"Sometimes life ain't fair
And you find yourself stuck there."
"Here you are with me
Stay close to me and be free."
"When the light grows dim,
Remember where we've been."
"The love of life you know
is waiting for you at home."
"You are America's best
Better than the rest."
"When America is in need
You are the hero indeed."
"You answered the call
A Patriot to all."
"When the light of Freedom cannot be seen
You will show the strength within!"
And, I am still writing lyrics....I got the music in me!
As a Veteran.
The lyrics that I write are poignant to me.....
The message that I remember and live by helps me to sleep soundly.
God Bless our Servicemen and Women and Veterans.
Here's a magnanimous thought...
Perhaps I teach "The Kid" how to play a guitar?
Let the link play out.
You're welcome.
Perhaps the link will play out, much like my life.
And then I will no longer be a bother to anyone....
Until then, you bet your a$$ I'll be there! Dig?
Playing music, writing my words and sharing my thoughts with my Friends.....

I'll enjoy my last moment, with my hand on a guitar, and playing a favorite song....
One never dies.
Ideals die and that is a tragedy....