I went to the VA this morning for my 6 month "turn to the right and cough" checkup. I was wearing this shirt and a "Big" mouth lady behind me taps me on the shoulder and says" Excuse me, but your shirt offends me." I said "really woman, if my shirt offends you imagine what my mouth can do!" She shut right up

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I would have looked her in the eye and said,
"The fact that you are breathing air in a Free Country that I swore to defend offends me. Please stop breathing."


I've been invited to go shooting with my Boss, Shannon, and a co-worker tomorrow.


I really want to go but I have promised other things to other people tomorrow....

Maybe, perhaps....I can put off promises made yesterday, for tomorrow, for another day....and go shooting.....

Ah, Friends.
There lies the rub.
As adults, we must weigh what we want to do against that which we must do....


One only lives once, Dig?

Let's see if I can fulfill my promises made earlier this week on Sunday....instead of Saturday.
There is a good chance that I can do both! :coffee2:


"Pictures at 11:00."


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Tristan's Grandfather passed yesterday....

Of course Tristan wasn't at work today.

I stopped on my way home from work and picked up a Sympathy card for all to sign...

My heart grieves for him....


Sorry to hear that. Give him a big hug!!!

One more "Pot" story.

Well, not so much a pot story as a Quaalude story.

Should I continue?


Folks, I used to do drugs.
A LOT of drugs.
I know that comes as a big surprise to many....
I'm still in awe that I didn't burn up my brain....:icon_scratch:
However, once upon a time, MANY years ago.......


When I was in my 20's, I came upon a dozen or so Quaaludes.
I won't say how I got them, but, I had them in hand....
Yes, they were the real deal...Rorer 714.

Imagine the weekend that I had planned!

Well, I swallowed one and chased it with a beer.
After ten minutes, I didn't feel anything, so, I swallowed another. And drank another beer.

Ten minutes later..."I think I feel something..."
Gulp. Another lude. And another beer....

Hmmmm..."Let's make sure."
Gulp. TWO more ludes. AND another beer.

"Yeah! I'm feeling something! Let's have another...."

Friends, I came close to dying that night.
I took 6 Quaaludes and drank a 6 pack of beer.

I tried to stand up to go pee and fell through a window 6 feet below onto a sidewalk.

That's all that I remember.

Did I learn anything?

Well, yeah.

Don't take all of your drugs in one night! Save some for tomorrow!

Seriously, I nearly died that night and I have NEVER taken drugs to that extreme since....

But, Drinking?
Oh Boy, do I got some stories....

I think that in High School, I was voted "Most Likely to Abuse Substances."
Never one "Most Likely to achieve a College Degree, Serve America and be a Mentor for Vets."

Mostly because I knew of abused substances, back in the 70's,
such as "dextroamphetamine sulphates" and other items in the Biology Teacher's cabinets....
Yeah, I know chemistry....
Are you surprised?

Overall, I'm proud of how my life has turned out, after all that I've been through, going forward....
Certainly we all have made mistakes in our lives.

How about you?



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Joke of Ohearly thirty can’t sleep — I have five siblings, three sisters and two brothers. One night I was chatting with my mom about how she had changed as a mother from the first child to the last. She told me she had mellowed a lot over the years:

"When your oldest sister coughed or sneezed, I called the ambulance. When your youngest brother swallowed a dime, I just told him it was coming out of his allowance."


Thanks for the

Regards + HH



My grandson and I .............What did you do tonight??????

Sit back and crank it up! I can’t sleep. I had a fantastic day!!! Learned how to catch shrimp. On my way home 4 young ( drunk) ladies pulled up beside me at a red light...... hehe

Didn't go shooting this weekend.
Kipp messaged me that he has issues with his jeep that need attention.

So, I finished pre-sorting the 55 pounds of foreign coins and will now sort by individual country and list for swap on Numista.

Tomorrow, I will talk with the HR Director of my company to offer my assistance for the upcoming Job Fair at the Department of Labor. I will also speak with the Vet Rep.

