TGF, things could always be worse. If it was me in your situation I would set a goal not related to what's going on and I would focus on that. I'm not saying be disconnected but am saying I would do that simply to keep me going...
At least for me working towards a difficult to obtain goal always keeps me looking up!

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Last locksmith call of the afternoon.

An elderly woman had locked her keys in her car at the Chik-fil-a.

A 2002 Thunderbird.
She was pretty "Hep," as my Grandmother would have said....

The only way to open that model is to make a key for the door.
The door lock has cuts 1 through 6 on an H75 non-chip blank.
The ignition has cuts #7 and #8 in addition.

Using an "EZ Reader" on the door lock, I cut an H75 to factory specs on the code cutting machine.

The key opened the door.

I went inside to tell her that I was done.
The Manager was in on our conversation.
She said, "Follow me to the car and I'll pay you."
The Manager said, "We will take care of it, Ma'am. We appreciate your business"
She was flabbergasted and I said, "I bet she comes back tomorrow for lunch!"
I took her hand in both of mine and wished her a pleasant evening.
I gave her the H75 that I had cut to open her door and told her to keep it handy. I then gave her a business card with the cuts 1-6 and told her to hang on to that also. I reminded her that the key I gave her will only open the door.

She left and I filled out a receipt for the manager and he paid me cash.

I gave him the receipt and several business cards.

Kudos for Chik-fil-a on Dawsonville Highway in Gainesville, Georgia! :thumbsup:



Did I mention that most days I feel like I have the best job in the world?

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Last locksmith call of the afternoon.

An elderly woman had locked her keys in her car at the Chik-fil-a.

A 2002 Thunderbird.
She was pretty "Hep," as my Grandmother would have said....

The only way to open that model is to make a key for the door.
The door lock has cuts 1 through 6 on an H75 non-chip blank.
The ignition has cuts #7 and #8.

Using an "EZ Reader" on the door lock, I cut an H75 to factory specs on the code cutting machine.

The key opened the door.

I went inside to tell her that I was done.
The Manager was in on our conversation.
She said, "Follow me to the car and I'll pay you."
The Manager said, "We will take care of it, Ma'am. We appreciate your business"
She was flabbergasted and I said, "I bet she comes back tomorrow for lunch!"
I took her hand in of mine and wished her a pleasant evening.
I gave her the H75 that I had cut to open her door and told her to keep it handy. I then gave her a business card with the cuts 1-6 and told her to hang on to that also. I reminded her that the key I gave her will only open the door.

She left and I filled out a receipt for the manger and he paid me cash.

I gave him the receipt and several business cards.

Kudos for Chik-fil-a on Dawsonville Highway in Gainesville, Georgia!



Did I mention that most days I feel like I have the best job in the world?

Well done! I love chick fil a!!!!
And maine is getting our first one and is set to open in Bangor next month!!!
The best fast food in history, ran by a high integrity company!!!'

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Whisky won't make some things go away ,even after it wears off. I found that out the hard way.
All them 20's stapled under some ones work bench did not make anything go away either . (Well ,ya , some one went away but the 20's and the sale of "her" collection of figurines helped a little ). No not me...I did walk away with something more than control of my own life quite a while ago though and put it too good use, and like D.R. suggests ,focused on a goal.
About a decade later....I spent a couple hours at the site of that goal today.. With many more to come. Anyone not like it ? That's hard cheese for them.
Quiet , fairly secluded and more so the farther one goes. A crude Eden perhaps ,but a tangible one.

Hang in there 2 G.F. . C.Y.6. Secure your assets. Have options in advance. One way in ,twelve ways out.
Smiles can be disarming.




I have a couple of projects in mind that I could use some of this....

And I'll say "Hi" to my Friends, Lori and Ann if they are there!

One project I have in mind is re-lining the inside of an old wooden box that I recently acquired that I keep all of my Treasure maps and research materials in.

Sorry I still haven't got ability to post photos.....

Remind me later, OK?



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Thanks to everybody...... the 10 year old is in Brazilian jiu-jitsu now. Today he got his ghi. I've been working on choke holds with him. Tonight he made a kid with "4 black stripes" on his belt, tap out 4 times during free roll. The kid told him he couldn't do that because they weren't taught that yet. He said " well things are changing because my grampa taught me" haha I felt so proud!!!!

I would never take advice from anyone on the interweb, but if all you say has been true, I don't see how you put up with that woman this long

Best wishes to all.


Seems that you can fix ignorant but not stupid....


"Ya don't say...."

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Aww man guess what I got in the mail yesterday? Yeup another jury summons. I got one less than a year ago and wasn't chosen. Some case about a Dr and a truck driver having a wreck. I thought the guy just saw money because somewhere insurance companies had to be involved. Soooo I guess I'll have to do me civic duty again. So pick a tshirts I should wear that day. The one with the M-4 that says "It's because I'm black isn't it?" Or the one that reads " Waterboarding Instructor?" Hahaha they'll never chose me again. Hell I'll probably end up in jail for contempt! Hahaha

I have never been summoned for jury duty, but, based upon conversations with those in the know,

You can be found "In Contempt" based upon your dress (especially T-shirts with "messages.")

Play your hand wisely, my Friend.



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And, the gun show the past weekend....

Let's just say that it was my first and last.

Too many cheap foreign model Semi-auto's,
For too much money and .357's were WANTED!
A waste of time and the $10 admission fee.

"Nuff said.


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So I paid my $10 to enter the "Gun Show."

I walk in and immediately some old "leech" at the front door asks me what I'm carrying in the case and how much I want for it....

Scotty takes a deep breath and says,
"What I carry you cannot buy. What I carry is a piece of my Freedom and Security.
And that, Buddy, ain't for sale to you or anyone like you! Dig?"



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Jeff Gordon speaks. Yeah buddy you are right. But here are my friends going on 3 years now I think. I'm glad to read your response to my nonstop dilemma. Thank you buddy!

I don't do Gun shows. They charge an entrance fee to peruse over priced guns anyway.....


Gun manufacturers that I have never heard of...

Yeah, I'm still taking notes....

And I am still a "Free Thinking Human."

I think...Therefore.....

How 'bout you?

(Absolutely go full screen here!)



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And I have just secured time off this weekend and Monday for a return trip to my beloved Mountains.

I've purchased a new, thicker steak for my Mountain Port Dinner!



Goodnight, my Friends....

Some of us need our "Beauty Sleep" more than others...

"As I drift to slumber land,
Who doth spread life's sand?"

"When you might sleep without fits or shakes,
Know that your strength is what it takes!"



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TGF who stays home and who leaves all the time? Yet YOU are not there for her? Give me a break.

JG Yeup. I'll make a good wife someday! Haha. You're right. I was so glad my grandson and I got to escape those 4 days to Key West. Just us, being guys not bothered by anyone. We needed that. Still waiting for the repercussions. Know what I mean? Thanks buddy

PS I was being a smart azz I'm not gay!!!! Haha. I meant a " house husband" hehe by the way she did go back to New York again this year for a week for absolutely nothing.....

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