The serious search is on for the truck title.

How serious?

I'm cleaning out crap.

I already have a large trash bag filled of clutter.
Placed to the street as garbage.
Is my life just so many trash bags of clutter?
Do I need tax returns from the 70's? Ebay sales correspondence from the last 10 years? Etc?

How many bags must I fill before I feel that I am free of clutter?

Questions posed to a "Hoarder."

I feel a "cleansing" in my search for my truck title.
A cleansing that is possibly (certainly?) overdue.....
I'm pretty sure that I can provide a description of the characteristics, reasons, a diagnosis and treatment of one who has the symptoms that I manifest concerning hoarding....It is a benign affliction that can easily be overcome in most instances.

I'm done searching and filling bags for tonight.
Hand me my guitar....
Time to walk down Copperhead Road....

Only in the heat of the moment.....

Once, I was 18 and had to make choices...

I chose the military.
That choice led me to where I am today.

I'm always here to help Friends and strangers alike,
but who's there to help me?

Sometimes I feel alone.
I've always been able to work it out for myself, sometimes on the edge. The raw edge.

What if one really needed someone? Just a voice in the wilderness?
A voice to say, "I believe in you. I love you, my Friend."

Who would they call upon? You?

Would you be there to answer?
What would you say?

You see, I know these thoughts and feelings.
Because I've been there. Needing to hear the voice of a Friend.
Always know that I am here to answer your call.
Because I care about you. And I love you.
You matter to me. Let's talk about it, OK?
What do you want to do tomorrow?
There's always a tomorrow.

If you wish to talk with me, feel free to PM me.
Our conversation will be held in the strictest of confidence.
Many here will attest to my sincerity.
And, as you see, I am available at any time, night or day.


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Well, after an exhaustive search and 6 large trash bags to the curb, I still haven't found the title.

However, I have found a certain peace in my life.

Relinquishing things that I've held onto for years that I thought were important, I realized that many things that found their way to the curb weren't really all that important after all. A "self intervention" if you will....

More than once, I stumbled upon memories that made me cry....
Like Funeral items of my Mom....

To this day, I have not played the cassette.

I updated the posting for my truck to include that I cannot find the title but will work with any potential buyer to obtain a replacement title and will offer a discount by paying the cost.
I've had over 30 responses to the post of my truck.

And I curtly respond to "lowballers" thus:
"Thank You for your interest in my truck. However, your offer offends me.
Therefore, if you want to purchase my truck, the price is doubled for you."

Of course, I'll continue to search for the title, but for now, I'm going to enjoy what is left of my weekend.

Hope all are well!



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Saw my Friend at the Wine and Cheese shop yesterday at his shop.

Broke down the steering column on the ignition of the '02 Ford Focus and pulled the ignition in the parking lot.
Yeah, t'was the old worthless design, as I expected.

Built the new ignition to match his existing key and installed it.

Job went smooth! :thumbsup:

He asked how much he owed.

I told him that I'd return to collect before Thanksgiving for a nice Portuguese rose for a planned camping trip as an accompaniment to a dinner in the mountains.
However, a premium zinfandel is under consideration....

Now then, shall I plan on Turkey and trimmings or a ham for the camping meal?

Perhaps both?

Y'all be good now, hear?


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And how shall I enjoy tonight?

By winning a poker tourney again, of course!

View attachment 1497872

Just play money, again...this time.

Next time?
You got skin in the next game?

Let's play!


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Ah! Just won and am finishing up on a slow-cook of some beef back ribs.
Tender, juicy ribs.....

Messaged my Friend, Tristan and said that I once again I had our lunch meal ready for tomorrow.

I wonder if he likes camping and Nature?
What a wonderful opportunity of potential time to spend with him and teach what is important in one's life.
And perhaps show his soul the many wonders of who he can become....
I feel that there is much that we can connect with. :thumbsup:

Hope all have a great week ahead!



