
This is usually what I start with. Mostly 'cause I think faster than I can type...

Then, I correct the obvious and post.

Then, If I later find something obscure that needs attention, such as an added adverb, punctuation or spacing,etc,
I can click on the "edit" tab.

Well, in rereading some of my older posts, I see that the edit tab is missing.

Actually, I noticed that anomaly shortly after that particular post.

So, I have endeavored to be right since the first time 'cause, well, I guess you don't get another chance....

Is it just me or how 'bout you also?

Possibly Treasurenet has been tweaking the site and forgot to add that little bit of HTML code? :dontknow:

Perhaps someone needs to PM TreasureHunter.....

Y'all be good to one another, hear?




I just PM'ed Treasure Hunter.

I'm going crazy not being able to correct my spelling and such....
(A short trip, dig?)



"When the sun fades low,
and the darkness nears,
Will your strength grow or give way to
the nightmares of your deepest fears?"

"Will you live in the comfort of pleasure
and the knowledge of truth and fact,
A soft landing for you my Friend,
Or will the future show you what you lack!"

Y'all be good, now, hear?


Perhaps my philosophy and musings fail to reach some of y'all's consciousness,
and fall upon deaf ears...

That's OK.
I guess.....
Such a waste...

Of my time.

I hope that all will soon experience the same peace and pleasure
in your life that I have found by volunteering to help others!

I will look into taking some "Special" children on a metal detecting adventure soon.
I have a few beep sticks ready with fresh batteries and who knows what we'll find!
I've got a location in mind (their school playground) and the rest is just a heartbeat away!

Of course, I'll have to meet with the Principal....And work out the details.

When I was in grade school, I was a "special" kid.
Bored with the usual studies.....
My principal recognized this and I was provided an accelerated curriculum.
The experience proved to advance me, and....well,
I graduated early, joined the military, and eventually got a College Degree after the age of 50. :coffee2:
Here I am today!


Never discount a gifted child!
We may wander, but we are never lost!

Picture 597.webp
(About the time I learned of metal detectors....)



I soon built my first machine...A Radio Shack model. Had to learn of resistors, capacitors and such....
My Mom helped by buying parts that I couldn't afford with my allowance. Special chores were required, like pulling dandelions or sweeping the sidewalk.....I did these and more!

My first find was a Walking Liberty in my neighbor's back yard!
Yeah, I'm hooked!

And to think that I used to sneak away to
search the bank's dumpster, looking for old money that they threw away! :tongue3:



But I was just a kid.....

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I wonder.....

Why is it so hard for a person to admit to their discretions?
To perhaps then repent?

Why is it so hard to say, "I'm sorry."
Or even say that they were wrong?

Why is it so easy,
To be so hard?


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And I welcome the daylight of the new morn.

Formation of relieved crew is 0800.

I got a half hour to buff my boots, blouse my trousers, shine my brass and anything else I need to do to be squared away....

No problem! :thumbsup:


"Charlie post calling. Over."
"Upon relief I'll be 10-7 until further notice. Over"

Charlie post........This is Mako check over.......

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Reply from Treasure Hunter to my inquiry of the "Edit" option....

There is now a 48 hour window to edit a post then post is locked. We had to do this to stop members from wholesale deleting their posts and editing out the opening post of their threads because the got angry, We had a member do it again recently. When they do this they destroy entire threads and or put huge holes in them.

Just like in the military...

It only takes one person to screw up things for everyone...



Charlie post........This is Mako check over.......

"Charlie to Mako 21. Read you wall to wall. Stay safe and be well. Over"

Best Wishes,


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Though I've been sick for a week,
I've managed to update my resume:

Scott D. Xxxxxx

## Xxxxxxxx Dr.

Gainesville, GA 30501
Cell: 678-936-XXXX



Remodeling, building maintenance, mechanical maintenance, construction

Experienced in maintenance, remodeling, new construction and supervising. I am skilled in the areas of plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting, mechanical systems, locksmithing, interior/exterior repairs, and the operation, repair and upkeep of power and hand tools and heavy equipment. I also own many of the tools necessary to perform these tasks.


Carroll Daniels, Gainesville, GA
Construction Associate
Was responsible for all aspects of construction of schools, commercial buildings, etc. Was required to read blueprints.

N.E. Ga. Med. Center, Gainesville, GA
Construction Apprentice II
Performed most aspects of skilled labor including cement work, metal stud framing, drywall hanging, use of power and hand tools.

