Once upon a time, I was the nerd kid that you would find pleasure in beating...
Now, I dare you to mess with me.
I can kick your ass or lead you to knowledge beyond your wildest dreams.

Your choice....


"Choose wisely...."

And, let's continue the Moody Blues with "Isn't life Strange."

And, when the book of life closes for you, as I have seen it so many times before of others,
What will your last deed be?
How will you be remembered?
Will you be known for benevolence?
Perhaps compassion?
Will you be known for the love that you have for your fellow Man?

I do not expect an answer...
I wish for a promise of hope for all humanity, Peace and Goodwill to all....
Perhaps we can discuss Philosophy in depth another time....

Think about your passage....
As I have thought of my own....

Surely you will leave a legacy....
Life is fleeting.
Not yours to own...
Only yours to enjoy for a brief moment....
Make the most of your life!


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No more haircuts.

I will be myself from now on.
No more fake personae...
At nearly 60 years old, I will let my "Freak Flag" wave!

A touch of grey, but it's all real.
I've cut and donated my hair a couple of times in the past....

Yeah, an old hippy rocks on, Dig?


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Hey RC I guess you are the only one that figured out Bubba Gump and I went Shrimping!!!

From way back...
Ever heard this?

Reached #7 in 1964 in January. Was on the charts for 13 weeks.


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Also, in 1964, the Beatles captured American audiences. They held the most
#1 songs with "I want to hold your hand," "Can't buy me love," "I feel fine," She Loves you," "A hard day's night," and "Love me do."

And then, another British invasion stormed the American shores...

Reaching #6 in December, it held it's place for 13 weeks.
54 years ago....
Later to overtake the Beatles and last years longer....

And, Keith Richards has officially outlived twinkies,
He now is a close second only to cockroaches....
I'll bet that cockroaches will win....

What a ride that guy has had!


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Joke of the day — A little boy watched, fascinated, as his mother gently rubbed cold cream on her face.

"Why are you rubbing cold cream on you face, mommy?" he asked.

"To make myself beautiful," said his mother.

A few minutes later, she began removing the cream with a tissue.

"What's the matter?" he asked. "Are you giving up?"

f you lose yourself in a foreign land, you have to use your mind to survive. Dig? For Scotty!


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Where is everybody???

Where is everybody???

Makin longer runs with better weather. And yard work. And getting all engines running. (The farther I run them ,the farther I am from yard work.......)

Yesterday I went to the county seat to fill out a pistol license renewal application , hop through hoops , and pay money to exercise a right..
Near the end of the deal the clerk was staring at the computer screen like something was wrong.
I asked if it said to detain and arrest me.
She replied by asking "should it?". To which I replied....Not yet!

i'm right here i killed a dang cotton mouth with the 22 i nearly stepped on it too

SCOTT What happened to SS Colonel Walter Rauff’s stolen gold????? That is gold he stole for Rommel....... watching it on tv....

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Haha goldboy..... as a teenager, my wife, then girlfriend witnessed me get bit by a Copperhead. She froze and couldn’t scream that she saw it!!!!!

Brother Dieselram, brother Johnny come out and play!!!

I got that second book about the 1715 missing Spanish Treasure Fleet...... I’m doing some studying./research. Anybody know where I can rent a magnetometer...... cheap?

PS Yesterday was our end of the year baseball party. My grandson Lettered!!!!!!

Joke of Ohearly thirty can’t sleep – I have five siblings, three sisters and two brothers. One night I was chatting with my mom about how she had changed as a mother from the first child to the last. She told me she had mellowed a lot over the years:

"When your oldest sister coughed or sneezed, I called the ambulance. When your youngest brother swallowed a dime, I just told him it was coming out of his allowance."

When I was about 6 years old, my Sister, my only sibling, about 18 months older,
told me that I was adopted.

I ran crying to my Mom and asked her if I was adopted.

She said, "Heavens No! You were not adopted. We would have chosen a different little boy besides you!"
It took her nearly an hour and a candy bar to convince me that she was only joking....

I wonder where I get my sense of humor? :icon_scratch:



Somewhat of a long story, perhaps I've told it before,
but I'll tell it again for those whom may not have heard it.....

