Scott loved the stories. Here's one from me about Top. I went to Arizona to do some training. I was wearing a flight suit in the BX with my sleeves rolled up. I hear " Hey Sarge you can't do that!" " I said do what? Your sleeves, roll them down. I said " Top you don't understand I'm part of the R 13 project. He says " the what?" I said " well it's really a secret program but I'll inbrief you" " There are a handful of us and everyday at 1700, we report to medical to have our temperature checked ANALLY. He looked at me bumfunkled..... I said " yeah you see where are testing the body core temperature on NCO's and comparing the differences between sleeves up and sleeves down" I said report to medical at 1715, tell them you are part of the R13 project and you want an anal probe.......... he replied You're all crazy" I said "and if you see anybody else, sleeves up leave them alone.........he walked away mumbling " all crazy"............ hehehe

Story #1 about Top.

Early one morning after 0500 formation, he declared "Barracks Inspection."

This included buffed floors.

Well, there was only one buffer available for the whole barracks and once I got to my room,
I opened the window and shouted, "TOP SUCKS!"
He quickly looked up and saw me retreat to the shadows.
He then commanded everyone from the room to post in his office.

While he began the interrogation of who shouted the statement,
I told Top that every one else could leave; It was me.

About then, my Platoon Sargent came in and saved me.

He said, "Top, I heard that you suck. Is it true?"

Top was pissed and said, "Both of you, get the f*ck out of here!"

I then owed my Sargent a night of CQ, but it was worth it!


After re-reading my post,
I thought that additional facts might prove enlightening.....

Early one morning after 0500 formation, he declared "Barracks Inspection."
I had just hiked down from "Launcher Hill," in the dark, a mile or two, after a 24 on-24 off shift, and barely made formation. Was thinking of my 24 off.....

Well, there was only one buffer available for the whole barracks and once I got to my room,
I opened the window and shouted, "TOP SUCKS!"
He quickly looked up and saw me retreat to the shadows.
The "Barracks" was a 3 story building that included the mess hall, barber shop, an NCO Club, PX and administrative offices. My room was on the second floor. I shared this room with 3 others. The Battery's Clerks name was Pvt. "Ruder." We all called him Radar.

While he began the interrogation of who shouted the statement,
I told Top that every one else could leave; It was me.
After this display of responsibility,
I was held in reverence by all for being one to protect my fellow soldiers and my honesty.

About then, my Platoon Sargent came in and saved me.

He said, "Top, I heard that you suck. Is it true?"
SSgt Mayfield was always looking out for the MP's under his command. He saved many of us...Some from being subject to German prosecution for various indiscretions....ahem!

Top was pissed and said, "Both of you, get the f*ck out of here!"

I then owed my Sargent a night of CQ, but it was worth it!
Top knew that without the MP's on the site that he would be just another supply Sgt. somewhere. And, I often volunteered for CQ for Sgt. Mayfield 'cause I never really slept well anyway. He and I always got along well.

Hope I have now provided enough details for all to understand the situation.



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Just made a quick run to the grocery store for some ramen for dinner.

Gave the cashier a $5.
He gave me change for a $20.

I could sure use the windfall...

But, I handed it back and said, "Too much change, Boss."




Just messaged Tim with Habitat for Humanity about possible employment.

Hope to be working soon!

I hate being idle.....

Sales with various outfits are progressing slowly, as expected. 10-12 have called....
I've discounted many whom I feel to be greedy and "bottom-feeding lowballers".....
A couple are still viable for further meetings this week.

If the silver you mentioned that I've posted looks good, send me a PM.
Prices are negotiable.....
I still need to buy more ramen for dinner tomorrow....


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I'll be OK.

With a little help from my Friends...

My Love to my Friends!



"My Friends know me Quite well. They are always in my thoughts...."

Went shooting today. By myself.
Many rounds expended.....
The targets shook with fear....

Accuracy is not really an issue, but weapon performance is.

No worries; my maintenance of weapons was spot on. As usual.
And my aim was true.
Quite satisfied with results.

Tomorrow I will clean and prepare my weapons for another day.


"When America has no choice but to fight for freedom, Count me in!" "HOO-RAH!"

Here's a video of weapons being fired.

I have fired many weapons....

I like it!
Hope you do, also!

"Don't you just love the smell of gunpowder in the morning? I'll see you at the range, Soldier!
At 0600.
Try not to die, OK?"

SHEESH! My training....
Ummm...Nuff said.
And those whom I served with who survived Nam....

I knew them....They were my Friends....


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"I cry for those who sacrificed for Freedom's sake.
Will their loss make America Great?
My Brothers and Sisters who paid the price,
Know that your gift is worthy of your sacrifice."

"When America needs your solemn right,
And Truth becomes your passionate fight,
You will have given your best, never to rest,
and have passed the greatest test..."

"As an American!
An American.
One who loves Freedom.
One who loves Liberty."



God Bless our Vets and Service men and women.
And God Bless America!



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I trained for duty that I can't say. I was chosen to be a peer instructor.

I accepted and still graduated in the top of my training class.



I best shut up now, dig?

