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Joke of the day — One night at the dinner table, the wife commented, "When we were first married, you took the small piece of steak and gave me the larger. Now you take the large one and leave me the smaller. You don't love me any more?"

"Nonsense, darling," replied the husband, "you just cook better now."

:laughing9: thanks for the laugh

Better joke of the day. Based on real world experience— this man is going through his checkbook when he notices his wife’s expenditures” Hey woman, what’s this $150.00 to Walmart, $200.00 to Ross, $125.00 to Kohl’s?” Long pause wife says “ what about the boat?” He replies “ hey woman....... that’s MY boat” hehehe

My stepdad did 2 tours of Vietnam. 1 with the 101st and once with the 1st Cavalry. He is a recipient of the Bronze Star with “V” device for Valor...... I asked him what was his biggest fear. His reply “Well son, honestly, some 18 years later somebody knocking on my door and saying that you?” Hehehe I love my dad! He’s funny

My favorite saying from pops......”Son, when you’re up to your ass in alligators, well that’s too late to drain the swamp”

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Makin longer runs with better weather. And yard work. And getting all engines running. (The farther I run them ,the farther I am from yard work.......)

Yesterday I went to the county seat to fill out a pistol license renewal application , hop through hoops , and pay money to exercise a right..
Near the end of the deal the clerk was staring at the computer screen like something was wrong.
I asked if it said to detain and arrest me.
She replied by asking "should it?". To which I replied....Not yet!

By virtue of the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, the right of THE PEOPLE to bear arms shall not be infringed.....

The hoops to jump through, the barrels to bend over that one must endure to enjoy one's Constitutional Right.....

Yet, when one demands that proof of citizenship be required to vote...
Don't the Democrats get their panties in a twist?

"No Politics" filter was temporarily turned off...

Please resume your daily activities...


"Fear not those whom advocate the bullet, but instead, fear those whom control the Ballot." ©Scott 2018




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And, for my Friends, A light tune this day to see you into the week ahead....

I have much to prepare for my upcoming journey to North Carolina.
Gear, supplies, food and whatever may come.
Surely my years of past camping, hiking and survival trips will be utilized.

Y'all be well and have a great week ahead! Dig?


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Here ya go....

(Notice the "Screaming Eagle" patches of the 101st Airbourne? I did.)

When I was there, and a Friend said no more....
I cried.
As he put a gun in his mouth and blew his brains out on me.

Y'all have no idea....

What could have I done?
How could I have saved him?
I asked , Why?"
He said, "Why not?"
And pulled the trigger....

I still remember my Friend...

And cry....
Sleep is not a friend....



Does the time make any difference?

Men fight wars for a reason.
Men fight the demons that they carry home from places afar...
Who is there to help?

Men fight for Freedom and Liberty.

A man of all Seasons.
A man of all Reasons.

The truth lies within your soul....
The Brothership of Veterans is one that is strong.
Sometimes, we may not speak of our service, but,
By God, we are the hope and Future of America.
We are there and we are the best option that America has.

Many have died in sacrifice to America and I am one who will do so also.

I am an American Vet.
Doubt me and you will die.
I will protect America.
Doubt me and you will die.

My weapons are well cleaned, oiled and waiting....
The tears shed for my fellow Vets make my weapons more viable.....
Try me....



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Just ordered an official USGS Topo map of the area I plan to visit...

View attachment 1592557

Perhaps, in lieu of unfamiliar territory, I'll take my compass on this journey....


I don't want to get lost....

Yeah, I'm a nerd, but don't think for a second that I'm stupid....Dig?
You see that my pencil is sharpened! :laughing7:


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Just remembered that my Landlord is off racing in South Carolina this weekend and I'm to watch and feed the Girls.
Just bought some more cat chow for them and now time to see how they are doing.

Certainly, I can provide fresh water and chow...
And perhaps a little something special...
Some "wet" chow.
Some "Friskies Meaty Bits."
The girls love me!

Be back in a minute or three....


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Worked on my boat today. I replaced all the fuel lines and fuel water separator, of course between the rain drops. Lost an important screw, but found it with my new pin pointer. Hehehe Yeup momma is on another cruise....

AU24K & 2GF: When I was in Viet XXXXXX Nam, the only I was afraid of was a 2nd Lieutenant with a compass and a map.

And possibly a radio! Hehe

HAHAHA Oh lord I’m laughing so hard it hurts!!!!


I SWEAR it rains everyday here.........Look, I didnt make this up. I dont have that skillset........same for last week too.........I better start building that second ark? hahahaha

Having flashbacks to London...............hahahahahahaaha

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