Perhaps a joke within a story....
As I have mentioned, I used to be fond of illegal substances....
When I was much younger, a few of us would drop some "Vitamin A."
Late one summer night, 4-5 of us were tripping and we decided to walk to a large park to throw some "Hippy Disc."
(Frisbie, that is...)
Well, as we were walking to the park, one Friend started telling a joke. He had a beer in hand and it took the entire time of the walk for him to finish the joke.
I noticed during the walk that he was still sucking on the same beer.
Upon closer examination, I saw that the beer can was empty.
And upside down!
Anyway, here's the joke...
One day on Sesame Street, the bus was traveling down the street. Possibly going to Mr. Hooper's store to buy some candy.
Well, on this bus, near the front, were two large girls named "Patty."
Now, when I say large, I mean overweight....
Also on the bus, near the back was a fellow named, "Ross."
Ross is not all there. Perhaps he has a hole in his marble bag?
Sometimes he will argue with himself....
Anywhich, the bus is going down Sesame Street when all of a sudden ol' Cheat and Lester jump out in front of the bus from behind a parked car!
The bus screeches to a halt and Cheat and Lester start beating on the sides of the bus and raising hell.
The bus driver turns on his CB radio to call the police to report the incident.
Finally, on Channel 19, a police officer keys the mike and says, "What's going on?"
The bus driver says,
"You are not going to believe this Officer, but,
I've got two obese Patty's, special Ross and Cheat and Lester pickin' on a Sesame Street Bus!"
And, in case you don't get it......
From the 70's.