Been a bad weekend for ole Scotty.....
I climbed on the roof Friday to clean the fallen debris from the winter and recent storms and clear the gutters.
The downspouts are plugged up due to the sheet metal screws holding the parts together.
Looks like I'll have to re-work all of them and use pop rivets to put them back together....
I felt a bit dizzy on the roof and was glad to find myself back on terra firma to pick up sticks prior to mowing for the first time this year.
I planned on pushing the wheelbarrow around for the collection of the sticks, but, of course, you know that the wheel was flat. Sheesh!
So, I finally get that straightened out, picked up the sticks and fired up the lawn mower.
First pull, of course. I maintain equipment, dig?
After finishing the front yard, I nearly fall over from my illness that reared it's ugly head.
I decided that was enough work for the day.
I then took a turn for the worse with my sickness and decided to go to the store to get some cough drops.
So I spent the weekend coughing and wondering if my "number was up."
My Landlord was off racing somewhere and I was on my own.
He finally came back late last night,
And today, I pulled my truck battery and was in the process of charging it in the garage when he came out and I related the weekend.
The battery charge didn't take and I'll have to get another battery. CRAP!
He will take me tomorrow to get a new battery.
If I don't feel better in the next day or so, I will definitely go to the VA.
I've also listed a few other items of currency on eBay.
Dram, I see that you follow my listings on eBay...Thank You!
Hope All are Well!
My Best Wishes to All,