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As a lark, I just called my first wife. :dontknow:

It was a brief conversation, but pleasant.
She is now going through a divorce and is wanting to leave our hometown in Kansas.
I told her that if she ever comes to Georgia again....

I told her that I still thought fondly of her and that perhaps if it were a different time.....

I told her that I still loved her even though the past said differently.

As the call came to an end, she said that she still loved me.

Proof that one can always save the past! :headbang:




I'm smart enough to know when someone may want to take advantage of me.
NO ONE will ever take advantage of me, even if they say that they love me, Dig?
I DO have a Psychology Degree and can analyze their intentions.....
One MUST always be cautious....especially when handling serpents.

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As a lark, I just called my first wife. :dontknow:

It was a brief conversation, but pleasant.

I told her that I still thought fondly of her and that perhaps if it were a different time.....:dontknow:

I told her that I still loved her even though the past said differently.

As the call came to an end, she said that she still loved me.

Proof that one can always save the past! :headbang:



What????'s a matta for you!
I have a hard time believing you did not ask her where your truck title could be.

See my revised post. The PS part.

Yeah, she took a motorcycle that I had just replaced pistons and rings, re-bored the cylinders and tore it up racing on the local strip while I was away in Texas. She won, but my bike was toast after that one race...
The new pistons and rings shattered the cylinders. I had rebored them to specs for use, not racing.
I never saw my bike again. She told me it was stolen. I later found out the truth.
A contributing factor of our divorce. Some 30+ years ago. I still feel hurt.
Do I trust her?



NEVER come between a Man and his machine!

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Sometimes, while camping or even just living a simple life, the rain will fall.

Try to make the best of the day, as I do, and I look to the sky and ask,
"Have you ever seen the rain, on a sunny day?"

A smoke wagon is by my side waiting for a fool.
Then, a lesson will be taught. DON'T BE A FOOL.


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You're holding "Big Slick" suited.

Do you go "all in?"
You either win or go home.

I went all in and won the tourney!

An ace high flush beats a straight! :headbang:

And I will sleep well tonight. I'm now well over a million. 1.3 to be exact.



Good night, my Friends!

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The Veterans Representative from the Georgia Department of Labor called me yesterday and invited me to meet with him concerning Veteran's Court. So I met him this morning before work and I'm now officially registered as a volunteer mentor! :headbang:

He said that I'd likely be assigned one or two Vets that are in Veterans Court. The specific court times are the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 8 am. Those times will work great for me before work.

I now only hope that I can be an influence, provide strength and be able to help a fellow Vet....:notworthy:

Hope all are well.



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We also discussed a Veteran and Community outreach event scheduled for the first part of November.
An event to offer clothing, food and other help to Veterans and others in the community who are in need.

I asked for a flyer and paperclipped his card to it and took it to the Human resources lady whom he had called, on my behalf, to help me get my job.

Performance Food Group has donated nearly 2.1 million pounds of food to various groups in fiscal 2017.

Scotty just keeps on volunteering and bringing people and ideas together! :thumbsup:

And, you know what?

When I get busy helping others, I don't have bad dreams!



Just composed and sent an email to the Human Resources Director that I mentioned in the earlier post to wit:

I dropped off a flyer today for you to consider.

It concerns an event brought to my attention today when I met with Kevin and Stephan this morning at the Georgia Department of Labor to become a mentor for Veterans who are involved with Veteran's Court.

I hope that PFG would be interested in participating in the event that the flyer announces in any way possible.

I would be pleased to assist in any way that I could if participation is considered.

Feel free to contact me for anything that I can help with.

Have a Wonderful Day!

My Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx



Truck sleeping in a repair shop tonight. Sigh..
Guess I ' ll have to cancel drinkin beer ,running red lights and pickin up chicks tonight.
Could fire up the 10 horse trike , but awful stiff suspension and hard to steer with a beer.
Just kidding about the beer though.
Tractor is too slow to get too far out here before daylight.

