Nice rig dieselram!
No mini-van and black socks with sandals for you ....Yet! L.o.l..

Thought of you the other day when a youngster pulled out in front of me with a dog of a truck with stacks and tried to roll coal on me.
Too much boggin and to little grunt out of the hole on his part and I wasn't slowin down much so he got rollin better instead at the almost getting helped along point , but I got a good laugh out of it. Maybe he did too...

Lol! No black socks and sandals for me, I’m barefoot and in flip flops! Haha
That’s funny about the truck, my first love is always the diesels. It’s funny how many with stacks I see lately! I have to admit, there’s nothing more funny than rolling coal on a Prius on earth day!


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A month or so ago, my waterproof case was getting worn out, so I got the waterproof life proof NUUD case with a glass screen protector. Awesome way to go, and no hazy plastic screen cover to cloud the display

Lol! No black socks and sandals for me, I’m barefoot and in flip flops! Haha
That’s funny about the truck, my first love is always the diesels. It’s funny how many with stacks I see lately! I have to admit, there’s nothing more funny than rolling coal on a Prius on earth day!


"What? You got a problem with a Prius? They can run downhill with the wind to their back faster than you can walk! Especially if you are wearing 'flip-flops'!"




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"And, we are now all amused. Time for a song. From a great guitar legend, who passed much too soon...
Give it up for, STEVIE. RAY. VAUGHAN!"



Another sidenote....

While searching through boxes, looking for photographs,
(I hate searching for photos 'cause I always find ones that make me cry...)
I found my notebook of original songs that I've written!
I haven't seen that notebook in almost 20 years!

Just like seeing an old Friend again....
Can't wait to revisit what I started and maybe finish....

Pictures of pictures....

A few of the guitars that I've owned....



And me, with the notebook, and my 12 string in the background, from the mid 80's.......
That is the 12 string that I played live on stage....


Is it too late to find a bassist, a keyboardist, a drummer and go on tour?

Perhaps a lead singer....
I couldn't carry a tune if you wrapped it up in a bag and handed it to me....

But, I CAN come close to Freddie's vocals.
With proper "warm-ups."

And, who now "Fronts" Queen?

Paul Rodgers from "Bad Company."

Imagine that....

Any one here old enough to remember when Paul was with "Free?"

Reached #4 in April 1970.
Was on the charts for 16 weeks.
In the top 40 for 13 weeks.
In the "Top 10" for 6 weeks.

Yeah, I'm old enough....And I remember....
'Cause I know music, Dig?

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"What? You got a problem with a Prius? They can run downhill with the wind to their back faster than you can walk! Especially if you are wearing 'flip-flops'!"





And, I leave my Friends this evening with my favorite tune by the "Silver Fox."

Y'all keep on rolling with the flow and you'll never grow old....Dig?

Now, I find the time to fine tune my 12 string and work on old songs once again....

I have all night, you know....:coffee2:

What is my state of mind as I continue writing my old songs?
What influence strikes me?

Finding the right chord, the right note?

Perhaps Metallica?

The lyrics seem familiar, yet....I continue my search....

Perhaps, something more cerebral, such as the Moody Blues?

Certainly, I must find my own voice.
A voice unique and poignant.

A voice that one will never forget...

Musical influence is fleeting....
A few chords strung together may prove to be the next chart buster!

Perhaps I shall create a new sound....



And, memories of the past permeate my thoughts as I search photos in my "box of memories...."

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I'm still that little boy, whom you would love...


Who gave his Mom a Diamond ring on Mother's day.
The last Mother's Day of her life....

Yeah, she cried as she put it on....

I told Y'all that looking for pictures made me cry.....

I have too many memories in my box of photos....

Happy Mother's Day to all!


Some more music?

Perhaps Mozart.Concerto 21 will do....

Wish I had a piano right now.....
Perhaps I've mentioned my association with pianos before....
From sneaking into Murphy Hall at KU as a mere teenager to teach myself of the keyboard to tuning Church pianos by ear....
Eventually leading to a course at KU in "Music and Keyboard."
I performed a Bela Bartok composition for my Final....

One more from a Master....
Piano Concerto #1
B flat minor....

Yeah, I know music....

Music is so beautiful...
It doesn't have to be screaming, angry guitar riffs...
It need only sooth the savage beast....

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And so, you want guitar riffs, huh?

How about this?

Do you not realize that today's music comes from the past?

(Yes, on a 78 rpm which I have....)

Think about it....


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Many musical artists of the 60's, 70's and 80's found their niche in tunes of the 30's era....
And, even today, you hear songs in commercials that harken back to the years past....

And the kids today say, "That's a new song."

Idiots. That song is older than you!


Bonnie Tyler's song on an Arby's commercial...

Reached #34 in 1984.

Seems Bonnie needs money.....

However, Her album, "Faster than the Speed of Night" is still popular....
At least with me....
Ya gotta admit that she's hot!
And how about any of the background singers"


"Yeah, Baby!"

Written by Jim Steinman,

Album released in April, 1983 and included a John Fogerty track...."Have You Ever Seen the Rain?"


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Want another example?

Here ya go...

Any questions?

Yes, I have the Fred Astaire on 78 rpm....



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Ah Scott:
Charlie Rich " rollin with the flow" came out in 77? My secondish fishing trip to Canada. A couple and a half hours on the water to the first of two portages....
The radio station that came in near our put in point alternated between country and rock about every other song. An interesting compromise ,but Charlie's rollin with the flow fit the road....

He did a cover of an earlier wanderlust song too.


Back from combat kickball and couple games of basketball. The 12 y/o said “ Grampa I met my new girlfriend. I said tell me about her” He said she’s 17 has long black hair and blue eyes.” I said what’s her name?” Riley .....I said bud I have some bad news..... she’s your cousin. You don’t go to family reunions to meet girls!!!!!!!

Heading home tomorrow evening. About 120 people here for wife’s family reunion and cops weren’t called......yet! Finally after 26 years made a great connection with MY SON!!!! I’ll be sore tomorrow. We played a lot of basketball and beach volleyball. I’m the fun Grampa. I had a Conga line going with ALL the little people! Hehehe. Finally a good time [emoji41][emoji41][emoji41][emoji41]

Made it home safely.couple minutes ago. Had a good time!

Dang where is everybody??

right here enjoying the beginning of summer

Yard work.
Hunting property " work".
Sore here too.
Good time at property......

Talked to the HR Director at work today.
Asked if she wanted me to attend the Veteran's Job Fair at the Dept. of Labor on Wednesday as a Vet Representative of the company.

She said, "Absolutely! You helped to have us represented" :hello2:

Tomorrow at Veterans Court, I'll mention the Job Fair and tell the guys to come on out and fill out an application if they are needing a job or a better job.
The Company has been good to me; Last Veterans Day, I got the "Challenge Coin," and they recognize hard workers, having been named "Employee of the Month" after only 5 months on the job. I'll take the "Challenge Coin" and the Certificate for "Employee of the Month" to the job fair as a "visual aid" to help encourage applying.

Big week ahead for me, the Vets that I mentor and potential new hire Vets!

Hope all have a GREAT WEEK!



I'll have to work out my hours with Shannon, but I mentioned the job fair and the possibility of me attending. He said that I'd likely be paid to attend thus preventing me from having to make up the time away from keeping the jacks and forklifts righteous.

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