Women are all crazy!!! It's just a matter of to what degree!!!

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Final preparations are being performed this evening for my weekend adventure!

The weather is likely to be sunny with daytime temps in the mid 80's and overnight temps to be in the 60's.
"In the higher elevations of North Georgia...."

I LOVE Fall Camping and Hiking!

Having just tuned my box, I'm reminded to take it with me this weekend.


"Gee, Dad. The Beaver wants to tag along this weekend. He's all excited and everything. I'm not sure that he can keep up with me and I sure don't want to babysit. What can I do? Has he had the measles? I can use a red sharpie on him tonight while he's asleep."

"Now Wally, do you remember being Beaver's age? You didn't have an older brother that you looked up to to include you in their plans.
Look at it through your Brother's eyes, Son, and I think that you two will have a wonderful time this weekend!"


I digressed to another place in time.

Hope all have a Great Weekend!

Best Wishes Always,


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Here's something I've learned through age that you may haven't considered....

There is a definite difference between "Hearing" and "Listening."

Listening requires thought.




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Carpe Diem good one..... lately I've been thinking Carpe Juggullem Seize the throat! Hahaha!!!!

Little man is really enjoying Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Tonight after class we walked over to my truck, I whoop wooped the remote, one of the kids is in little mans class at school. Oh my is that your truck? Beaming with pride he says yeah...... next thing I know there's like 8 kids inside the truck, parents come outside..... if you're looking for your kids they're inside the monster truck. One mom comes over. Little mans friend won't get out. Find out 2 of the other kids are his sisters. Come on mom, he can take us home! I assure her I'm harmless, and we are neighbors mere walking distance apart and one day I'll drive all the kids home. She looks beat. Find out she has 5 kids...... poor soul....she says " now you're going to a monster truck show this weekend" the kids say " mom that's differe

Little man is really enjoying Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Tonight after class we walked over to my truck, I whoop wooped the remote, one of the kids is in little mans class at school. Oh my is that your truck? Beaming with pride he says yeah...... next thing I know there's like 8 kids inside the truck, parents come outside..... if you're looking for your kids they're inside the monster truck. One mom comes over. Little mans friend won't get out. Find out 2 of the other kids are his sisters. Come on mom, he can take us home! I assure her I'm harmless, and we are neighbors mere walking distance apart and one day I'll drive all the kids home. She looks beat. Find out she has 5 kids...... poor soul....she says " now you're going to a monster truck show this weekend" the kids say " mom that's differe


Love songs are not just for couples in love;

They can also flow with other love.

For example:

Your post has me envision you and the little man.
Such a Love.

And when he turns to you and says,
"I love you."

And you see him smile....

Well, now.

Ain't the whole world just about right at this moment?

Always in my thoughts, Brother!





"Scott's Treasure Tube" is still waiting for you to find!
The Final clue soon, if you have the mind!"

Hope that you paid attention to my comments in my classes, and questions of my Professors...

Perhaps this link could help with the next clue...

A quick and productive Friday to all!
And I'll see you on the other side of a new mountain soon!

Love my Friends!

Best Wishes,


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Thanks Scott. I always get along with children. I guess not having a childhood myself, I understand kids well. Years ago in the late 80's I tied up a few ropes and set up a zip line at my house to my neighbors house. He was one of my teammates. We would rig kids up and sling them across the zip line all the time. We had a blast with our kids and any neighborhood kids. Man we sure were ahead of our time. But in my line of work, we had to know rope work well for any type rescue. Anyway point is I use to have kids knock on my door and ask if I could come out and play!!!! Haha I'm just a big ol buggy bear and kids love me because I treat them with respect and they respect me. I didn't have that as a kid. I helped a 12 year old runaway that came to my house once. He was my sons friend. His mom was driving him crazy, no father figure. 0200 there was a knock on my door. He said he was running away. I told him to come in let's talk. I whispered to my wife call his mom tell her he's here and safe, let's just let him spend the night. I'll talk to him tonight. I built a fire on the fireplace and we talked for a few hours until he fell asleep. The next day I explained to his irate mom what was really bothering him. All turned out well. Hey I helped a child in need......where were those people when I was bleeding and broke? Thank you lord although my own kids have such hatred for me, thank you that I have been a positive influence to others. Amen


As promised earlier,

Having finally downloaded everything needed to post photos on my new computer,

Here's pics of that Saturday night Pizza that went along with Leatherface.



And an unusual fellow I saw at the gun show.

I counted 8-10 different pistols on him of various sizes, calibers, and dates of manufacture.
Example: Dual hip pocket derringers..
How many didn't I see?




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I have a couple of projects in mind that I could use some of this....

And I'll say "Hi" to my Friends, Lori and Ann if they are there!

One project I have in mind is lining the inside of an old wooden box that I recently acquired that I keep all of my Treasure maps and research materials in.

Sorry I still haven't got ability to post photos.....

Remind me later, OK?



Here's the "Treasure Box."

View attachment 1365858



Last night, after a bottle of STOUT Portuguese Port and a great meal....
And serious thought.....

(on a "wind-up" radio on a far away AM station that fades.....)




"Ain't Mountains a many Splendid thing?"

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I have returned early from a shortened trip into the mountains this weekend due to an epiphany.

Some details later, as I'm still sorting all this out..........
(And doing laundry....)


'Clean, warm clothes....."

How many Vets need this?

I will find out!


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And how many Vets can be helped here?

Gainesville officials plan to clear homeless camp under Queen City Bridge next week

I am only one man.

I will help all that I can...
I've worked with the Hall County Drug task Force before.

I can say no more...

Perhaps my skills and knowledge can be used here....

Chief Martin....

Watch how I work....

My Pap became a homeless Vet,
Who lived under a bridge.....When he wasn't in jail for being Drunk and stupid....

I tried in my youth to help him....

Appealing to the Judge to have him released to my custody......
(Which was granted and Pap and I would go fishin'!)
Shhh...Neither of us had a fishing license!

Certainly the lessons of yesterday guide your actions of Today!



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