A new battery in my truck and I went to the grocery store.

Bought a chicken and after "shake and bake."

Dinner is ready!
Green beans, smashed taters and gravy....
Nom, nom!

A full belly, a hot shower and sleep is now awaiting.

Have I found the answer to my insomnia?
Sans mountain camping?

I still sleep with a weapon at my side...just in case of a bear or a stupid thief....


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A story of a Christmas Eve several years ago....

My Son-in-law brought his drum kit to my house and I tuned up my Gibson.

We played this song.


Yeah, alcohol flowed....

We also played songs that I wrote and songs that he wrote.....

He is now dead.

But, I'll never forget that one special night....


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Keith, you ready?

Hit it! Let's play!


I'm lost in yesterday.....
Keith loved Bon Jovi....

We never played my favorite Bon Jovi...though I wanted to....

A triple- neck Ovation Guitar?


(Best go "full screen,"dig?)


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My Landlord loaned me his truck and I purchased a new battery for my truck.

Looks like I have a lot of repairs ahead to the gutters, fascia and soffets this weekend.

I think I have a ladder that will reach.....:dontknow:

Hope that I ain't "skeered" of heights....:tongue3:
( parachute needed)
After the first bounce, I'm OK.... :headbang:


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Scott, hope you feel better! Man mowing for the first time this year!!! I wish I was!! I still got snow!!!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Snow? Haven't seen snow since I left Kansas....
Running a lawnmower in the snow?

This, I gotta see!

Got a video?


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The treasure that I have buried is still awaiting for you to find........
All clues have been given to you, I must remind,

Plot and search all of my clues,
Follow the lead, and the swag is for you!

The booty is in Georgia, I've heard it once said,
Somewhere in the mountains, somewhere well hid.

Easy to find some day,
If you follow the way....some say...

The clues are simple and yet sometimes hard,
they will lead you to your own back yard.

Know of math and subjects more.
Soon you will find the treasure and the lore!

"Finally, at long last" is a camping trip to know,
It's certainly a place where you want to go.

If you find yourself this summer near,
I'll provide directions to lead you, hear,

I wish that my treasure you will find,
and thus relieve of my mind.

Just like geosearch....Dig?


The stone with an "X"


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Joke of the day- I lost a good friend and drinking buddy this past weekend in a tragic accident.

He got his finger stuck in a wedding ring.

My family (except me and the 14 y/o and dogs) are at Sanibel Island for Spring Break..........the 14 y/o has a date Saturday and I just couldn't dare let someone watch my new dog. However, it was recently our 37th Anniversary so 21-30 April my wife and I are going on a cruise. Grand Turk ( great diving) Curaçao and Aruba!!!!


Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary....not many last that long.
33 years for me and the missus this May 19th.

Regards + HH


My family (except me and the 14 y/o and dogs) are at Sanibel Island for Spring Break..........the 14 y/o has a date Saturday and I just couldn't dare let someone watch my new dog. However, it was recently our 37th Anniversary so 21-30 April my wife and I are going on a cruise. Grand Turk ( great diving) Curaçao and Aruba!!!!


Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary....not many last that long.
33 years for me and the missus this May 19th.

Regards + HH


Congrats to you guys (and girls)!!!:headbang:
I have been with the same women since 1989, she was 17.... I think now 29? :icon_scratch::laughing7:

A pic.. of a pic.. from.....early 90's.

kev and kara in the camaro.webp

I hope this email finds you well. I'm at home but most of my family deployed to Sanibel Island for Spring Break! Hey I'm watching a documentary about searching/diving for ships in the " Battle of the Atlantic " which made me think. Was it you that told me you had some magnetometer copies of the wrecks along Florida 's East coast? If I remember correctly, these papers came from NASA in a study they did searching for Space Shuttle challenger debris.........or am I cracking smoke???? Take care my friend

An email I sent to an old friend of mine........ he answered yes, but that information is guarded!!!!!!!! boat........,

"Where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise." Gray

"In the land of the blind,
The one-eyed man is King." Desiderius Erasmus

"If perchance one day we should meet,
I shall rise from upon my seat.
I will embrace you as my Friend,
My loyalty, never to end!" Scotty




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"Where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise." Gray

"In the land of the blind,
The one-eyed man is King." Desiderius Erasmus

"If we should meet,
I shall rise from my seat.
I'll embrace you as my Friend.
My loyalty never to end." Scotty



One headlight?


I have thought long and hard about a job to persue...

I'm reminded of the time that I volunteered to help build a house with
Habitat For Humanity, building a home for a Vet.

The "Project Supervisor," Tim, assigned me a lead role and authorized me to use power tools including "Impulse" nail guns and Hilti "ramsets" based upon my experience.....



(My signature and best wishes are included here, on the back of risers.....)

I attended the "Turning Over of the Keys" Dedication to the new home owner.




5 days before Christmas, 13 years to the day my Mom died....

Based upon my latest resume,
I will contact Tim for employment as he is also involved in other construction projects as a contractor.

And he is now the Director of Hall County Habitat for Humanity.

Our Staff | Hall County Habitat for Humanity

Perhaps my Volunteering will also continue!

Let's Build Something Great Together | Hall County Habitat for Humanity

Hope all have a Blessed Easter!


My Best Wishes,


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A worthy cause and you deserve a pat on the back for your efforts.....a chap we know who's quite the handyman donates some time every year to help build schools in the Dominican Republic.

Regards + HH



The feeling of giving and volunteering is a feeling that cannot be described!

It often makes me cry with joy!

Since I discovered that feeling, it is addictive!

After all, what can one truly give but that of their self?



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A bit of a bluesy number for you....

Bring it on home to me - Tom Jones, Van Morrison and Jeff Beck.


I hope that everyday, my wisdom and my Friends help to show me the way.....

Notice the 12 string? An early Ovation? Yeah. I know guitars, dig? Especially Ovations....FROM 1975.....

Y'all be good, hear?

Help others, respect your elders, and don't drink too many Guinness!


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