Took my resume to the tower outfit Monday.
Seems I was too late....
Buddy said that they had hired two guys already.
I said, "Keep my resume handy in case they don't work out or things pick up for y'all."
As y'all know, I live in a basement apartment.
Monday, I awoke to a squishy carpet. WTH!?!
I told my Landlord and he called a plumber.
Seems that a leak had developed in a drain line in the laundry room adjacent to where I live.
So, I had to get stuff up off the floor and everything became Topsy-turvy!
The plumbers fixed the problem but I've been using a shop vac for the last 2 days trying to suck up the water from the carpet.
Thankfully, nothing got too wet to be ruined.
My first grab off of the floor was my guitar! Whew!
Still sucking water from the carpet and have a fan to help dry out.
Probably will be sucking the carpet for a few more days...
What next?
Anywho, I signed up with an outfit that is like a "clearinghouse" for estate sales and have gotten about a half dozen calls already. I tell them to think about that "American Picker" show on TV and come see what I got and make offers. Got a couple of appointments for the next few days....
The water leak has kicked me into high gear for moving...
After all of my research of where,
I've weighed the pros and cons of my hometown, Lawrence, Kansas.
This appears to be the best for me to move to within a month or three.
Although I hate winter, cold, snow, ice, no mountains for camping, a liberal political environment(and an ex-wife living there),
I'm sure that I'll do OK.
I'll be among old Friends, great cat-fishing, and Kansas University for my Bachelors in Social work.
I'd sure like to be able to continue my Academics by enrolling by this Fall Semester. Somewhere.
I have no worries about employment in Lawrence......
And I'm also pretty sure that all of the statutes of limitations have expired....

I am also going to call a couple of people tomorrow who "Buy Houses" for some quick cash should they need help.
I'll ask if they need someone to do repairs to bring more money when they sell.
Climbed on the roof today to blow debris and the gutters.
Managed to take the garden hose up also and cleaned the downspouts.
Had a hand held twister "snake" and cleaned all the downspouts.
Landlord said they have never been cleaned. Since he lived here. 10 years.
Then mowed the lawn and blowed the driveway and patio areas.
I'll have no problem sleeping tonight, although I'm quite sore.....
I'll finish up some hot sauce chicken tonight with some mashed taters,
green beans and a buttered biscuit or two.
How have y'all been?
My Best Wishes,
Just fixed an old pair of broken glasses!!!