A woman phoned her dentist when she received a huge bill. "I'm shocked!" she complained. "This is three times what you normally charge."

"Yes, I know," said the dentist. "But you yelled so loud, you scared away two other patients."


In case I missed you Merry Christmas + a Happy New Year to you and your family.

Regards + HH


Thanks Uncle Bill and same to you my friend


Another version of "Long may you run". This time he has some back musicians and singers to give him a hand.


I went shooting yesterday.
I had called Shannon before I left but it went to voice mail.
I assumed that he was tied up with the Family on Christmas, so I went alone.

I ran a couple of boxes of .9mm through my Ruger, about a half a box of .357 through my Landlord's Sig,
half a box of .410, and a 50 round box of .22 through the Marlin bolt action.
First time out with the .410 and the Marlin.
The .410 was fun and the Marlin, with the open sights, was right on the money!
I was hitting the heads of roofing nails driven into a tree at 25-30 yards!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any .45 rounds for the Taurus 'cause I thought that Walmart would be open on Christmas....

Don't tell anyone but I just heard around the campfire tonight that I may be named "Employee of the Month" for January!
I'm OK with that as long as it doesn't involve tar and feathers or something about run out on a rail. :laughing7:

Hope all had a Great Christmas!




Just won 2 ebay auctions for a 1915-S Lincoln cent and a 1918-S Buffalo nickel!
The Lincoln lists at $20 for good and the buffalo lists for $14 in good.
I got both for under $20.


Nice additions needed for my collection!


Marlin model 60?
I had a Mcarbo spring kit put in one. No more having to about bend the trigger to fire.

Friday, I noticed that Bryan had a box of change in his toolbox.
I told him that I'd buy his change.
He said, "OK."
It came to about $77.
I sorted it over the weekend and added to my trading stock of State Quarters for swaps worldwide on a coin swap site that I am a member.

Kipp said that he has a large 5 gallon water jug full of change at his house.
I said, "I'll buy all that you bring in."

Let's see what I can find in his change!


After much thought, I have decided to postpone enrollment towards my Bachelor's Degree this Spring Semester until Fall of 2018.

I feel that I may be better prepared for the Fall Semester instead of this Spring.

I hope that I have made the right decision.....


I'm SO TIRED of moderating the Facebook groups for Buying/Selling items that I volunteer at.

I'm tired of warning people of unacceptable posts.
I'm tired of being cussed out.
I'm tired of having to remove people who don't believe that I CAN AND WILL BAN YOU!
Friends, I'm just tired of Moderating other people's sites.

I like the idea of sites where people can offer tangible items for sale such as clothing, furniture, cars and other items.

Perhaps I may soon relinquish my duties at the sites I Moderate and create my own site for sales of tangible items....

In doing so, I will make clear what is allowed and what will get you banned. Immediately.
Without warning.
Without being cussed.
Without the hassle.

Simple and clear.
Follow along, get along.
Break the rules and you're gone.
The end.


The "Final Straw"

I had to ban a guy whom I had previously warned of an unacceptable post.
He cussed me using the F word several times.
I told him to "Be Well."
He cussed me again, using the F word. Really?
I then asked him if he kissed his Mom with that foul mouth.
He replied, "Only your Mom."
Well, Friends, I kept my cool and my wits about me and replied,
"You are certainly one sick individual. My Mom has been dead for about 15 years."
I suggested that he work on his "social skills."
I then turned off notifications from him.
I've had people that I've banned wanting to know where I live, threatening to come, "Kick my ass."
Little do they know whom they are threatening.....
My weapons are always cleaned, loaded and easily within my reach.....

Still, however,
I don't have time for this crap.....

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Think I'll get me a Judge.

I can afford one and it will be the best wheel I can get.


Now, all that is left to be considered is the price....
I think that I can get one for under $400.

Any weapon that can fire 2 different shells is tops on my list....Dig?


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When I saw Shannon today and asked about shooting yesterday, he said, "Man, I was outside. You should have called again."

I said that I assumed he was tied up with the Family and that we'd certainly go shooting together soon.

He said, "Absolutely!"


Did I mention that he has an AR?

With a "Bump stock?" Maybe, maybe not.....

And when I talked to Tristan about where I went shooting, he knew exactly where I had went....
He knows the area well....
Georgia has roads named after Folks of times past....He happens to be related to the fellow that a road is named after that I was off of....:dontknow:

Perhaps he will also come along on the next shooting trip....:thumbsup:


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Marlin model 60?
I had a Mcarbo spring kit put in one. No more having to about bend the trigger to fire.
The Marlin is a "Youth" model.
Sorry my computer is still down or I would post pictures....

It has no serial numbers and you have to cock it by hand by pulling the round piece at the end of the bolt. A single shot but a sure shot.
Still, it is a fine rifle and I quickly found myself once again in my youth, aiming with a steady hand and a keen eye, hitting the target again and again.
Perhaps the thrill of hitting a small target elicit memories of your youthful shooting experiences?
I was hitting dime sized targets at 25 yards. Steadily. Using open sights....

