Talked to the HR Director at work today.
Asked if she wanted me to attend the Veteran's Job Fair at the Dept. of Labor on Wednesday as a Vet Representative of the company.

She said, "Absolutely! You helped to have us represented" :hello2:

Tomorrow at Veterans Court, I'll mention the Job Fair and tell the guys to come on out and fill out an application if they are needing a job or a better job.
The Company has been good to me; Last Veterans Day, I got the "Challenge Coin," and they recognize hard workers, having been named "Employee of the Month" after only 5 months on the job. I'll take the "Challenge Coin" and the Certificate for "Employee of the Month" to the job fair as a "visual aid" to help encourage applying.

Big week ahead for me, the Vets that I mentor and potential new hire Vets!

Hope all have a GREAT WEEK!



I'll have to work out my hours with Shannon, but I mentioned the job fair and the possibility of me attending. He said that I'd likely be paid to attend thus preventing me from having to make up the time away from keeping the jacks and forklifts righteous.

Helping Vets is goin on by Scotty.


Been farely busy with gardening and yard work with nice weather finally here. Managed to get some leaf lettuce, swiss chard, scallions and herbs in the ground. And trimmed and tied up some black raspberry bushes.

So things are moving along nicely.

Regards + HH


Dang where is everybody??

I’m glad to hear from my friends!!! Johnny, chime in buddy! I worry about all of you!

Went to Veteran's Court a bit early this morning and was able to see the judge in the hallway when he got there.
I spoke with him briefly and requested that one of the Vet's that I mentor and I lead the court in the Pledge of Allegiance. I then requested to speak at the end of the session about the job fair.
He agreed to both.

Had a fantastic day and tomorrow promises to be even better!

I plan on taking my camera to the job fair and should be able to post some photos soon.

Y'all have a good day tomorrow!



Stay well Critters!

Time for me to log off a while.

RC What’s up buddy? PM me please

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I hope all is well and you just need time outside to putter about now that the weather is warming up.

If you need anything, let me know, Friend...

Be Well and know that we all will miss you until you return.



Attended the Job Fair today at the Department of Labor....


Many local companies were represented.


OK. Be prepared for the next photo...
It's "The Beast and the Beauty."
Michelle, from Human Resources, went along with me, or perhaps I was along with her...:icon_scratch:
Anyway, you have been warned about the next pic.....


There was the initial rush for the first hour or so which kept us on out toes.
We talked to many jobseekers including a couple of Vets from Veteran's Court.
We collected several resumes and handed out flyers with Company info including the website to apply.
We also had "swag" to hand out like small sewing kits, ear buds, pens, yada yada....
Our table was next to Wrigley's and they were handing out packs of gum!
I told Michelle that the next time we go to a job fair, we need to hand out better goods, like the Goldfish snacks.

IMG_2140 (1).webp
She agreed.

Overall, I felt that our attendance was productive and we may get some new applicants to consider.

I then returned to the Maintenance shop to jump into repairing pallet jacks including replacing a potentiometer, a riser and more.

I've had a great week so far and it's only Wednesday.
Perhaps more great things are coming my way!

Hope all are well!


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Tonight, I feel a couple of songs...


At the job Fair, I found myself telling folks that it is a great company to work for.
I also said that I love my job, get along with everyone that I work with, they recognize hard workers, value Veterans, have all the benefits that one could seek and that I have never been more happy working for a company in my life. I encouraged interested persons to investigate the Company website to apply for any position that they were seeking.
I said that there may not be that position available at this time, but to fill out the application online, be on the roster and when that position becomes available, they will be the first to be considered.

I had my "Employee of the Month" certificate on the table to further show the commitment of the company to recognize valued employees. I also had the Veteran's Day "Challenge Coin" on the table to show that Veterans were a valued addition to the company.
Many saw those "visual aids" as a positive inducement of employment. I shook hands with many fellow Vets....

I also visited the Representatives of Kipper Tool, introduced myself and thanked them for their contribution of Scholarships I received while attending College.

Tomorrow, I will visit with the director of Human Resources and discuss my experience of the Job Fair with her.
I will offer suggestions and ask to be considered to attend future Job Fairs.....

But, tomorrow certainly looms ahead and I have my warehouse selector Friends whom depend upon me to keep their pallet jacks running smooth, and, I'm not one to let my Friends down, so I bid everyone a good night and hope that tomorrow will smile it's fortune upon you!



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AU24K But said:

I frequently re-read past posts and this just crossed my memory banks.....
When I was in High School, I had to attend a class about music.

I thought, "OK. I know music."

However, I was placed in a musical category based upon vocal range.

It was determined that I was to be in the Soprano-tenor range.

Which meant that I had to sing with the girls.

Imagine how that caused problems with the bully nemesis jackasses I had to deal with...
Yeah, it took some time, but eventually, as smoke clears once the fire is out, no one messed with me.....

But, I stood between two FINE girls, whom I never had even a chance of dating, because I was a "Nerd," and sang my heart out.

(Nerd: Invited to participate in the Chess Club. I declined. Invited to participate in the Debate Club. I declined. A Student Biology Assistant. A Library Assistant. An Office Assistant. NERD!)

I had other things going on...
Like sneaking in to Murphy Hall at KU and teaching myself how to play a piano.....Learning about creating works of jewelry with silver and gold, and all the other things mentioned previously that a 16 year old might be interested in.....back then....
I especially enjoyed going to Robinson's Gym, chalking up and grabbing the rings to work on double round dismounts.
I believe that I can still do it even today.....

I have never been afraid of the public, critics nor bullies.

If you don't like me, obviously you have problems.
I can help you solve your problems.
Either through discussion or a short, painful informative session outside.
Your choice....


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Y'all remember the 80's?

Back then, a new band called "U2" hit the airwaves with this song.
Some 30+ years ago....

My, how time flies.....


Also, a group that I learned chords to from the 80's....
That has an influence on songs that I write....

Sometimes, I have words that I write on any scrap of paper handy as they come to me.
Sometimes, while tuning my guitar, I'll run through riffs and try new chord combinations...
I just play for enjoyment, not looking to create new, but to play old favorites.


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Johnny, my Friend, Glad to see you active again!
Down but never out of the fight!

For you, my Friend!


Guard Mount at 0600.
Do not be late or you will consider yourself a volunteer for a "Special Detail."


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AU24K: Don't know if you caught my computer virus or visa versa. As for the picture, you need o re-size it. I use Adobe.

When America needs a Hero,
One who has given a pledge of Honor, given their oath to Protect and Defend, pledged to give their final measure,
I look no farther than my Friends.
2gf, and Johnny.

I say this with thoughts of my Service.
Thoughts of whom I trust at my back and whom know that I have their back.

When the **** gets heavy, America's finest have it under control.
By air, land and sea, You and yours are safe.

You can sleep tonight knowing that we are always on guard for America....
We Protect and we are always within striking distance of threats.....

The men and women whose names you will never know....

Any doubt?
Hold my Guinness and watch this.....

Vigilanti Semper!


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Joke of the day —As a sergeant in a parachute regiment, I took part in several night-time exercises. Once, I was seated next to a lieutenant fresh from jump school.

He was quiet and looked a bit pale, so I struck up a conversation. "Scared, lieutenant?" I asked.

He replied, "No, just a bit apprehensive."

I asked, "What's the difference?"

He replied, "That means I'm scared, but with a university education."

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