My Guitar is tuned and I am playing this.....

The first song that I taught myself on guitar...

I play this song and then work on new songs.....

Tuning my guitar is easy with this song.....
Either a 6 string or 12....
Reminds me of pleasant times past....


Wish I had my lost Ovation....

But, We shall play on! Shant we?

It is a pain in the there are 7 guitars in this song!!!

Nature Lost

When nature is lost,
So is one's soul.
What is lost
What Is the toll."

"A life once free,
without pain,
Is now one
Without gain."

"Though you may seek love without pain,
Must I remind you again..."

Love without Pain.

Love without pain is a fantasy,
Perhaps only a mystery.

Only you know of such mysteries,
And of the fantasies....


Just a song I'm workin' on.....

E A D.

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I bumped into an old coworker at the store today. He started showing off, talking about his well paid job and expensive sports car. Then he pulled out a photo of his wife and said, "She's beautiful, isn't she?"
I said, "If you think she's gorgeous, you should see my girlfriend."
He said, "Why? Is she a stunner?"
I said, "No, she's an optician."

Leaving today for starts tomorrow!!! Wife and I need some alone time. Aruba, Curaçao, Dominican Republic and my favorite, Grand Turk....... my marriage needs this trip. My wife and I are supposed to renew our vows with the ships Captain........ oh no, what if she refuses? [emoji24]

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My newest resurrection, a 1962 Evinrude Lightwin 3hp
I found this at the dump many years ago, finally got around to fixing it up, new coils, points, plugs, impeller, plastic float and rebuild carb. Runs like new!! Should push my dingy nicely this summer through the harbor, to the sailboat. All said and done I might have spent $40 on parts! Not bad for a sweet running outboard!!! It just amazes me what people throw away, just proves life is to easy!!! If they lived through a depression things would be different!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Sweeet! Dang fine.
You probably checked tension on steering pivot so motor won' t flop if you let go..
Even on old outboards where engine is shot ,on some a 3/ 8 socket( ?) Can fit drive to allow mounting a small engine on top of.
A direct drive is not recommended ordinarily ,but if stranded with the resources..
You tube has a bunch of conversions. Found this too..http:// http


Finally figured out why the 1948 Farmall Cub did not want to start with a handcrank.
The cross pin on handcrank fits the engine crank pully.
I had been lifting from 6 o clock to 12 . A safer half crank process that should work for a well tuned engine. Thumb on same side as fingers should it kick back. Any valued body parts kept clear of crank path should timing being off cause a backfire. Even knowing magneto is properly timed to engine.

After enough blisters inspired more study.....and input from other Cub owowne
The dog gone cross pin in hand crank is at the opposite angle it should be.
Meaning ,a pull from 3 o clock to nine ( I go to 12) means zoom ,zoom...
Bang head.

Sweeet! Dang fine.
You probably checked tension on steering pivot so motor won' t flop if you let go..
Even on old outboards where engine is shot ,on some a 3/ 8 socket( ?) Can fit drive to allow mounting a small engine on top of.
A direct drive is not recommended ordinarily ,but if stranded with the resources..
You tube has a bunch of conversions. Found this too..http:// http


Finally figured out why the 1948 Farmall Cub did not want to start with a handcrank.
The cross pin on handcrank fits the engine crank pully.
I had been lifting from 6 o clock to 12 . A safer half crank process that should work for a well tuned engine. Thumb on same side as fingers should it kick back. Any valued body parts kept clear of crank path should timing being off cause a backfire. Even knowing magneto is properly timed to engine.

After enough blisters inspired more study.....and input from other Cub owowne
The dog gone cross pin in hand crank is at the opposite angle it should be.
Meaning ,a pull from 3 o clock to nine ( I go to 12) means zoom ,zoom...
Bang head.

Awesome on figuring out the hand crank, that's one thing I've never fooled with. I've heard the horror stories of the dangers of them though! I'll keep that info you posted in the back of my mind just in case I ever do work on one.
This little out board is direct drive, just spin it around for reverse! Haha!
I picked up the same motor in the Johnson configuration a month ago for $15.00 delivered!! Lol! I may revive that one as well and flip it on craigslist, it should bring most of the money I spent on a 7.5 honda 4 stroke I bought the other day for my sailboat. It runs awesome just like every honda!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Awesome Dram!!!!

Mooring is inspected, sailboat is registered along with cuddly cabin and the new seadoo, I have three reliable outboards ready. So now just a coat of bottom paint and splash the sailboat! I'm ready for summer!!!
Enjoy your trip!!!
Pics of seadoo from last fall when I bought it. Wife wanted it...really she did!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

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Awesome on figuring out the hand crank, that's one thing I've never fooled with. I've heard the horror stories of the dangers of them though! I'll keep that info you posted in the back of my mind just in case I ever do work on one.
This little out board is direct drive, just spin it around for reverse! Haha!
I picked up the same motor in the Johnson configuration a month ago for $15.00 delivered!! Lol! I may revive that one as well and flip it on craigslist, it should bring most of the money I spent on a 7.5 honda 4 stroke I bought the other day for my sailboat. It runs awesome just like every honda!!
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View attachment 1442328

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

I got a awesome deal on the Honda (of course I pretty much stole it!) but I told my wife if she's nervous of a older motor I'm more than happy to purchase a brand new Tohatsu sailpro outboard. This Honda will bring a excellent price if I flip it.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Rc, that's quite a story. I can only imagine flying upside down in a helicopter in the clouds...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Never did go see Tim from Habitat For Humanity...

