"The pain of yesterday is passed.
Tomorrow is here at long last.
A new day awaits you.
What you gonna do?
What cha gonna do?"

"Play or fold?
What do you hold?"

"Life is sometimes hard,
Gimme just one more card,
A new hand,
Another plan.
What cha gonna do?"

What you gonna do? Yeah,
What you gonna do?"


"The turn of a Friendly Card?"

Dig the Gibson!

"Do ya love Clint Eastwood movies? Well, do ya, punk?"

"And, Get off my lawn!"

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you.
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! Kipling

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Sometimes, I sleep better.....

(Be careful if you wake me....The story of a Drill Sargent's mistake may be posted later....)

Whether on a camping trip or at home....
Tonight, I'll sleep soundly.
Dreams be damned!

I've always been one to be aware of my surroundings at all times,
and you know that when I do sleep, it is lightly.....

My last dream was that I found myself in my hometown.

My Mom couldn't be found.

An ex-wife played me, and,

I thought of a friend but couldn't remember where he lived,
nor could I call him 'cause my phone was dead..

I was lost in my hometown.

My truck wouldn't start and I had to leave it on the side of the road.
I had to hitchhike and walk....

I had to pass through a "crack" neighborhood. At night.
Such crap!
And then, I'm in Germany.
Seems familiar, but.....
I go to my duty station and I'm unknown.
I walk and nothing is familiar.....
Though I speak German, no one can help....

Yet, just another nightmare.....

See why I'm here awake all night?


And, I think I just pissed off some radical muslims on another site?.....:dontknow:
I'm OK with that. Bring it! But not here.....
Bring it to me and see....
Do you idiots need an address? Come and get it. I got bacon cookin' in the skillet waitin' for you. :laughing7:

Oops.. "Sorry."
I didn't mean to upset any "snowflakes...."


"You goat rapers, feel the power of the Mother of all bombs! And we got more for you!"

But, Folks, We are at war.
Though no one dares to say it, I will.
You know with who....
Radical Islam.

Yeah, enough politics.

Let's go find some treasure with our beep sticks, shall we? :headbang:

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I pledged my life for America 40 years ago and I still honor that pledge today!

To defend against all invaders, Foreign and Domestic.....

A Vet, A Patriot and a Wolf Pack member.
Strong then and still Strong today!
A defender or Liberty, Justice, Truth, and the American way! :icon_thumright:


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Present for 0500 morning formation, SIR! :icon_salut:


Fat boy "Little Kim" Failed.

'Bout time for a spanking, don't you think?
My sources indicate that his time is near up.
Perhaps a Coup?

Watch this......


(I've said too much.....)

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Anyone who protests and covers their face should be shot.
They are not to be considered as worthy.

Only Patriots, who protest, showing their face, are Honorable and are thus respected.

The Founding Fathers, Risked their fortune and life to bring about America.
They didn't cover their faces.....

John Hancock signed his name LARGE on the Declaration of Independence.

He wanted his name and soul to be known for the New Endeavor, known as AMERICA!
As the other Patriots who signed that document.

And the punks who wear masks over their faces now are protesting for what?
Men to go into women's bathrooms?

Women wearing P*ssy hats?

What are they really protesting? Huh?

Perhaps Blacks are afraid of Cops.

Well, don't break the law, you Dumb asses!
Quit killing each other!

Don't you realize that we are ALL Americans?

What the hell is going on here?



Politics? Nah....

Common Sense?


Everyone should read Thomas Paine.


Samuel L Jackson is an idiot. Anyone who tries to divide America based on the Democratic or Republican party is an idiot. The rhetoric that some spout that leads to racism divides America. Surely you know of those I speak of...Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al
Do you buy into the rhetoric? Are you an idiot?

Democrat or Republican, we are all Americans.

Why Divide America?

"A House Divided cannot stand." Lincoln

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For sinners such as myself,
There is salvation,
Because He has risen this day!


Blessed Wishes For All,


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Yesterday I explained Easter and Christmas to an 11 year old...... I couldn't do it without a tear. Momma raised me right I guess......

Joke of the day- You spend like a $100 grand in tuition, and you think you're done with them. Then for the rest of your life, they're calling up asking for money. No one else does that. If I see a movie, I don't get a call from the theater, like, 'We're buying a new projector, can you kick in a few bucks? We're calling all the "Spiderman II" alumni.'

My newest resurrection, a 1962 Evinrude Lightwin 3hp
I found this at the dump many years ago, finally got around to fixing it up, new coils, points, plugs, impeller, plastic float and rebuild carb. Runs like new!! Should push my dingy nicely this summer through the harbor, to the sailboat. All said and done I might have spent $40 on parts! Not bad for a sweet running outboard!!! It just amazes me what people throw away, just proves life is to easy!!! If they lived through a depression things would be different!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Joke of the day- My dad told me never to go to a cheap, sleazy, dirty, raunchy strip club, because you'll see something you really shouldn't.

