Silver Member
My favorite scene from my favorite 2 actors from my favorite movie........guess which one is portraying my character

Little man is really enjoying Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Tonight after class we walked over to my truck, I whoop wooped the remote, one of the kids is in little mans class at school. Oh my is that your truck? Beaming with pride he says yeah...... next thing I know there's like 8 kids inside the truck, parents come outside..... if you're looking for your kids they're inside the monster truck. One mom comes over. Little mans friend won't get out. Find out 2 of the other kids are his sisters. Come on mom, he can take us home! I assure her I'm harmless, and we are neighbors mere walking distance apart and one day I'll drive all the kids home. She looks beat. Find out she has 5 kids...... poor soul....she says " now you're going to a monster truck show this weekend" the kids say " mom that's differe
I have a couple of projects in mind that I could use some of this....
And I'll say "Hi" to my Friends, Lori and Ann if they are there!
One project I have in mind is lining the inside of an old wooden box that I recently acquired that I keep all of my Treasure maps and research materials in.
Sorry I still haven't got ability to post photos.....
Remind me later, OK?