Truck sleeping in a repair shop tonight. Sigh..
Guess I ' ll have to cancel drinkin beer ,running red lights and pickin up chicks tonight.
Could fire up the 10 horse trike , but awful stiff suspension and hard to steer with a beer.
Just kidding about the beer though.
Tractor is too slow to get too far out here before daylight.

You could spill the beer and, as we all know, that is alcohol abuse! :occasion14:

Be Well, my Friend!



Releventchair, I started at the beginning post and realized I would probably be dead before I reached the end, but I think I will follow it. Sounds like something I could get into. I know there is a point to all of this,do they give points for the oldest?

Welcome 45th Johnny.
It is a privilege to have you here.

Much has evolved over the course of Crispin's thread. Some personal revelations behind the scenes kind of change ,as is inevitable in life ; some upfront.
Throughout though ,some near misfits have had a sounding board of sorts. Music if nothing else, but music is a language of sorts and one that can project emotion.

A point? Hmmmm.
Maybe a stubborn faith that people can overcome their own fears enough to realise others have their own to overcome. Or maybe that everyone has a point.
Or that no one need be so alone they can not pop in fora comment ,or post a song or something.
Guess I don't have the answer to what the point is , beyond my opinion. There must be a point though...? L.o.l..

Points for age? Heck you can't hardly look older than 150.... Were points awarded you would be in the running for top count though. There have been a couple long set of whiskers drag through here but they were not attached to such a worn carriage I don't think...Oughta have points for that too.
Course you'd score those as well ,but it would be an interesting run for a minute.

Again welcome. A diverse cross section here . You' re likely to scratch your head just as well as applaud or recoil at times. But feel free to chime in when the mood strikes you.

Try to stave off dying till you have your say. Or for a while longer anyway. So far so ,umm... good ; right?
Chasing the entire thread might be like a Lewis Carroll novel.(!).


When I used to auction, back in the 70's, and it looked like I was ready to say, "SOLD,"
A new bidder would raise their hand to bid.

Whereupon I'd say,
"We got a new dog a runnin'!"

Welcome to the thread, my Friend!

We sometimes get off the wall here, (mostly me...) :dontknow:

But we have formed a sort of "Family."
We talk about recipes, passions like boats, treasure, our personal successes, aspirations, share music that fits our current mood and songs that you may not have heard before ....

We laugh when we can and cry if we must, but, we are always here for each other. :thumbsup:

I would be proud to call you my Friend!

Be Well,

My Friend!



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The Preventive maintenance list of the Pallet Jacks and Forklifts is down from 4 pages when I was hired to just under 1 1/2 pages now!

Boss said that it is about time to treat me and Tristan to another meal at Texas Roadhouse!

Make the boss look good and it pays off! :headbang:

And I'm still on my "Probationary Period."

I think a raise might be due when I receive my evaluation. Perhaps a class on repairs by the Equipment company?
Paid for by the employer?

Today I tackled replacement of a "Switch Pod" in the handle of a Crown jack.
The switch pod includes the fork "lift and lower," the "rabbit" switch and horns.

About 6-8 wires to connect.
Never performed the job before.

I asked the boss, "You want me to do the repair?"
He said, "Can you?"
I said, "Absolutely!"

I did the repair!

When I finished, I had him check it out.
All was good. :thumbsup:

He now knows that I can turn wrenches AND perform electrical repairs.

I then found another jack due for routine PM.

Many of the folks who use the jacks now search for me to change out worn load wheels, the caster wheels or drive wheels.
I have become quite popular with the drivers of jacks and lifts.
I keep their means of making money easier....
I fix their jacks and tell them, "Go make some money, My Friend!"

My value to the company increases daily!



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Scott, been there done that, every day I had to prove myself, I am sure many here are the same way. All of that is now behind me. I can now do what I can when I can, as long as the wife approves. Well I have walked the perimeter set the traps and secured everything for the night. I am enjoying my last cup of coffee, took all of my meds and thought I would stop by and see what is up. I usually thy not to think of what I have to do tomorrow and as usual it is nothing. God I love this job. I will be checking in from time, so stay safe.


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