For the last week and a half, my truck wouldn't start.
My Landlord, THE BEST LANDLORD EVER, has been loaning me one of his trucks to get back and forth to work.

Today, he took me to look at a vehicle before I went to work. The first one I was interested enough in to contact the seller.
I've been keeping an eye open on the local Facebook groups for vehicles for sale.

After a bit of "negotiations," I bought it.

A 1988 Chevy S-10 Blazer.

It's in pretty good shape, has a strong motor and is perfect for me to get to work and even to go camping!
Of course it has minor nik-nak issues that I'll have to take care of, but I'm pleased.

I immediately went to see my insurance guy and got insurance transferred then went to the tag office to apply for a new title in my name and get my Veterans tag transferred.

I was about 2 hours late to work, but had already talked to my Supervisor last Friday about the possibility of being late in the near future for this reason. I had called him this morning, before work and said that today it might happen.He was cool with it and said that I could make up the time by staying late. I made up one hour tonight and will make up the other hour tomorrow.

What? Pictures?

You know Scotty got a couple!



Hope All are Well.



Just purchased a Chilton's repair manual for it on eBay. 'Cause I'm sure that it will come in handy.
It's probably close to the same as my '99 S-10 truck,
but I'll surely learn a couple of things once I've finished reading it. :thumbsup:

Tomorrow, I'll post my Truck for sale.

I've gotta work on how to describe it....:icon_scratch:

Perhaps, "As Is?" :dontknow:





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And, one last post for tonight....

I had taken a lunch to work but decided not to take a lunch break.

I gave my lunch, 2 home-made burritos with tomatoes and some of the grated cheddar cheese I got from my Wine and Cheese Friend, a soda and some home-made hot sauce to "The Kid." His name is Tristan. I call him T-Man. He found out why some Friends call me, "Skillet." 'Cause I can cook! He wanted to know what's for lunch break tomorrow! :laughing7:

I asked him again tonight what subject he needs help in and he finally broke it down for me that he's only getting a 46 in Literature.

Excellent! I told him to bring in what I can help him with and that we'd go over it. :coffee2:

I plan on attending his Graduation. :headbang:

Be Well, Y'all!



Joke of the day - My wife packed my bags and kicked me out of the house.
As I walked out the front door, she screamed,
"I wish you a slow and painful death, you *******!"
"Oh," I replied, "so now you want me to stay!"

Some pics from my boat a few weeks ago...IMG_2536.webpIMG_2506.webpIMG_2522.webp

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Hey Diesel, I hope I have a berth in that second boat! Haha. Love that first pic. What's the name of the sailboat?

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This is my 11 y/o. WE found the Pirate Flag on the vessel. This boat has been on the News for the past 2 days. Story is _ Ghost ship found in the Atlantic, USCG Stenciled boat, Hurricane Irma washed the boat ashore. They tracked down the owner, boat floated up from Key West..........OWNER is in jail in Monroe County, the Keys. Tv is calling this a "Ghost Ship" and there you have it............we had fun. PS there was a mannequin on the boat, scared the bajeeezus out of my grandson!

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A customer in a bakery was observed carefully examining all the rich-looking pastries displayed on trays in the glass cases.

When a clerk approached him and asked, "What would you like?" he answered, "I'd like that chocolate-covered, cream-filled doughnut, that jelly-filled doughnut and that cheese Danish."

Then with a sigh he added, "But I'll take an oat-bran muffin."

PS Gotta love George Caitlin!!!!

Hey Diesel, I hope I have a berth in that second boat! Haha. Love that first pic. What's the name of the sailboat?

Would you believe it’s not named? I thought “breaking wind” would be appropriate...however my wife did not! [emoji40]

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Scott, glad you like your new ride. I’m guessing it’s a 2.8 v6 2wd?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Helped Tristan yesterday with a literature assignment.
It involved Walt Whitman's poem, "I Hear America Singing."

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,

Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong,

The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,

The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,

The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck,

The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands,

The wood-cutter’s song, the ploughboy’s on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown,

The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing,

Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,

The day what belongs to the day—at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,

Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.

His assignment was to write a poem in the same vein as the Whitman poem.
In "Free Verse" also.
He had chosen to narrow it down to the south.
So I introduced him to personification, metaphors and alliteration.
I told him to close his eyes and think of craft and tradesmen of the south.
I gave a couple of examples...
I said, "Think of a tree trimmer. 'the solitary sound of a saw singing,' Think of the farmer. 'the steady drone of the tractor motor as it turns the soil,' Think of the fly fisherman. 'the whipping of a line as it plays out in search of an elusive trout.'"

I told him to expand his vocabulary to use more descriptive terms. Terms that when others hear his words, they feel as though they can sense the experience.

I hope that I helped.

I took lunch in today for both of us; Cheeseburgers, chips and sodas.

I'm pretty tired tonight. We have busted our butts this week and got the PM list down to just under two pages.
That includes BOTH warehouse buildings!

Tomorrow I'll go replace my Wine and Cheese Friend's Ford ignition.

I posted my truck and listed it as "Has Issues."

I've had over 30 messages, but, dammit so much, I can't find the title.

I'll keep looking.......

Hope all have a great weekend.

Best Wishes as always,


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And..try again to post before getting dropped. ARgghhh.
Scott ,the secretary of state used to allow applying for a lost title.
You know you owned it so it ain't hot...
A small fee and you can clear it up...
Stay well all!

Just logged on to Facebook to handle some of my Moderator duties and was inquired, "What's on your mind?"

So, I replied....

What's on my mind?
Veterans. Active military personnel.
They are always on my mind.
As a Vet myself, I think daily of those I have served with, hoping that they are no longer haunted by their experiences.
Hoping that they have found peace in their life.
And, I look every day into how I can help them to ease the pain and memories that they might not be able to conquer.
I am a Veteran. I live the Soldier Creed: "No One Left Behind."
I will carry my fellow Vet through hell to safety.
God Bless Our Military Heroes!

Now, on to my Moderating responsibilities.....



Still searching for that elusive truck title, I found a few old concert ticket stubs from several years ago....


Ah! Memories!


"Serious business involved here...
A truck title, Scott. Dig? Get focused, Boy!"

"OK. Can I play a video while I look?"

"Only if you turn it up LOUD!"
Not too loud. Consider the neighbors....
Perhaps it's a good thing that I no longer have an amp and an electric guitar.
I'd bet that I could still break glass....
('Cause the Landlord is away racing in Savannah and I have the house to myself and get to look after the kitties!)



I'm almost positive that I have photos from that REO Concert that I muscled my way to the stage to take....
And a "bootleg tape."
When I find the pics, I'll post them....

Huh? I'm supposed to be looking for a truck title?

I know.

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