And, I just messaged my Locksmith Friend to come shooting with me this weekend.

I said that it would be the perfect opportunity to discuss our differences and for me to state why I felt that an apology was necessary....

Will he accept the invitation to go shooting?

I'm not sure that he has any weapons....

That's OK.
I'll put one in his hand and see where it goes....
Loaded? C'mon. Really? I'm not that stupid....


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Tattoos are addictive....

I have about 10-12 service ribbons that I'm considering....
A few are not common.

Think I'll have 3-4 on my left arm to start.

Perhaps I'll post photos when completed.

If you know, you will know.
If not, well, it's for the best.....


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How about that!

I just got socket holders for 1/2 inch drive sockets that I ordered.
Tuesday will be awesome as I further organize my tools.
I have slowly bought gear wrenches and other tools to compliment my abilities and with every dollar spent, my value increases!

A man in a hardware store beats your female in a shoe store!
Doubt me? Let's talk about when TSHTF.



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Speaking in "Generalities,"

When, and if the 411 hits the fan, what is the first thing on your mind?
Would a Friend like Scotty, a locksmith, be a valued asset?
Would Scotty consider you a Friend?
Scotty has no Family to bog him down.
Scotty is a Survivor...

Scotty is all about survival.
I've eaten from dumpsters.
I've lived in my car.
I've fought battles and won.

Y'all have no idea what survival means, do you?
Have you spent Christmas alone, crying by yourself?
Just days after your Mom died?

I'll cry alone this Christmas...
Oh... And in doing so increases my strength.
If anyone doubts me, I'll be more than glad to kick their ass.
Name the time and place....

Yeah, I'm old but I'll still bring your ass down to the mat, dig?

I just can't seem to find anyone willing to try me....
I'm the guy at the bar, who just wants to play pool...
Don't ....
DON'T Fock with me.
I have nothing to lose.
Except this game of pool....

I Googled, "Gives a Fock."
And I was not listed....
Think about it....


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Yeah, I have demons.
Demons that control my sleep.
How can I control my demons?
Demons of the past. Demons of the future.
Demons that I battle nightly...
Demons that in Dreams, are stronger than I....

I fear no man.
I only fear sleep.

And my salvation is sleep also. What a battle!



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The same dream...
Lost, wandering in Germany.
Seems familiar, yet I'm still lost.
I speak the language yet I cannot find my way...
Sometimes the dream leads me to...
Things I don't want to remember.
Is this what Vets have to deal with?

Yeah. I know. I've met and talked with my fellow Vets.
They had no idea of my issues.
I had no idea of theirs....
I was able to help.
I was still able to connect....
As a Vet, aren't you there for your Brother?



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It is unfortunate yet amusing that I can say my Uncle died because of alcohol....

He was hit and killed by a beer truck while crossing the street in 1938 in St. Louis......


If you know your enemy, then surely you know yourself.
You know what they are capable of; You know what you are capable of.
Sometimes, you might find yourself in a situation that requires only one can survive.
Be the one who survives to tell the story.

Mom's dad was killed by a drunk driver while crossing the road to/ in front of his home after work in a construction zone. Ironic as he worked for the county and likely on that construction job.
Grandmother found some chewing tobacco in his lunch box. He was not supposed to be using tobacco.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New's been a fun ride since we connected courtesy of this crazy thread.

Regards + HH


It has been interesting!
Not sure if this is a place of misfits ,or of those too sane sometimes.

Your calm civility has time and again been a bump on the rudder at the right time. Despite the deliberate erratic course ,whirlpools, and just circles for the sake of circles.

Today we are still us. Again.
Still not leery of being less tomorrow at the whim of others.
Ain't so bad a perspective to have started a thread about that evolved into just plain living. Even if no life is really " plain".


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How many times that I've told some that I'm not allowed to read minds on this planet....

Yet, any one would know that it is merely perceiving....Dig?


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As ever , tunes can bail us out sometimes.
With Parsons I miss half the lyrics anymore when getting caught up in the rest of the jams.
The riffs get repeated and stick like a mantra on occasion.
Then later , even a day or two; some more lyrics catch up....l.o.l..
We'll be alright.

My favorite...

Say you don't know me....
And, Don't let it show.....

When pain is a daily visit,
and it seems that it just won't quit it,
Remember, life is a brief gift,
Yours alone to live.
How you beat the pain
Is the story you will always give.
Many Friends that I have had,
Died without a story..So sad.
Had they more time to share, a story so good,
A story that all would have understood.
Alas, they died so young, in my arm, that night
A life taken so quickly, it doesn't seem right.
I Looked into their eyes and said,
"I'm here for you and you are not alone....
This night, you will be home."
I Cried for the one who lost their life that day,
And vowed to be there for another, any day.
Tonight, you see me cry again.
The pain comes around again...

You see. A vet is one who will give all that he has,
His life and all,
A vet is one,
To be there.
A Vet will leave none behind.
A Vet is,


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2GF, I was thinking it could have been a loose nut behind the wheel.

Seasons greetings all.
Delivered cookies around to neighbors today.
Indulged in a few cookies too. Whew.
Stay safe.
Don't mind they holidays. If they bug you ,sneak a peek or two outdoors in the wee hours. ( no ,not that wee hour.... or maybe....) Those can be the peaceful hours sometimes.

As you and others know,
The ":wee hours" and I are intimately familiar.
I only wish that the meeting was in the mountains that I love....


Think about it....

Once, I sat in a bunker, in Germany. somewhere below zero...
I found myself cussing in German...
Verdammt, es ist kalt heute Nacht!

I had C-rats, thrown at me and was glad that I had a P-38.
We were on "High Alert" due to the Baader-Meinhoff Faction...also known as the "RAF."
I protected a NATO Nuclear missile site...
And my M16 was locked and loaded, ready by my side....Have you ever slept cuddling an M16?
I didn't sleep either....
Suddenly, an attack was launched upon the Mosbach Polizei!
Gaining automatic weapons!
A mere 15 "clicks" from Dallau!
Come get some M-60 and LAW action, punks!

Further details are not allowed....
Let's just say that Scotty and his Battalion kept things right....

What ever happened to Baader-Meinhoff?

What a Christmas I had protecting America!
As an 18 year old.
How did you spend your Christmas as an 18 year old?


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I see that again sleep eludes the vigilant....
Therefore, I offer this tune...
As the sun will surely rise for a new day....
When you awake to a new day and life hands you a fresh set of cards....
Play your hand, my Friends! Play to Win!
You may never have this chance again....

Don't look back. always look forward!

Some tunes for y'all as I brew my morning coffee....
Another night that bad dreams are not had!
I'll sleep later...maybe....
There will be plenty enough time to sleep when I die....



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A Post from another thread....long ago, yet still poignant to me....
"Choose your battles, each may be the last."

And Exodus.

Thanks RC...
Your words are wisdom and manna to my soul...


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