I even managed to put away a few targets with my .9mm and the .357.
The .9mm in my left hand, the .357 in my right....
10 rounds in the .9mm and 7 in the .357.
I rushed the target.
I fired both weapons.
Left, then right. Then left again, and well, let's just say that the target fell from the tree and didn't live....8-)
2 head shots and a torso shot.....And I've got 14 rounds left....
I must state that the torso round was fired as the target was falling.....



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Yeah, I can kill.

Been there....

My aim is deadly and accurate.

But my aim now is to save.
I wish to help others.

Can I help another?
Can I help you?
That is my goal....
Do you also cry when you hear "Taps" played?
Do you remember fellow Vets?

Are you too proud to ask for help?
Do you wish to insult me by thinking that I cannot help?
Perhaps you have no one that you trust discussing your fears and thoughts.
My Friend, you can trust me.

I can help.
I know of the things you fear.
I know of what you think.
I know why you can't sleep.
I am here, my Friend.
Together, we will come to an answer!
And, perhaps you can help me!

We are America's Heroes.
We are strong!
I'm reaching out to you, my Brother.
Don't think that no one cares...
I care!

PM me anytime.


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Now then,

Scotty needs his beauty sleep...
A quick 4-5 hours before work.....

Fire up the electric blankie and...
A candy bar should do the trick....
Pleasant Dreams, my Friends!



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Not a bad move given your new job and volunteer work. You may even be able to fit in some camping trips this coming spring and summer this way.

Regards + HH


The Marlin is a "Youth" model.
Sorry my computer is still down or I would post pictures....

It has no serial numbers and you have to cock it by hand by pulling the round piece at the end of the bolt. A single shot but a sure shot.
Still, it is a fine rifle and I quickly found myself once again in my youth, aiming with a steady hand and a keen eye, hitting the target again and again.
Perhaps the thrill of hitting a small target elicit memories of your youthful shooting experiences?
I was hitting dime sized targets at 25 yards. Steadily. Using open sights....

I even managed to put away a few targets with my .9mm and the .357.
The .9mm in my left hand, the .357 in my right....
10 rounds in the .9mm and 7 in the .357.
I rushed the target.
I fired both weapons.
Left, then right. Then left again, and well, let's just say that the target fell from the tree and didn't live....8-)
2 head shots and a torso shot.....And I've got 14 rounds left....
I must state that the torso round was fired as the target was falling.....



Here may be a cousin then to the Marlin...
Stevens model 15. 1937-1965. (10.00 new in 1948 depending where bought. A boys dream first rifle.)
I freed one from a pawn shop..Warped ,broken in multiple places of the stock. It now sports a lag bolt through the grips butt to repair a fractured wrist , with a wood button glued in the countersunk hole ,and glue in a couple other places.
No butt plate on this model ,never was one. That kept cost down a wee bit. At the price point these were in the arena for low end costs but still a reach for some folks and welcomed by most who scored one...back when.
Fits just fine in my wheel chair cloth tote on the seat back. Added a sling for mobility.
View attachment 1530655

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For what it's worth I've been doing admin for about 6 years on the Canadian detecting forum. Luckily we've got a pretty good group of
people but there are times when it does get a bit trying. Just comes with the territory.

Regards + HH


I'm SO TIRED of moderating the Facebook groups for Buying/Selling items that I volunteer at.

I'm tired of warning people of unacceptable posts.
I'm tired of being cussed out.
I'm tired of having to remove people who don't believe that I CAN AND WILL BAN YOU!
Friends, I'm just tired of Moderating other people's sites.

I like the idea of sites where people can offer tangible items for sale such as clothing, furniture, cars and other items.

Perhaps I may soon relinquish my duties at the sites I Moderate and create my own site for sales of tangible items....

In doing so, I will make clear what is allowed and what will get you banned. Immediately.
Without warning.
Without being cussed.
Without the hassle.

Simple and clear.
Follow along, get along.
Break the rules and you're gone.
The end.


The "Final Straw"

I had to ban a guy whom I had previously warned of an unacceptable post.
He cussed me using the F word several times.
I told him to "Be Well."
He cussed me again, using the F word. Really?
I then asked him if he kissed his Mom with that foul mouth.
He replied, "Only your Mom."
Well, Friends, I kept my cool and my wits about me and replied,
"You are certainly one sick individual. My Mom has been dead for about 15 years."
I suggested that he work on his "social skills."
I then turned off notifications from him.
I've had people that I've banned wanting to know where I live, threatening to come, "Kick my ass."
Little do they know whom they are threatening.....
My weapons are always cleaned, loaded and easily within my reach.....

Still, however,
I don't have time for this crap.....

For what it's worth I've been doing admin for about 6 years on the Canadian detecting forum. Luckily we've got a pretty good group of
people but there are times when it does get a bit trying. Just comes with the territory.

Regards + HH


those canadians will drive you nuts alright

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