Talked to the HR Director at work today.
Asked if she wanted me to attend the Veteran's Job Fair at the Dept. of Labor on Wednesday as a Vet Representative of the company.
She said, "Absolutely! You helped to have us represented"
Tomorrow at Veterans Court, I'll mention the Job Fair and tell the guys to come on out and fill out an application if they are needing a job or a better job.
The Company has been good to me; Last Veterans Day, I got the "Challenge Coin," and they recognize hard workers, having been named "Employee of the Month" after only 5 months on the job. I'll take the "Challenge Coin" and the Certificate for "Employee of the Month" to the job fair as a "visual aid" to help encourage applying.
Big week ahead for me, the Vets that I mentor and potential new hire Vets!
Hope all have a GREAT WEEK!
I'll have to work out my hours with Shannon, but I mentioned the job fair and the possibility of me attending. He said that I'd likely be paid to attend thus preventing me from having to make up the time away from keeping the jacks and forklifts righteous.
Helping Vets is goin on by Scotty.