Here ya go....
(Notice the "Screaming Eagle" patches of the 101st Airbourne? I did.)
When I was there, and a Friend said no more....
I cried.
As he put a gun in his mouth and blew his brains out on me.
Y'all have no idea....
What could have I done?
How could I have saved him?
I asked , Why?"
He said, "Why not?"
And pulled the trigger....
I still remember my Friend...
And cry....
Sleep is not a friend....
Does the time make any difference?
Men fight wars for a reason.
Men fight the demons that they carry home from places afar...
Who is there to help?
Men fight for Freedom and Liberty.
A man of all Seasons.
A man of all Reasons.
The truth lies within your soul....
The Brothership of Veterans is one that is strong.
Sometimes, we may not speak of our service, but,
By God, we are the hope and Future of America.
We are there and we are the best option that America has.
Many have died in sacrifice to America and I am one who will do so also.
I am an American Vet.
Doubt me and you will die.
I will protect America.
Doubt me and you will die.
My weapons are well cleaned, oiled and waiting....
The tears shed for my fellow Vets make my weapons more viable.....
Try me....