Cricketts and Chipmunks??

That is nature maybe it was not such a bad thing. Who are we to fight nature and play god?

Wow are you serious?!?! Yikes ?!?! I won't even bother to respond with anything but - SCARY!!!

Wow are you serious?!?! Yikes ?!?! I won't even bother to respond with anything but - SCARY!!!

Makes about as much sense to me as some of other arguments I have seen made about banning people from owning guns because they MIGHT someday do something bad. I thought people where innocent until proven guilty. So because they MIGHT do something because age, obsessions, illness, beliefs what ever they should be found guilty of ........ and their rights taken away. I feel that some of our discussions on here you are mad at me and MIGHT try to kill me for it. Well looks like you are guilty of murder.

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Makes about as much sense to me as some of other arguments I have seen made about banning people from owning guns because they MIGHT someday do something bad. I thought people where innocent until proven guilty. So because they MIGHT do something because age, obsessions, illness, beliefs what ever they should be found guilty of ........ and their rights taken away. I feel that some of our discussions on here you are mad at me and MIGHT try to kill me for it. Well looks like you are guilty of murder.

Funny I thought this thread was about child safety and firearms. I'm curious, what does the NRA have to say about the topic. I do admire their work on safety even if they are in the pocket of big gun.

They would say that if the child is in the presence of his parent or guardian, theynare more than welcome to stay. And That comes from a qualified Vt, / NRA hunter safety instructor. I always wanted , and it is recommended that the child be age 8-9, but up to the individual instructor to make the final cut. I also would not accept a child into the class without the parent also attending. It has been my experience that the parent actually learns more than the child, and they shed a lot of bad habits and check their ego's and ignorance at the door. It's obvious that I have low tolerance for that sort of thing!:laughing7:

You would be surprised how totally interested and intelligent the kids in these classes are, they actually ask more intelligent questions than the adults. And you also might be interested to note that the absolute best students, and generally the best shots on the field test were the little girls. They had nothing to prove, and just did what they were taught.

Picker , what qualifies a company as why"big" do any gun company's even come close to the size of GMT or GE ?

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Picker , what qualifies a company as why"big" do any gun company's even come close to the size of GMT or GE ?

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

Not unless you count defense contractors nothing even comes close. I like the term "big gun" as it invokes negative connotations - like "big business".

Actually I like when my liberal friends talk about the military industrial complex. Now a days google or apple or Facebook are worth way more than every single defense contractor combined.

We should now fear the apple-google-amazon-Facebook complex!!

5 yer olds aren't allowed to testify in court. That is because they have yet to reach the age of reasoning. To them, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real. They are unable to seperate fact from fantasy. Death isn't something they understand.

Guns and five year olds- a 5 year old with a gun under supervision is an oxymoron. There is no way that any adult could anticipate the actions of any child quickly enough to prevent a tragedy. The little kid killing himself with the uzi while his attentive father supervised is case in point.

Bows are a different case. There isn't a bow made that a five year old could draw that could do any damage to anyone beyond aggrevating them. That a 5 year old can't draw it back is still no reason to let them near one. The exception, toy bows with low draw weights and sharp projectiles. Those should be outlawed!

ATVs and kids - Redneck Darwinism at work.

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Not unless you count defense contractors nothing even comes close. I like the term "big gun" as it invokes negative connotations - like "big business".

Actually I like when my liberal friends talk about the military industrial complex. Now a days google or apple or Facebook are worth way more than every single defense contractor combined.

We should now fear the apple-google-amazon-Facebook complex!!

Do they realize Obama has further the militay complex more than any other president?

The little kid killing himself with the uzi while his attentive father supervised is case in point.

Actually it was the range officers(an off duty police officer)that was supervising the 8 year old.

Do they realize Obama has further the militay complex more than any other president?

I think you would have to definite what you are talking about a big better.

I believe he actually has done a good job - much better than bush and Clinton - reaching out and striking our enemies. Im all for his use of drones, spec forces and spec ops to strike at terrorists around the world. I think we need to shift resources away from Cold War / conventional forces and increase funding to fight unconventional battles. Ill be glad when we finally pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq and hope we don't get anywhere near Syria with ground troops. We will be paying the costs of Af and Iraq for decades and decades with military healthcare costs, etc etc. It has damaged a generation as Vietnam did.

It's called "wagging the dog", whenever you find yourself in deep doo-doo, bomb someone to take the attention off your problems. Clinton did it after his impeachment, when he sent missles into Iraq, Bush was a master of this artform, and then their is the master, Mr' O....... push him into a corner, and poof, a terrorist dies from a drone missle. Politics, and not common sense is ruling our world!

Actually it was the range officers(an off duty police officer)that was supervising the 8 year old.

Yup, you must remember that incident red. I think in that instance a valid question might be does a child that young have the strength to handle a fully auto sub machine gun?? Personally I thought it was extreme irresponsible for all involved included the cop.

It's called "wagging the dog", whenever you find yourself in deep doo-doo, bomb someone to take the attention off your problems. Clinton did it after his impeachment, when he sent missles into Iraq, Bush was a master of this artform, and then their is the master, Mr' O....... push him into a corner, and poof, a terrorist dies from a drone missle. Politics, and not common sense is ruling our world!

If folks want to take out a terrorist because their dog barked god bless them. Personally I don't think they need an excuse. You really think every single drone strike being carried out around the world Obama is directly involved. I think you folks give the top people a lot of credit for multitasking given everything he is a accused of masterminding. The CIA, dod and other have standing orders to take terrorists out. I have no problem if they are too busy listening for drones to train and plan for an attack on Americans. Just my opinion.

Yup, you must remember that incident red. I think in that instance a valid question might be does a child that young have the strength to handle a fully auto sub machine gun?? Personally I thought it was extreme irresponsible for all involved included the cop.
A machine gun is way different that a .22
A young kid should only see one in a display or a book. Certainly doesn't need to shoot one. Closer to teenage years, different story as most things in life. Machine guns are already heavily regulated anyways.

5 yer olds aren't allowed to testify in court. That is because they have yet to reach the age of reasoning. To them, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real. They are unable to seperate fact from fantasy. Death isn't something they understand.

Guns and five year olds- a 5 year old with a gun under supervision is an oxymoron. There is no way that any adult could anticipate the actions of any child quickly enough to prevent a tragedy. The little kid killing himself with the uzi while his attentive father supervised is case in point.

Bows are a different case. There isn't a bow made that a five year old could draw that could do any damage to anyone beyond aggrevating them. That a 5 year old can't draw it back is still no reason to let them near one. The exception, toy bows with low draw weights and sharp projectiles. Those should be outlawed!

ATVs and kids - Redneck Darwinism at work.
NF, I hope your not bringing up the kids and atv's because I have one for my kid. Redneck Darwinism Talk about a personal attack...
And I disagree, lots of five year old's could pull back a light bow enough to seriously hurt or kill someone.

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