So I went.

And I saw my dad.

The story of the Drill Sargent....

A bit of background first.

Growing up, I always slept deeply; Hard for Mom to wake Scotty for school.

The first day at my Basic training station, Ft. McClellan, Alabama, was more than a full day.

"Get off the bus you faggots! Make a line!"

Then, it was sign in, issue of fatigues and linens, SHOTS (Then PT to include push-ups), haircut (BUZZ then marched to PX and required to buy a comb),
Assignment to platoon and barracks, Chow at the mess, more PT, some more marching, some more PT, dinner chow at the mess, another march,
Lights out for sleep about midnight.

AH! Sleep!

At 0400, LIGHTS ON!
"Drop your cocks and into your socks!"

Ole Scotty didn't wake up directly.....

One Drill Sargent, Sargent Robertson, didn't like that I pulled the wool blanket over my head.

He came to my bunk, grabbed the foot end, lifted it about a foot in the air and slammed it down.

I came up swinging and knocked him out cold!

Upon review of the UCMJ, (which I read and studied...)
It was determined that I could not be held responsible for reactions within a certain period of time of being awaken.

Sgt. Robertson and I got along just fine after that.
Meaning that he had others wake me. Like my Platoon Leader....
I soon learned to sleep lightly and have ever since.

Since this was an OSUT base (One station unit training),

I was here for the duration of my Basic and MOS, MP (95 Bravo)Training.

The respect that Sgt. Robertson had for me after that was encouraged to be a "peer instructor."

I graduated at the top of my Company and helped others to achieve their goal. :thumbsup:

I think that I gained rank about then...:icon_scratch:


Then, I was assigned to my Germany Duty station.....
Certainly, more stories await....
That may pass security clearances....I can't wait!

Got some pics....
Of course, I'll have to check....

"And, how is it that you have these pics, huh?"

Ummm, What pics? :dontknow:

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I love westerns!



Life is fleeting...

Are you wanted also?

For what?

Pulling tags of of mattresses?


Not me!

My crime is time....

Don't push me to dreams....Where anything goes....
You Will Lose....

And, Since I was 18, I've still got MY life to go!
The choices I've made, the paths explored,
Have led me to where I am now.

I'm satisfied here. :thumbsup:

Yet, Still seeking improvement....

How 'bout you?


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My Guitar is tuned and I am playing this.....

The first song that I taught myself on guitar...

I play this song and then work on new songs.....

Tuning my guitar is easy with this song.....
Either a 6 string or 12....
Reminds me of pleasant times past....


Wish I had my lost Ovation....

But, We shall play on! Shant we?

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Speakin' bout guitars.... I have a project....
Red wire to the round do-hikkee....

soldering station 009.webp

But.... I have other guitars to play, and this to keep me busy.....

soldering station 014.webp

Careful Viking.....

I was born to run
I was born to dream
The craziest boy you ever seen
I gotta do it my way
Or no way at all

And I was here to please
I'm even on knees
Makin' love to whoever I please
I gotta do it my way
Or no way at all

And then you came around
Tried to tie me down
I was such a clown
You had to have it your way
Or no way at all

Well I've had all I can take
I can't take it no more
I'm gonna pack my bags and fly, baby
Or no way at all

So why don't you turn me lose
Turn me loose
Turn me loose
I gotta do it my way
Or no way at all

Why don't you turn me loose
Turn me loose
Turn me loose
I gotta do it my way
I want to fly

I'm here to please
I'm even on my knees
Makin' love to whoever I please
I gotta do it my way
I gotta do it my way
And when you came around
You tried to tie me down
I was such a clown
You had to have it your way
Well I'm sayin' no way

So why don't you turn me loose
Turn me loose
Turn me loose
I gotta do it my way
Or no way at all

Why don't you turn me loose
Turn me loose
Turn me loose
I gotta do it my way
I want to fly

So why don't you turn me loose,
Turn me loose
Turn me loose
I gotta do it my way
Or no way at all

Why don't you turn me loose
Turn me loose
Turn me loose
I gotta do it my way
I gotta do it my way

Why don't you turn me loose
Turn me loose
Turn me loose
I gotta do it my way
I want to fly

Turn me loose


Ya know, I post too much here.

Of my passion, my dreams and my goals.

The stories I relate, my opinions, and possibly posts that are worthy of banning.
Should I be banned?
I've often thought that I should.....

Yeah, I'm proud of it all!

But, I think that I'll see y"all later.
Be Well, my Friends!

Love one another, help y'all's friends and always be there for a Vet!
Love another human....

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