
Thank you for your kind offer, however, my plate is quite full these days. Given I've got about 10 years on you age wise the energy level is not quite as strong as it used to be.

I do wish you the best in your endeavor though and it's true it's better to have at least 2 people and preferably 3 to carry the load.
That way you're covered off in case of vacation, illness or whatever gets you sidetracked.

Regards + HH


I think that I will graciously relinquish my current Moderating duties to the sites that I currently moderate and create a new group.

Would you like to be a Moderator?
I trust your judgment and fairness.
I really don't see any difficulties in the group.
The rules will be "clear cut," and there will always be communication between us for any issues.

I can post or PM you particulars if you are interested.
I just think that more than one person to keep control is beneficial to any group.
If you are interested, I'd be honored to include you.
If not, I will certainly understand.

Please give the idea some thought.



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A new day.
A new opportunity awaits!
Carpe Diem, my Friends!


A song so fine needs 2 drummers...
I guess that you noticed....

Of course you know about the "Traveling Wilbury's?

A brief moment of music history that will never be again....
Recorded just after Roy Orbison died....
(Watch closely for a guitar in a rocking chair and a picture....)

"Every day is just one day...."

It's just your day....
Live your life fully.
For no one is guaranteed the gift of tomorrow.....

Be Well through out the day, my Friends!


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Just finished breaking down, cleaning and oiling my Landlord's Sig .357.
I have an opportunity to buy Shannon's AR.
He's never fired it!
Comes with 8 mags, an "E-Z" loader and about 500 rounds.

Perhaps this weekend he, my Landlord and I will go shooting....
Landlord just got a case of .45 for the Taurus wheel!

We'll see....

However, I'd rather put my dollar down on a Judge....Dig?



"A man's gotta know what he wants, right?"

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"Hmm. Ole Scotty sez to live fully. Does that mean that he's going skydiving?"



"Now then,
Kiddies, just remember that I am going to go pay my car insurance in a few moments. Oh, and get a new tattoo.
If you see someone who looks like me, I suggest you act in a socially appropriate manner.
If you don't, your worst nightmare will be that it IS me...



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Sometimes, even the strong will drop to their knees and ask,
"God, why do you test me thus?"

I believe that the answer is;

"I only test you thus so that you know of your strength to do what is right. Love your fellow man.
Help those who need help. Be a Friend to the friendless. Feed the hungry. Shelter the homeless.
Be kind to animals and fear not the rebuke of the wicked for they have their place"

Friends, Let us all strive to do what is right in the coming year.

My Best Wishes to All for the coming year!


Matthew 25:35-40

[SUP]35 [/SUP]For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, [SUP]36 [/SUP]I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
[SUP]37 [/SUP]“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? [SUP]38 [/SUP]When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? [SUP]39 [/SUP]When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
[SUP]40 [/SUP]“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

I am not really that religious, but I have volunteered and served meals at a local Christian Organization several times.
I have Helped build homes for Vets with "Habitat For Humanity."
I volunteer at the local Animal shelter.
And I will do more in the coming year....

The Greatest gift that one can give is not that of gold nor silver or gems.
The greatest gift that one can give is the gift of themself...

To me the answer is, would one not grind an axe sharp before using it? ( Proverbs 27:17ish fashion perhaps)Test it's metal/ mettle before considering it suitable for serious long term use?

Having forgotten to nab distilled water when grocery shopping for the humidifier to counter the air drying gas furnace ,(the well water contains lime and minerals that affect humidifier performance) I awake partly desiccated and nearing completion of a mummy merit badge.
Sitting on the porch in the falling snow to survey the yards goins on and wake up ,the dim minds bulb flickered....
A bucket of snow brought in the house will reduce to a small amount ,but be pretty much distilled.


That should pretty much do the trick versus distilled water.

Regards + HH



That should pretty much do the trick versus distilled water.

Regards + HH


I have some empty jugs.....lets see ,maybe a dollar a jug selling them out west....Gonna be Rich,rich I say!
Small problem of distribution costs logistics though...:BangHead:

Hey Johnny 45:
This guy is having a hilltop kind of day. Reminds me of some one...

It reminds me of a chap that approached me who wanted to sell firewood in Calgary because of the high prices they were paying per cord say about $400 versus $100 in Montreal.

On the surface it sounded great until I walked him through the numbers....shipping costs $5,000. per 89' centrebeam car, then you have trucking and loading/unloading and delivery costs at the other end. So door to door about $10,000. per load.

1 carload would be about 40 cords so net of transport $6,000 or $150 per cord and the buyer at the other end is not going to make a financial commitment on a large volume unless he has a gross margin of 100% markup so that leaves you with $75 per cord versus selling locally without the headaches for $100 per cord.

That was one of the simpler scenarios I looked at over the years so when I had my 35 years in I decided to throw in the towel and decided to be a pest on the detecting forums instead way less

Regards + HH


I have some empty jugs.....lets see ,maybe a dollar a jug selling them out west....Gonna be Rich,rich I say!
Small problem of distribution costs logistics though...:BangHead:

With the snow now about 3 inches deep in the previously full bucket ,there might be a half ounce of water....
Appears the colder the temp the less liquid is involved in snow production.

(Might not produce quite enough water today to fill a tanker truck / rail car.)


I had read somewhere or other it's about 10 to 1 snow versus water. Now your chance to check it

Regards + HH



Well I had posted up a recipe for a whole wheat loaf with walnuts and grated carrots. We cooked it up and it certainly sticks to the ribs.
It bakes for 1 hour and 10 minutes so the inside is nice and moist but the outside is a bit on the overcooked side.
Next time we'll try baking in mini loaves to cut down the cooking time.

Regards + HH



  • whole wheat walnut bread.webp
    whole wheat walnut bread.webp
    789.5 KB · Views: 57
Great Scott. When I went into the army, my heart's desire was to be in the 101st Airborne so after basic I had the Screaming Eagle patch tattooed on my left shoulder. Big mistake! When I got to jump school, they gave me hell. I requested the 101st, but they sent me to the 82nd. The first pass I got I went to a tattoo pallor and asked what he had that would cover it up. A skull, with a heart on top, flowers below, with a dagger through them all and a scroll with DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR. That was the last tattoo I have ever had.


I never had any tattoos for some reason or another. I was thinking of having one of my family crest done on my shoulder though.

Regards + HH



  • macduff_crest.webp
    41.2 KB · Views: 42
Does anyone play video games? My friends and I play "Battlefield 1942" every night starting a 7:15 p.m. to about 9:15 p.m. and we are looking for new members. The youngest member is a retired New York State police officer, the oldest is around 80. It is therapy for us. If so please let me know.

i don't play that i play street fighter 2 turbo and since my grandmother has snes system i play the old games from the 90's

Gold, BF-42, is plaid on a computer. We tried the newer BF's and other war games, but they were full of glitches. BF has been around long enough most of the problems have been worked out.

sorry but sounds fun i don't really play computer games

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