When I left the military, I signed documents that I would not discuss things for 20 years.
And some things that I'd never discuss.....

Guess that I ain't discussing any more sh*t here, Dig?

Except that I'm proficient with weapons....

Any questions?


And, a tall glass of cold milk will calm me.

Got some cookies?

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this is the show Coopers' treasure........on Discovery, what do you think?


Where's Crispin? haven't seen him around in a while..must have gotten rich on that candle making venture

Where's Crispin? haven't seen him around in a while..must have gotten rich on that candle making venture

I have often wondered this myself...
I have made candles myself with an antique 4-taper mold.
I use crayons for coloring and use my favorite scent-Lilac.

I also make tie-Dye T-shirts.
Love creating crafts!

Bill, can you update without giving too much away?

I thought for sure that he might post or at least PM me to help about my sleep problems.....



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Certainly this will bring back memories for some....

I remember riding a bus from my hometown to Kansas City.

I kissed my Mom Goodbye, not sure what was ahead for me.

After a sleepless night at the "President" hotel, I was on a short flight to Ft. McClellan, Alabama.

That's when I grew up.

I learned many things.
Most importantly-
I learned about Respect and Brotherhood.

It was lessons learned easily, already having Patriotism in my blood.

I learned and became an expert about weapons that I had never seen before, tactics I had never considered and how to kill and stay alive.

Quite a shock to a young kid just out of High School.

But, I quickly adapted and learned well enough to help my fellow recruits by being a "Peer Instructor" and helped others when they thought they couldn't go on. We all Graduated!

I sometimes pissed off the Drill Instructors with my interpretations of the PE tests....
And paid the price by being assigned all night duty. Heh, heh...:laughing7:


We were timed on overhead bars to see how many we could achieve in a certain time limit.

The bars were "free" meaning that they spun upon your grasp.
We were timed on how many bars you were able to reach. Forward, turn.

Forward, turn again....

Well, I never turned. When I reached the last bar, I went backwards.
Then forwards again....

Drill Sgt. wanted to disqualify me but I protested and said,
"Show me in the manual that this is not allowed."

After a day of research,

I won. Set a record for most bars reached.

Yeah. You know ole Scotty, now, don't you?



"Does Pvt. Scott have a problem with authority?"

"Yeah, Maybe....and your mouthwash ain't working."

That comment almost got me an Article 15.

Yeah. Test me about the UCMJ....I've studied.....Have you?
You want to continue?

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When I graduated from MP School, I was sent to Germany.
Possibly because of my knowledge of the German language.

Soon, I was welcomed to my duty station and found mountains to explore!

Ah! Such times. If only I knew then what I know now....Dig?

Ich werde meine Freude nie wieder von den Bergen an meiner Hand erleben.

Das Leben ist kurz. Genießen Sie jeden Augenblick!


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Another dream....

Hiking through my memories, the mountains of Germany.....

My pistol in hand...ready to fire....

Bears or the Red Army Faction?

Don't think I'll sleep well tonight.

Damn my dreams.....
My pistol is cleaned and ready, mags are loaded,
A stroll through my dreams is waiting.....

Ich habe Angst vor meinen Träumen ...


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I post this song because In my dreams, I'll sail away.

To a life that I enjoy. A life where I might help others:
A life to be free. And we are all Friends.

My passion to help Vets and a desire to be an advocate of those who seek help.
I'm here for you!

Also, The next post will be my 10,000th post.

Certainly, it will be a special post.

Share love, not hate.
Your love cannot wait!
Do you feel?
Is your love real?
Share your love.
Share the love.
A man has a pain.
What is gained?
Share the love.
Share your love.
When bad dreams
Is all that he seems...
Share your love,..
A gift from above.

And, A gift to you
is something new,
It's a gift to you
From me to you....

Share your love.


Always my love, Friends!



Do you feel?

Never mind....I've got dreams to survive tonight....

Do you feel?

Never mind....I've got dreams to survive tonight....

Some may still seek the booty!

And, that is all......

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Question for all-- Anybody interested in this Coopers Treasure tv show? Nobody is responding. It's very interesting. Wilkos actually produced a map of the Atocha to Mel Fishers crew, still diving the Atocha today. Marking the Atocha wreck from Coopers orbits in 1963!!!! His chart nailed the wreck 22 years before the Atocha was found. I know where some 1715 fleet cannons are...... if I ever get a boat I plan an expedition for the boys!!!!!!!!

Question for all-- Anybody interested in this Coopers Treasure tv show? Nobody is responding. It's very interesting. Wilkos actually produced a map of the Atocha to Mel Fishers crew, still diving the Atocha today. Marking the Atocha wreck from Coopers orbits in 1963!!!! His chart nailed the wreck 22 years before the Atocha was found. I know where some 1715 fleet cannons are...... if I ever get a boat I plan an expedition for the boys!!!!!!!!
Nope seems like another fake scripted show to me

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Hello friend....... I thought the same thing ....... but it's ok to dream haha. Thanks

PS I did a Darrell Wilkos net worth...... Goggle couldn't find him. He must still be searching [emoji24]🙃🙃

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