BRI Inc., Lawrence, KS
Worked in the Lawrence, KS and Kansas City areas in the remodeling field using skills to perform plumbing, electrical, locksmithing, framing, roofing, siding, cement work, carpentry, painting, tool repairs, insulation, drywall hanging and finishing. Most work was accomplished with minimal or no supervision.

Williamsburg Town Homes, Wichita, KS
Maintenance Supervisor
Maintenance supervisor for
a "Tax Credit" property consisting of over 120 three and four bedroom Town Homes. Maintenance tasks included: plumbing, electrical, mechanical, masonry, groundskeeping, window replacements, locksmithing, appliance repair, screen repair, “make ready,” assigning work to assistants and outside contracted labor. Was responsible for compliance with local, state and federal housing laws. Also worked closely with local police towards crime prevention. Was on rotating call.

Manor Healthcare, Wichita, KS
Maintenance Director
Involved with repairs and preventive maintenance of 119 bed long-term care facility. Tasks included: plumbing, carpentry, electrical and electronic repairs, repair to dietary, laundry and environmental services equipment, maintain and repair ice machines, roof-top HVAC, “thru the wall” HVAC repairs, upkeep of emergency generator, and contracting outside labor. Was on call 24 hrs. Administrative duties included: accountability of five monthly budgets, co-chair of safety committee, team captain of “Quality Improvement Program”, completion of a management development course, coordinate in-service training programs and new employee orientation presentations. Was also responsible for compliance with local, state and federal regulations and inspections to include MSDS documentation.

Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
General Maintenance & Repair Tech. I
Job duties included: plumbing, electrical, repair of hospital equipment, response to "code reds" (fire), repairs to elevators, HVAC repairs, pneumatic tube system, "tele-lift" system, and "trans-vac" system repairs. Occasionally filled in as supervisor.

Lawrence National Bank, Lawrence, KS
Maintenance Supervisor
Full time maintenance of a four-story bank and office building and a one story satellite building. Responsibilities included: plumbing, electrical, grounds keeping, painting, office machine repair, contracting snow removal and other services, minor elevator repairs, and a list of other non-maintenance related duties including mail, part time teller, and physical security. Was bonded and insured.

United States Army, West Germany
Military Police
Confidential assignment. 3/71st Air Defense Artillery. Honorable discharge.

University of North Georgia, Gainesville, GA. Associates Degree
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
United States Army Military Police School. Diploma.
Lawrence High School. Lawrence, KS. Diploma.

Any comments, opinions or suggestions?



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Though I've been sick for a week,
I've managed to update my resume:

Scott D. Xxxxxx

## Xxxxxxxx Dr.

Gainesville, GA 30501
Cell: 678-936-XXXX



Remodeling, building maintenance, mechanical maintenance, construction

Experienced in maintenance, remodeling, new construction and supervising. I am skilled in the areas of plumbing, electrical, carpentry, painting, mechanical systems, locksmithing, interior/exterior repairs, and the operation, repair and upkeep of power and hand tools and heavy equipment. I also own many of the tools necessary to perform these tasks.


Carroll Daniels, Gainesville, GA
Construction Associate
Was responsible for all aspects of construction of schools, commercial buildings, etc. Was required to read blueprints.

N.E. Ga. Med. Center, Gainesville, GA
Construction Apprentice II
Performed most aspects of skilled labor including cement work, metal stud framing, drywall hanging, use of power and hand tools.

BRI Inc., Lawrence, KS
Worked in the Lawrence, KS and Kansas City areas in the remodeling field using skills to perform plumbing, electrical, locksmithing, framing, roofing, siding, cement work, carpentry, painting, tool repairs, insulation, drywall hanging and finishing. Most work was accomplished with minimal or no supervision.

Williamsburg Town Homes, Wichita, KS
Maintenance Supervisor
Maintenance supervisor for
a "Tax Credit" property consisting of over 120 three and four bedroom Town Homes. Maintenance tasks included: plumbing, electrical, mechanical, masonry, groundskeeping, window replacements, locksmithing, appliance repair, screen repair, “make ready,” assigning work to assistants and outside contracted labor. Was responsible for compliance with local, state and federal housing laws. Also worked closely with local police towards crime prevention. Was on rotating call.

Manor Healthcare, Wichita, KS
Maintenance Director
Involved with repairs and preventive maintenance of 119 bed long-term care facility. Tasks included: plumbing, carpentry, electrical and electronic repairs, repair to dietary, laundry and environmental services equipment, maintain and repair ice machines, roof-top HVAC, “thru the wall” HVAC repairs, upkeep of emergency generator, and contracting outside labor. Was on call 24 hrs. Administrative duties included: accountability of five monthly budgets, co-chair of safety committee, team captain of “Quality Improvement Program”, completion of a management development course, coordinate in-service training programs and new employee orientation presentations. Was also responsible for compliance with local, state and federal regulations and inspections to include MSDS documentation.

Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
General Maintenance & Repair Tech. I
Job duties included: plumbing, electrical, repair of hospital equipment, response to "code reds" (fire), repairs to elevators, HVAC repairs, pneumatic tube system, "tele-lift" system, and "trans-vac" system repairs. Occasionally filled in as supervisor.

Lawrence National Bank, Lawrence, KS
Maintenance Supervisor
Full time maintenance of a four-story bank and office building and a one story satellite building. Responsibilities included: plumbing, electrical, grounds keeping, painting, office machine repair, contracting snow removal and other services, minor elevator repairs, and a list of other non-maintenance related duties including mail, part time teller, and physical security. Was bonded and insured.

United States Army, West Germany
Military Police
Confidential assignment. 3/71st Air Defense Artillery. Honorable discharge.

University of North Georgia, Gainesville, GA. Associates Degree
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
United States Army Military Police School. Diploma.
Lawrence High School. Lawrence, KS. Diploma.

Any comments, opinions or suggestions?


You are here because we grow associates as we grow.

What do you know about us ,and why would you work here? How long? What are your long term goals.
Are you experienced in P.L.C controllers ? Pneumatics and hydraulics?
Are you willing to further your education in our field?
What caused you to move your employment multiple times and what of the interims?


P.S. " Green" building/ supplying materials and promoting/ selling /consulting is a $$$ thing of late.
A guy doing so I know travels more than many with a family would probably like to.
The " job" takes a well rounded knowledge of building of course. The more facets understood the better the scope of consulting is going to occur.

Of course, I haven't listed ALL of my jobs.

Remember that I am highly adaptable....

This is just a resume to get a job and pay bills until I find my place.

I'm working on a separate resume for the job that I WANT!

No mention of Kitchen Manager at a Sorority,
nor Delivering pizzas when I decided to continue my academics.....
Unless I'm the Manager, and then, well.....
So much involved.
Health Department inspections, Corporate breathing down your neck, new menu items, associate training, hiring/firing, etc.
Quite a bit of work, dig? A job to pursue? Only if the money is right and you are happy with the choice.....

Yeah, I'm able and willing to travel.
I am seriously considering OTR jobs.
It would be so easy to again achieve a CDL.
And be paid to travel this Great Country!
Yeah, Once had a CDL and drove...
So long ago.... So far away ..DIG IT!.....

Be well, my Friends!



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The storms have passed and tomorrow beckons me to the GDOL.

Tomorrow is mine!

Then, a dance on the roof to clean the gutters, and pick up the sticks from the yard awaits.

The mower is awaiting service before use. I got this.

I hope the sunshine provides strength tomorrow.....


My Best,


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A Quick story....

One night I pulled into a town late one night and was looking to wet my whistle.

I don't remember where, when or the name of the bar....Kansas, I think....

I'm sitting at the bar, sucking down a cold brew and a disturbance is forming to my right

I don't know what's going on, but 3-4 "Bikers" are hassling a guy.

I grab my beer and follow the crowd outside.

Soon, the punches fly!

The bikers surrounded the guy and one "sucker punches" the guy, knocking him out cold.
Dude is laying on the ground, and I jump into the middle.

I shout,

"Clear out if you don't wanna die!"

The bikers get on their rides and disappear.
(must have been my "Crazier than you" look and persona....or my .38)
Yeah, I carry....

I reach the knocked-out dude and he is not breathing.

I cleared his airway, gave him mouth-to-mouth and got him breathing again.

Soon, I hear sirens and when the paramedics arrive, I back away, into obscurity.
I later learned that he lived!

Another bucket list item of saving a life was checked off that night!



And I just only wanted a cold beer that night.....

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Memories of the past, sometimes supported with pictures,
Cannot be discounted as fact,

Some may attempt to question my past,
And, I say,
Come along!

The future is yet ahead!
You ready? Let's go!


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Hmm.. I broke my glssaes...I am now bliond....Scott


"Charlie calling Mako 21 assistance needed. Copy.... Over. Repeat ....
Charlie calling....assistance needed. Calling Mako 21 Over.'

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Roger Charlie this is Mako 21..... I have you licking chicken Ho Chi Minh? Comment meant " loud and clear..... how me?" While funny, cost me 500 push-ups......Top didn't understand the humor! Hehe

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