RC now that’s funny right there I don’t care who you are!!!

Uncle Bill AWESOME that’s an old favorite of mine. I haven’t heard it in quite awhile!!!! Thank you

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Prepare to laugh!!!!

"Lord, I apologize for that one there, and please be with all the starving Pygmies down there in New Guinea! Amen! "

RC on my last deployment to Afghanisuck I took a couple Larry the Cable Guy DVDs with me. They were the most popular DVDs. I was at a FOB, me and my room dog were in a room that use to house goats. So one night I heard these 2 beside my room laughing this pure deep laughter. The next morning I asked them what was the party they were having. Two Portland boys, first time hearing Larry the Cable Guy!!!!!!

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I’ve basically been up all night. At 5:30 we started getting ready for her surgery. At 7:00 we received a call that her surgeon called in sick. I told her that “was a sign” no cutting today. Thank you all.....yes, rescheduled

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Here's keeping my fingers crossed it all works out ok.


Spill the Wine.

Eric Burdon also recorded with "The Animals."
Perhaps a tune by the Animals that you may or may not have heard.....

As you might realize, I am somewhat of a musical archivist. And a discography geek....
Here is the same song performed over 25 years before, on the "Specialty" 78 RPM label, by Percy Mayfield.
(And, yes, I have "The Animals" 33 rpm album that the song is on. The title of the album is, "Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted.")

One of my favorite discs....

My copy of the 78 record....

Y'all have a GREAT Weekend!



OK. I pulled out my copy of the Animals 33 rpm.


Have I told the story of when I was a "Guest DJ," after winning a contest on a radio station?
I was live for an hour.
I was required to give the weather, local news and advertising "lead-ins" between songs.
I nailed it!

And I could play any songs that I wanted.
Trouble was, they didn't have the albums that I wanted to play songs from.
So, I went with my own albums to play.....

WYMX, an FM Station in Augusta, Georgia!
Must have been in the early 80's.....
Here's the question that I answered correctly for the opportunity....

"On a standard 33 rpm album, how many grooves are there on BOTH sides?"

Do the math.....

Ah, yes!
An orchestral backing is the only way to fly!
Gotta love the strings!

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Well I did something today I don’t usually do. On my way to pickup the 16 y/o from school I saw a man pointing his finger in a woman’s face. She got away from him and he grabbed her real hard in a bear hug and then shoved her backwards. I couldn’t get across the 4 lane so I called 9-11. I gave their description and told the operator it may escalate quickly. She said I was the 10th caller. After I picked up my grandson. Of course we had to travel the same way Home. Ambulance and 3 squad cars were on scene. The couple walked away......... had he pulled a gun or knife, I would have rammed vehicles to get them out of my way....... my guess, she refused to press charges...... I did my duty

Well I did something today I don’t usually do. On my way to pickup the 16 y/o from school I saw a man pointing his finger in a woman’s face. She got away from him and he grabbed her real hard in a bear hug and then shoved her backwards. I couldn’t get across the 4 lane so I called 9-11. I gave their description and told the operator it may escalate quickly. She said I was the 10th caller. After I picked up my grandson. Of course we had to travel the same way Home. Ambulance and 3 squad cars were on scene. The couple walked away......... had he pulled a gun or knife, I would have rammed vehicles to get them out of my way....... my guess, she refused to press charges...... I did my duty

good job other people would have just walked by and done nothing

good job other people would have just walked by and done nothing

Yeah thank you. Like I said when I drove by the second time, it was obvious the police had spoken to them and released them both. Had he escalated, I would have escalated........ I don’t stand for that crap. Looking back on it, I should’ve filmed the situation

good job other people would have just walked by and done nothing


Good for you to become involved, albeit in a limited capacity.

Nowadays, most people would stand on the side and video the assault, and not even try to assist.
So don't worry about filming.....

You and I have obviously been cut from the same cloth...
I have always stood up and acted towards any abuse to children, the elderly, women, the disabled and animals.

The best post I've seen all day!

God Bless you, Brother!



Thursday at work, Kipp bought lunch for the guys. Zaxby's.
So, ole Scotty had to pick up the game yesterday and I bought 2 large pizzas and a 2 liter of Sprite.

Funny how after lunch everyone is sleepy and moves slowly. Except me!
After lunch, I made the rounds to the guard shacks to pick up "safety vest money."
That is at least a mile walk altogether.
As I was passing through the new freezer building, on the way back to the shop, I saw a forklift parked outside of the maintenance door.
I hopped on it and was going to park it when I felt a "thump, thump."
I got off and inspected the drive wheel and saw that it was "chunked out" to the metal hub.
So, I pulled it into the shop and changed out the drive wheel.
I then parked it as I originally had planned and went back down to the maintenance shop.

About 30 minutes later, Greg, the Plant Supervisor came into the shop and said to Kipp, "You need to check out Forklift #31 up at the freezer Building. It has a wheel problem."
I happened to be standing there and smiled. I said, "I've already taken care of it."
Greg looked at me in astonishment and then said, "I knew you were fast, Scott, but it was just reported to me!"

I said, "Well, I guess I know things. You could say that I'm psychotic."
Everyone laughed and Kipp said, "You mean psychic?"
I said, "Yeah, that, too!"

Also learned that Kipp was passed over for "Employee of the Month" and it was given to Ken, the IT manager.
I'll keep pushing for Kipp to win.
Let's see if he can get it next month.

Next week is a Holiday week and then, the next week is my Vacation.

New Orleans, HERE I COME, Baby, Ready or not!



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Went to see my locksmith Friend this morning.
Looking to have him purchase items for me with his account.
A tubular lock pic, some key blanks and a couple of other picks.
I took him a freezer bag full of alligator tail meat.
We love that s***!

I'll take a cooler with me on vacation and get some dry ice and bring back all kinds of goodies!


By the way, what's the rule about oysters? Something about months that end in "R?"


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Kipp, who is younger than me, always likes to challenge me to "Guess this song."

Well, he was impressed when I named this tune and singer....Add sang along.....

He has NO IDEA!
And, I like it that way....Dig?
My Pap was in a "Motor Club," called "The OutKasts" in Kansas in the 50's.
And, I was involved with....AHEM!


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