattletales and as I call it runtelldaddys. So I live about 1 mile from a Harley dealership. They always have live bands. Well on this inter web site, a bunch of goodie twoshoes, leaveittobeavers, are trying to complain and get a petition signed against the dealership......... whine about something that counts such as traffic problems we have......... I think I’m going to go to the dealership and tell them what people are trying to do in advance........... and I don’t want anything for it. I can’t stand people like that. Would you guys tell the Harley dealership????????

People against people having a good time.
Yet they don't offer to host any social events.
Maybe they need to dance ,enjoy the bands and catch a ride on a bike.
And if they ask nicely ,they can get a ride.

Years ago some one I knew gave a real old girl a ride without asking why she asked.
She thanked him after and said she missed riding years ago with her now deceased husband.
Now ,this guy was about a trip....But even he was touched by her wanting to ride one more time.

Them kind of people ain't the type for neighborhood gossip and throwing hands in the air if some one farts sideways. They're too busy livin. Or at least tryin to.

I'd be down at the Harley dealership having fun after inviting the soured neighbors to join me there. If that answers your question?

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While checking in to a Facebook Group of my hometown, I saw this....


Well, I had to post a reply....

Seems I remember years ago a guy named Mark Creamer stood on Mass. St., in front of Watkins Museum and lit up a joint in front of the cops wanting to be arrested. I think he was eventually arrested for disorderly conduct or something and ran for a public office while in jail. However, I'm old and feeble and my memory isn't what it once was....LOL!

Then, I added to the discussion....

And, also several years ago, I was driving on Mass. St. with my Mom and we saw a group holding up a sign saying, "HONK FOR HEMP!" Well, with my Mom in the front seat, I didn't honk until she slapped my upside the back of my head and said, "I voted for Kemp! You better honk!" So I did. :laughing7:



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Here's a song that I'm sure no one has ever heard....
From an album I have.
Turn it up.
Play it again and see if it doesn't become a favorite!

I have many albums of songs that no one has ever heard.
Some are pretty good!



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Having lost the lid to my bottle of scotch just now, I thought y'all might like this.....



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One of my favorite songs. Scott we are a lot alike my friend. I too am going through a spell. Looks like my wife has to have a complete hysterectomy. She’s young. Seems like she gets cut on weekly. You take care my friend...

Today I went on thesaurus dot com. I searched for the word Ninjas. The computer told me Ninjas can not be found. Well played Ninjas, well played

Remember after Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says WTF !

I’m so tired..... wife just informed me she’s having surgery tomorrow. I don’t get it...... she isn’t better from the last one.......

I’m so tired..... wife just informed me she’s having surgery tomorrow. I don’t get it...... she isn’t better from the last one.......

my prayers go out to you and her


Good luck to you on your wife's surgery wishing you both all the best.

I’m so tired..... wife just informed me she’s having surgery tomorrow. I don’t get it...... she isn’t better from the last one.......

Well ,it is after Monday Tuesday so.....WTF..
Kind of a short notice.
Hang in there .

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