After a morning of cleaning out the old and putting stuff to the curb,
I found an old VCR that still works!


Saturday night ahead....

Scary movies and pizza for all!

I have HOURS of tapes to play....



What's on the pizza?

Sausage, pepperoni, ham, Canadian bacon, jalapeno slices, pineapple,
thinly hand-sliced garlic, fresh oregano and Beefy mushrooms!

And, of course,

LOTS of anchovies!

The best pizza that I've made since I worked for Dominos....:thumbsup:

Who's first?

(pictures later)

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"I find the stub of a week old cigar.
It takes me back to a time afar..."

"A time when America was Strong....
I light the stub and wonder if America is wrong."

"Then I remember when America has been right,
Remember the "Blitzkrieg" from Germany at night?"

"Perhaps you are still young and do not see,
What America's strength means to you and me."

"When a Government no longer cares for it's people, you see,
The only hope is to be well armed; To be Free!"



What comes first? The melody or the words?

Yeah, all I need now is the rhythm and lead guitar!
I got the chords down!

I got the chorus! :icon_thumright:

(tuning my box once again...)

Though I cannot hear the music that I post,

I hear it in my memory...

As apropos,
I suppose,
for my Friends, old and new;
As I will always remember you!


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My new computer just arrived! :thumbsup:

Give me just a little more time to hook it all up.



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Got it all hooked up but the monitor.

No place for the hook-up.

My landlord,
The Best Landlord Eveh,

Is filling in for Don at the Wine and Cheese shop this evening.

So, here I am again on this laptop tonight.....

For Now.



At least my phone issues are taken care of by the ****...

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About the Animal shelter job....

I took several plastic bags, rolls of paper towels, old cloth towels and months of newspapers to donate when I went to the shelter.

When I arrived, Bob had left, but all of the Staff knew me. I had "free access.."

First, I changed out the main door closer.

Enough of the black oil leaking and slamming door!

Then I continued with replacing the lever sets.

Julie passed my way and I greeted her...
She's the Director now.....

A short, pleasant conversation ensued...

Perhaps I'll find opportunities to volunteer again...




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Ah! The pizza is ready!

And I've found the perfect Saturday Night Fear Feature movie...


"Stand By Me"

When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid
Oh, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

So darling, darling
Stand by me, oh stand by me
Oh stand, stand by me
Stand by me

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
Or the mountain should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry
No, I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

And darling, darling
Stand by me, oh stand by me
Oh stand now, stand by me
Stand by me

So darling, darling
Stand by me, oh stand by me
Oh stand now, stand by me, stand by me
Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me
Oh stand by me, won't you stand now, oh, stand
Stand by me




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"Omaha Kilo, old goat. We're on your side and ready to respond. Alpha lima lima india sierra golf omaha omaha delta. Over...."

Yeah, yeah...promises, promises....I've certainly heard my share....
That's why I prefer to survive alone....

I alone "have my back."
Who's got yours?


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Get it hooked up yet?


A couple of issues that we will discuss soon.

One issue is I'm old.

Follow along, here, Friend...

I'm old.
Old people don't much like change.

Damn Windows 10! ~ ~

Be sure to bring my hard drive home from the school!

Don't want to lose my pics and such!

See ya soon!



The first post with my new rig!

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I can now hear music at my command!

What shall be my first post?

I know....

......and who/what killed videos?



25 years earlier....


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A couple of issues that we will discuss soon.

One issue is I'm old.

Follow along, here, Friend...

I'm old.
Old people don't much like change.

Damn Windows 10! ~ ~

Be sure to bring my hard drive home from the school!

Don't want to lose my pics and such!

See ya soon!



The first post with my new rig!

Scott there is a program that makes windows 10 look like windows 7. Also you can turn that cloud thing off.

Scott there is a program that makes windows 10 look like windows 7. Also you can turn that cloud thing off.

Tell me more, Please!



Aww man guess what I got in the mail yesterday? Yeup another jury summons. I got one less than a year ago and wasn't chosen. Some case about a Dr and a truck driver having a wreck. I thought the guy just saw money because somewhere insurance companies had to be involved. Soooo I guess I'll have to do me civic duty again. So pick a tshirts I should wear that day. The one with the M-4 that says "It's because I'm black isn't it?" Or the one that reads " Waterboarding Instructor?" Hahaha they'll never chose me again. Hell I'll probably end up in jail for contempt! Hahaha

Aww man guess what I got in the mail yesterday? Yeup another jury summons. I got one less than a year ago and wasn't chosen. Some case about a Dr and a truck driver having a wreck. I thought the guy just saw money because somewhere insurance companies had to be involved. Soooo I guess I'll have to do me civic duty again. So pick a tshirts I should wear that day. The one with the M-4 that says "It's because I'm black isn't it?" Or the one that reads " Waterboarding Instructor?" Hahaha they'll never chose me again. Hell I'll probably end up in jail for contempt! Hahaha