I have great expectations of seeing Veterans being hired! :thumbsup:

And, I will obtain a Fishing License for future journeys with my Veteran Friends to drown some worms! :laughing7:

My weekend chores are completed, dishes are washed, laundry is finished, lunch for tomorrow is ready and I'm on the starting block,
ready for the sound of the "starter's pistol."

Hope all have a Great Week!



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Just messaged my 2 vets about going fishing some Saturday afternnon.

I have made other Friends at Veterans court and messaged another about fishing.

Perhaps at the next meeting of Veteran's Court, I'll suggest a Fishing Trip for all to attend!

Yeah, that sounds good.
I'll mention it during open court a week from this Tuesday!
Hopefully, I can lead in the Pledge of Allegiance on that day.



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Fishing and drinking....

I told Y'all that I have stories.
Here's one....

Back in the 80's, my Pap was the "Otis" of Lawrence.


He had been kicked out of and banned from most all bars in town.
That takes some doing, being a "College" town....
He was a wonderful man. Sober.

Well, once when he was in jail, again, for being drunk and stupid, I went before the Judge.

I said that I had my own business and if it would please the court, that he be released to me daily for work assignments.
I guaranteed responsibility for his actions and assured the court that he would return to the jail after every day's work assignment.
The Judge granted my request.

Well, I would go to the jail early in the morning and wait until he was released.
We would then go dig a can full of worms and go catfishing on the Waukarusa River, south of Lawrence.

I kept a close eye on him and we would have a wonderful time.
Although, Y'all know that catfish don't really bite until after dark.....
We had conversations of life, expectations that I required of him and how that he might change his ways.
I even tried to shame him by saying that the whole town looked at me as the son of a drunkard....
I made him feel bad, and it hurt me to do so....

I was married to my second wife at the time and when it got late in the afternoon, we'd go to my house where my wife had prepared a fine supper.
After supper, I drove him back to the jail to report in.

I'd say,
"See ya tomorrow, Pop!"

He died sober August 11, 1991.

And, I am crying as I post.....



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Sit back and crank it up! I can’t sleep. I had a fantastic day!!! Learned how to catch shrimp. On my way home 4 young ( drunk) ladies pulled up beside me at a red light...... hehe


Vets know of the meaning of "Deadly Force."

Isn't it strange that I have just purchased some fishnet to make a ghille suit?
Not the first that I've made.
I can be within touch of you and you would never see me....
6 hours of low-crawl....
Waiting for the wind to blow in the right direction.
To move 6" and not be detected....
Laying on cold, wet ground....
Target ahead, weapon cleaned and ready....
Yeah, A story here....But not now. Maybe never.....

We all need to add to our repertoire of survival, don't we?


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Just got a message from my #1 Vet.
I asked if he would stand next to me as I led the Court in the "Pledge of Allegiance."

He said, "No Problem."

The love and dedication of Veterans for one another cannot be broken!



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A new addition to my collection.
A "small head" Franklin!

First run Atlanta Reserve District.
Printed in Washington.
Printed in September, 1995....
23 years ago.
Pretty good shape, eh?

Y'all be good!


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attachments don't work


Soon I will be blissfully lost in some unfamiliar mountains...
I will have neither a compass nor map for I shall rely upon my innate ability of direction.

Looking for the reasons of life that I might have missed along the way.

Carefully scrutinizing every step, every moment and hopefully find that which is missing in my life....

When one retreats to the wonders of Nature, one comes away with a new perspective of life.
One comes away with a new appreciation of one's place and purpose of life.
I expect to solidify that experience in my life.
When others flail about, not knowing what today will bring, little else about tomorrow,
I will know what life is about, having had yet one more intimate sojourn...

Until then, my Friends,

My Best Wishes,


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I have just messaged another Vet that is involved with Veteran's Court to ask if he would stand next to me when I lead in the Pledge of allegiance.

He walks with a cane, yet he said that he would!

The strength of my Brothers is showing!


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Wenn man sich in einem fremden Land verliert, muss man seinen Verstand einsetzen, um zu überleben. Graben?

Die Träume sind immer noch real...



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