As Moderator of 2 different Facebook groups of buying and selling, I've seen many unusual posts.

I have to distinguish which are allowed and which are not.

I've had to issue warnings and have banned many who violated the rules.

In a flash of insanity, I posted this, not to any group, but on my personal page.

For Sale
Donut Seeds.
10 for $1


I'm certain that I'll get interested buyers.....



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Next, I'll post for sale a "Solar Clothes Dryer."

For $50.


Sometimes it's fun to have "Flashes of Insanity!"

HEY! Insanity is a relative term. If you don't believe me, just ask any of my relatives! :tongue3:



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Now dinner is ready.

Spaghetti with homemade meat sauce which includes Italian sausage, fresh thinly sliced garlic,
oregano, a pinch of sage and plenty of Parmesan cheese.
Buttered toasted bread from the oven and a tall glass of sweet tea.

A nectarine, cookies and milk for dessert!

Perhaps a juicy plum for a bedtime snack later. As I read from Volume 3 of Carl Sandburg's,
"Abraham Lincoln-The War Years."....For the second time.
Sometimes, reading a book again will reveal things one might have missed the first time....

Certainly beats the ramen meals that I once was used to.....
Those days are now relegated to my memories.

Best Wishes Always,


Yes, I have all 4 Volumes of Carl Sandburg's, "Abraham Lincoln-The War Years." Copyright 1939.
Very compelling reading.....
My "Library" is extensive.....
To include many "First Editions" and signed books by the Author....
Yeah, I'm a bibliophile....



muppet old men.webp


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Oh it's here now........

Tornado warnings all day. The worst is yet to come. All is well so far...... hold on Dorothy!!!!!!!!

Donut seeds Scott????? Good lord thank you for the humor!!!! I'm exhausted............

We made it....... with damages but we are alive!!!!

Glad you and yours made it through the storm relatively unscathed.

Regards + HH



Angels in Heaven - Chris Rodrigues + the Spoon Lady.



Great talent....Dido - White Flag live from Brixton Academy.


Monday evening, just as I was about to ban a violator of the rules to one of the groups that I moderate,

No power until Thursday.
Thank goodness I have kerosene lamps and my wind-up camping radio.

Just this morning I finally get internet and cable back.

My Friend at the Wine and Cheese Shop, who lives about 30 minutes away, had an issue with his Ford Focus ignition.
I went and got him running for now, but 2002 Focus ignitions were poorly designed. I've replaced several with the revised design.
I suggested that he get his replaced. Monday I'll call the Locksmith supplier and order one.
Next Saturday, I'll replace it after using wafers included to work with his existing key.
Scotty gonna get him some wine and cheese!

Got those old coins yesterday....
Got 'em soakin' in olive oil right now.
Probably gonna take a week or two to get all of that old dirt off of them.

Hope all are Well!

Best Always,



Just messaged the fellow that I got the coins from and told him that I liked the coins. Thinking of getting more....
He said that if I needed help Identifying any, that he could help. I gave him a link to the Group that I created and offered to add him as a member. Perhaps he could lend his expertise to identifications.
I also provided a link to Treasurenet.

Helpful link to the Group that I created:

All are Welcome to join!

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Was going through my files looking for my truck title 'cause I'm going to trade it in for a newer truck,
and came across this from 10 years ago.

"Ya might be a Redneck if..."
~You can't marry your sweetheart because there's a law against it.
~Jack Daniels makes your list of "most admired people."
~You let your 12 year old daughter smoke at the dinner table in front of her kids.
~You wonder how service stations keep their restrooms so clean.
~The "Blue Book" value of your truck goes up and down depending on how much gas is in it.
~You think that "Loading the dishwasher" means getting your wife drunk.
~You've been married 3 times and still have the same in-laws.
~The Halloween pumpkin on your porch has more teeth than your spouse.
~Your wife's hairdo was once ruined by a ceiling fan.
~You think that the last words of "The Star Spangled Banner" is, "Gentlemen, Start your engines."
~Anyone in your Family has ever died after saying, "Hold my beer and watch this!"

There's more...

A couple that I made up is:
~"If you think that 'Home Improvement' means new trailer skirting..."
~"Hog hunting" means trolling the local bar for a date."



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Joke of the day -A C-130 is being escorted by two F-16s. Tired from following the slow-moving plane, one of the F-16 pilots tells his partner, "Hey watch what I can do." With that, he leaves the C-130's side and performs a series of barrel rolls.
"That's nothing" says the second F-16 pilot and he also leaves his spot and does even more spectacular tricks. The two F-16s continue showing off. When they finally fall back into place the C-130 pilot comes on the mike.
"I bet I can do something you can't" he says.
"Yeah, right, prove it" says one of the F-16 pilots.
"Watch this," says the C-130 pilot and continues flying in a straight line. After a few minutes, the F-16 pilot comes back on the mic and says
"We didn't see anything, you liar"
"You're the liar" the C-130 pilot says, "I went to the bathroom for a smoke break and a dump"

Hey, what ever happened to Worldtalker?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Joke of the day -A C-130 is being escorted by two F-16s. Tired from following the slow-moving plane, one of the F-16 pilots tells his partner, "Hey watch what I can do." With that, he leaves the C-130's side and performs a series of barrel rolls.
"That's nothing" says the second F-16 pilot and he also leaves his spot and does even more spectacular tricks. The two F-16s continue showing off. When they finally fall back into place the C-130 pilot comes on the mike.
"I bet I can do something you can't" he says.
"Yeah, right, prove it" says one of the F-16 pilots.
"Watch this," says the C-130 pilot and continues flying in a straight line. After a few minutes, the F-16 pilot comes back on the mic and says
"We didn't see anything, you liar"
"You're the liar" the C-130 pilot says, "I went to the bathroom for a smoke break and a dump"

That "joke" reminded me of jumping from an aircraft in the Army.
As an 18 year old, there wasn't much humor involved.....
Spoiler: I survived....:headbang:



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Yeah buddy me too......

Just exchanged messages with "The Kid."

After talking in private with my Supervisor, I learned that he MUST graduate High School or he will be let go.

I never mentioned what I was told in private, but stressed the importance of education....

My messages to "the Kid," was that I am always available for tutoring in any class that he needs help with.

How better to use my skills and knowledge than to help a Friend and Co-worker keep his job.

I can only hope that he asks my help and that I can see him graduate this December. :hello2:

I will be at his Graduation!



He replied that he needs help in some classes.
Time to sharpen pencils!
Let's get this kid on the right path!

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