I'm pursuing a job with an outfit that does Communication Tower work...

Nah, don't think I'll be climbing a tower. At First.
(Wonder if I do climb, can I wear a parachute? :icon_scratch: If I do climb, Shall I list you as a beneficiary on my life insurance?)

They are looking for ground support labor, such as tying steel, clearing brush, pouring cement, operating bobcats etc.

The job requires out of town travel all week and will pay per diem in addition to wages.

This appears to be a good fit for ole Scotty!

I should know something by Monday....

Hope All are Well!


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My time here is running short....

I will have to move on soon.
Where? When?

I don't know....

The future is wide open, yet narrow in scope.

As a hoarder of such fine collectibles, I hate to part with them for such bogus "low ball" minimal prices....
Here's an example... A $5 bill for $250.

But, As life goes on,
I must also go on....
After all, life is about going forward!
It's not about what you have, but it's what you can give.....

I've lost many valuable things before in the past and this is just one more time, I guess....

I'll certainly move on....

After all,
I've never seen a "U-Haul" trailer behind a hearse. Dig?


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"If I should trip and fall,
And lose it all,
You'll always be my Friend,
To the very end."

"If my breath grows weak,
And I find it hard to speak,
I just want to say,
You're my Friend, every day."

"Tomorrow is a day
That I will say,
Time and again,
Thank you for being my Friend."



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"America is the leader of Freedom and Liberty
Just in case you are blind and cannot see."

"When the world calls upon Liberty and truth for the free,
Patriots are always there, don't you see?"

"Once, years ago, my pledge was given to you,
Know that my pledge is always today given true!"

"I still have skills. And weapons. Any questions from the back of the class?
Perhaps you might think of what could become of your a$$."

Wolf Pack Strong!


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Got over on "Top?"

Well, there's a story or two...



Story #1 about Top.

Early one morning after 0500 formation, he declared "Barracks Inspection."

This included buffed floors.

Well, there was only one buffer available for the whole barracks and once I got to my room,
I opened the window and shouted, "TOP SUCKS!"
He quickly looked up and saw me retreat to the shadows.
He then commanded everyone from the room to post in his office.

While he began the interrogation of who shouted the statement,
I told Top that every one else could leave; It was me.

About then, my Platoon Sargent came in and saved me.

He said, "Top, I heard that you suck. Is it true?"

Top was pissed and said, "Both of you, get the f*ck out of here!"

I then owed my Sargent a night of CQ, but it was worth it!


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Top story #2...

After being injured in duty,
I was assigned to "Special Forces."
(Purple Heart? Maybe...)

This included "light" duty around the barracks.

One day, I was assigned to dig outside of the mess hall to the problem of the sanitation.

So, After morning formation I was told by Top to "Dig Here, under this window to the sewage pipe."

Well, by noon, I had dug 4 foot down and still hadn't reached the pipe.

He came out and surveyed my progress and said,
"I thought it was here, but I guess not. Move your hole over 4 feet to the left."

I Climbed out of the hole I dug, threw my shovel at his feet and said,
"I dug this hole, you dig the next."

That was the beginning of my Honorable Discharge.


According to the UCMJ,
"No order is to be given that a superior officer giving that order is not willing to carry out themself."

Told ya that I studied the UCMJ....

I dissed a Colonel!

My meeting with a Colonel at Battalion HQ in Heilbronn.

I was sure that I was screwed....

Scotty knows his sh*t!

Yeah, THAT Colonel...
Remember him? I do....

Ah, Crap!
Certainly he has cleaned himself of mud by now.....
Small world, huh?
The meetings details might be posted....probably not...
Certainly enough posting tonight....

I'll check into further postings....
Security and such....Dig?

And how would you act as an 18 year old kid in front of a Colonel you almost killed?

How 'bout with brass balls?

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Never did go see Tim from Habitat For Humanity...

I'm pursuing a job with an outfit that does Communication Tower work...

Nah, don't think I'll be climbing a tower. At First.
(Wonder if I do climb, can I wear a parachute? :icon_scratch: If I do climb, Shall I list you as a beneficiary on my life insurance?)

They are looking for ground support labor, such as tying steel, clearing brush, pouring cement, operating bobcats etc.

The job requires out of town travel all week and will pay per diem in addition to wages.

This appears to be a good fit for ole Scotty!

I should know something by Monday....

Hope All are Well!


I worked with a tower company for years

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