Now, as I prepare tacos for dinner, I have some sharp cheddar cheese that needs to be grated that I got from my Friend at the Wine and Cheese shop before my favorite Saturday night fare of TV viewing of
"Svengoolie" comes on.

I wonder what cheesy movie will be shown tonight? :tongue3:

Get it?

Y'all be good.




Still haven't found the title to my truck.....

Only a 14" stack of files yet to go through....

Who knows what I might find?

I have files from 40 + years ago.

I'm purging as I go....

A burning is scheduled for tomorrow....

About time, wouldn't you agree?

Some things from the past must be released from memory.....


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you will find it


Let's hope he takes you up on your offer of help but as you mentioned he's headstrong so it might be a tough sell....I seem to remember I'd probably be considered headstrong back when I was his age

Regards + HH



He never knew his Father. His Mother is a drug addict.
I've overheard his phone conversation with his Sister asking for money from him.
I am the closest that he knows as "Family."
We work together on second shift, and I have time to spend with him sharing my advice and listening to his needs.

I feel a kindred spirit to him and will be there for anything he needs to advance and see things as a Volunteer of causes, an Academic and as one who will help another.
As I hope to show by example.
Sometimes, one is placed into a situation for a reason....


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Just found the file of my metal Detectors!

Included is my first, my Bounty Hunter from 1976! And receipt!
Which I still have and works perfectly!


Only a few hundreds files left till I find that truck title.....


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Files to the left of me, folders to the right, here I am...


Seems like a perfect time to tune up my guitar and play from my soul.

I'm nearly wanting to cry, but the potential for a Friend's success wants me me to sing!

(Please don't make me sing....)

Anyone have some lyrics or a melody?

Even a 3 note riff?

Never mind...I got this. I always find my own way.
Here's the beat,
Try to keep up, dig?
Ready? One, two, play it!

A new song, titled, "The Love of a Friend." Or also titled, "Always There."

Oh, and by the way, my beard is coming along nicely....
Screw the Post Office photos......


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"Sometimes life ain't fair
And you find yourself stuck there."

"Here you are with me
Stay close to me and be free."

"When the light grows dim,
Remember where we've been."

"The love of life you know
is waiting for you at home."

"You are America's best
Better than the rest."

"When America is in need
You are the hero indeed."

"You answered the call
A Patriot to all."

"When the light of Freedom cannot be seen
You will show the strength within!"

And, I am still writing lyrics....I got the music in me!
As a Veteran.
The lyrics that I write are poignant to me.....

The message that I remember and live by helps me to sleep soundly.

God Bless our Servicemen and Women and Veterans.


Here's a magnanimous thought...

Perhaps I teach "The Kid" how to play a guitar?

Let the link play out.
You're welcome.

Perhaps the link will play out, much like my life.

And then I will no longer be a bother to anyone....
Until then, you bet your a$$ I'll be there! Dig?
Playing music, writing my words and sharing my thoughts with my Friends.....:headbang:
I'll enjoy my last moment, with my hand on a guitar, and playing a favorite song....
One never dies.
Ideals die and that is a tragedy....

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Those who know me, know of my Love of Camping and hiking in unknown areas.
I am planning a trip soon, perhaps my last journey into unknown areas,
And, all are welcome to come along.

My journey will be a life adventure....a survival trip.
I plan on surviving, but....
Yes, I am confident.
A precursor to more advanced excursions.

I am expecting severe conditions, but I should do OK.

I'm always pushing the limit....
I once considered a fist-fight with a black bear on top of a mountain,
but found a way to win by showing who was "Boss."
A Friend who was with me on that trip sh#t his pants.
I ran to the front and made myself big and projected no fear.
The Bear raised, growled and then scampered to the woods.

I then told my Friend, "This looks like a great place to make camp!"
He wanted to go home.... Damn sissy....

I have nothing to lose except my life......

If I lose...
There went Scotty....He was a Man's Man. A Patriot. He gave his best.

Tell me of when you last considered your demise....


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And, I'm looking into a Bachelor's degree!
Believe it or not!

I told you that I live on the edge!

Let's make it real. Dig?
Do you believe in Scotty?


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"Of course, you patience is limited.....
Shall we dance or discuss politics? I am ready for either"


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WE MADE IT!!!!!! Florida that is........


I'm glad you and yours made it out relatively unscathed.

Regards + HH



I know most of you like good food this roasted potato recipe is great..we had it for supper and they're the best I've ever had.

It involves a bit of extra effort but aren't most of the good things in life.


Uncle Bill my wife loves potatoes!!!!

are the boats free for the taking?

I guess they are since nobody has claimed them. I believe that's a Parker on the left....... awesome fishing boat!! I guess bring a forklift and trailer!

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