One more "Pot" story.
Well, not so much a pot story as a Quaalude story.
Should I continue?
Folks, I used to do drugs.
A LOT of drugs.
I know that comes as a big surprise to many....
I'm still in awe that I didn't burn up my brain....

However, once upon a time, MANY years ago.......
When I was in my 20's, I came upon a dozen or so Quaaludes.
I won't say how I got them, but, I had them in hand....
Yes, they were the
real deal...Rorer 714.
Imagine the weekend that I had planned!
Well, I swallowed one and chased it with a beer.
After ten minutes, I didn't feel anything, so, I swallowed another. And drank another beer.
Ten minutes later..."I think I feel something..."
Gulp. Another lude. And another beer....
Hmmmm..."Let's make sure."
Gulp. TWO more ludes. AND another beer.
"Yeah! I'm feeling something! Let's have another...."
Friends, I came close to dying that night.
I took 6 Quaaludes and drank a 6 pack of beer.
I tried to stand up to go pee and fell through a window 6 feet below onto a sidewalk.
That's all that I remember.
Did I learn anything?
Well, yeah.
Don't take all of your drugs in one night! Save some for tomorrow!
Seriously, I nearly died that night and I have NEVER taken drugs to that extreme since....
But, Drinking?
Oh Boy, do I got some stories....
I think that in High School, I was voted "Most Likely to Abuse Substances."
Never one "Most Likely to achieve a College Degree, Serve America and be a Mentor for Vets."
Mostly because I knew of abused substances, back in the 70's,
such as "dextroamphetamine sulphates" and other items in the Biology Teacher's cabinets....
Yeah, I know chemistry....
Are you surprised?
Overall, I'm proud of how my life has turned out, after all that I've been through, going forward....
Certainly we all have made mistakes in our lives.
How about you?