The High School Graduation that I had was memorable.
I had already signed up to enter the Army and attend Military Police School at Ft. McClellan, Alabama.
I was scheduled to report for active duty that Fall.
Anyway, I Graduated High School and 2 weeks later I turned 18.
My parents were divorced and I was living with my Mom.

For a combination Graduation and Birthday gift, my Mom gave me an eviction notice.
She said, "I've carried your ass for 18 years AND 9 MONTHS, so, there's the door. Time to be a Man."

Well, I quickly got a job at Kansas Color Press on third shift. I learned about multi-color web presses, mixing ink and such.
We printed local TV Guides, "Workbasket" magazines, local "Elks" lodge periodicals, "National Lampoon" and "Heavy Metal" magazines.
I also rented an upstairs room from an older Auctioneer friend that I would help on weekends.

So, one early morning, after getting off of work from the 12-8 shift, I rode my motorcycle home, went upstairs and went to bed.

My auctioneer Friend's house was in the country and we never locked the door...
About a half hour after I went to bed, my Pop showed up, still drunk from partying all night, looking for me.

He came into my room, shook me in my bed saying, "C'mon, Boy, let's go party!"

Well, that pissed me off. I was tired and had just fallen asleep.
I told him, "No. I'm tired and I want to sleep."

He persisted. Big mistake.

I sprang up from the bed and grabbed him and we rolled around on the floor in various wrestling holds.
We eventually rolled into the hallway and down the stairs into the living room.

Nobody was home at the time except me.
We continued wrestling until I wore him out and was on top of him, grinding the side of his face into the carpet.
I said, "Have you had enough, old man?"
Of course, he had to give up.
So I got off of him and went back upstairs to sleep.
He climbed onto the couch and passed out.

After about 20 minutes, I couldn't go back to sleep.
My auctioneer Friend had a Daughter, a few years older than me, who had a room off of the living room....

I went back downstairs and got into her makeup.

My Pop, passed out on the couch, I had my revenge.

I used eye shadow, nail polish, mascara, blush, lipstick and even put a mascara "dot" on his cheek.
It took me nearly an hour to complete my masterpiece.....

I then shook him awake and said, "POP! let's go get some coffee at the "Big Boy" restaurant! I'll drive and I'm Buying!"
He focused his fuzzy gaze at me and grinned. He said, "Breakfast, too?"
I said, "Absolutely!"

So he reached in his back pocket and pulled out the comb he always carried, ran it through his hair and said, "Let's go, Boy!"

We got to the resteraunt, parked our asses at the counter and ordered.
The whole time, folks were looking at us.
Pop put a cigarette in his mouth, went to light it and noticed the fingernail polish.
He pulled the cigarette from his mouth and noticed the lipstick on the butt.
He looked at me with a queer look and went to the bathroom.

When he came out, he had removed most of my handiwork.
He was as mad as a wet hen, ready to try some more wrestling moves.

I held up one finger, as a warning, and told him,
"DO NOT EVER wake me again when I'm trying to sleep.

He laughed, grabbed me around the neck for a hug and said, "Scott, I love you, Boy!"



(No, he never woke me again while I slept....It will be 40 years ago in a month that this occurred....)

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A "follow-up" of the previous story....

My Pop continued to be an alcoholic....

When I was home on leave, before being shipped to Germany, I would go find him passed out at clubs.
I knew the managers of the local spots and would drive my motorcycle to the location, throw him over my shoulder, carry him out and drive him home in his car.

I then had to walk back to the location to my motorcycle to ride home.

I may sometimes drink a bit too much, but I never drink to the point that I cannot handle my business. Dig?

I always do my drinking at home instead of at a bar because it's cheaper.
And, there always seems to be some dumb-ass drunk at a bar that wants to fight you because he thinks that he knows you and you are seeing his wife/girlfriend....WHATEVER!
And, if I drink too much at home, I might crash into the wall, but that's better than crashing into another car.

And, I NEVER drink and drive because I could spill some.
And that my Friends is alcohol abuse! :tongue3:

However, in all seriousness, the Vets that I mentor have been charged with alcohol offenses.
Although I enjoy my beer and whisky, I must keep in mind what I try to project to help them.

You really don't know unless you've been there....



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