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

"I went to the woods (sea) because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn
what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary.
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life,
to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms." - Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So at 0244 this morning, I get a text from my wife. She spent the night with her " employer" who is supposedly buying this house being built 2 houses down by us. The text reads. " I can't live like this anymore. I feel like we are roommates, you don't show me attention I want out" mind you, the VA is messing with my meds again. Im now with my 7 th Dr in 6 years Mind you I absolutely can not sleep and when I do, I'm having really bad nightmares. I'm usually put in a life or death situation over her, or between one of the grandkids. I wake up sweating, my legs are running, my own voice screaming wakes me up, or whatever......I don't get any help from her or my lazy daughter. I'm doing everything here. I can't remember the last time I witnessed my daughter wash a dish...... Might break a nail...... I'm having these nightmares, if I sleep, I'm exhausted, I don't see any " supposed income" from her. We had a spat earlier because she wanted to buy something and I said " look money is tight I get paid Wednesday" pretty damn simple...... So why is it when my wife calls and says bring the kids to humpty dumpty steakhouse and her employer ( who is supposedly worth between 6 - 11 MILLION DOLLARS) we get stuck with the bill? So I don't go anymore....... Not on my watch baby...... So my plate is pretty full right now. I sat there and read that and thought..... Woman you have no should I tell her Right after that trip to the mountains I had to go to Orlando for some testing. Found out the bleeding what took me there in the first place was from ulcers. Bottom line, tumors were found, biopsied found to be cancer in my esophagus. I went back they were removed, I'm good to go.....I never told her. She knew of the procedures, but I kept the information to myself. You know her problems always dwarf mine haha. I'm good. So when defacation hits the cooling apparatus, like my friend says " make yourself cold, wet and sandy" meaning it can always get worse, rely on your training and drive on! I looked at her text for 2 hours and finally I responded with 2 words ......... Me too. We shall see what the future holds. HOOYAH Greenfeet.......Ever feel alone in a crowded party? I don't drink alcohol maybe it's time to start. I think I need a shot of Jack Daniels with a shot of Jack Daniels.......Im out


Hang in there buddy...hope things start to look up for you soon.

Regards + HH


Thanks buddy. I appreciate my friends here. I think tomorrow after I take the kids to school I'm going to do what I use to, go back to my training. I think I'm going to clear my head get " cold, wet and sandy". I think I'm going to swim a mile in the river. I'm at peace swimming. Nobody can occupy "space" in my head..... Thanks Uncle Bill!

So at 0244 this morning, I get a text from my wife. She spent the night with her " employer" who is supposedly buying this house being built 2 houses down by us. The text reads. " I can't live like this anymore. I feel like we are roommates, you don't show me attention I want out" mind you, the VA is messing with my meds again. Im now with my 7 th Dr in 6 years Mind you I absolutely can not sleep and when I do, I'm having really bad nightmares. I'm usually put in a life or death situation over her, or between one of the grandkids. I wake up sweating, my legs are running, my own voice screaming wakes me up, or whatever......I don't get any help from her or my lazy daughter. I'm doing everything here. I can't remember the last time I witnessed my daughter wash a dish...... Might break a nail...... I'm having these nightmares, if I sleep, I'm exhausted, I don't see any " supposed income" from her. We had a spat earlier because she wanted to buy something and I said " look money is tight I get paid Wednesday" pretty damn simple...... So why is it when my wife calls and says bring the kids to humpty dumpty steakhouse and her employer ( who is supposedly worth between 6 - 11 MILLION DOLLARS) we get stuck with the bill? So I don't go anymore....... Not on my watch baby...... So my plate is pretty full right now. I sat there and read that and thought..... Woman you have no should I tell her Right after that trip to the mountains I had to go to Orlando for some testing. Found out the bleeding what took me there in the first place was from ulcers. Bottom line, tumors were found, biopsied found to be cancer in my esophagus. I went back they were removed, I'm good to go.....I never told her. She knew of the procedures, but I kept the information to myself. You know her problems always dwarf mine haha. I'm good. So when defacation hits the cooling apparatus, like my friend says " make yourself cold, wet and sandy" meaning it can always get worse, rely on your training and drive on! I looked at her text for 2 hours and finally I responded with 2 words ......... Me too. We shall see what the future holds. HOOYAH Greenfeet.......Ever feel alone in a crowded party? I don't drink alcohol maybe it's time to start. I think I need a shot of Jack Daniels with a shot of Jack Daniels.......Im out

Hit me with a PM if you wish, Brother.



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