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- #341
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Dram, you take everything i say to the absolute.
If I say I eat meat I must like all meats, right?
Here I said I believe the seat belt laws to be reasonable. So, you take that to mean i agree with all laws?
I said the passage of the jersey gun Laws was a big yawn, so that means I agree with them? No! Figuratively speaking, when it comes to gun laws, here in Jersey we've already got life without parole. With these laws, what's another life sentence? Meaningless for all but a very few. We're already screwed! More gun laws? Yawn.
I pointed out that the tea partiers didn't have to file for tax exemption, you jump right to the extreme that i'm excusing the IRS. And, that i'm blaming the tea party groups - neither true.
But to answer your question, there are plenty of laws i disagree with. We can start with the 25 MPH speed limit extending seven miles beyond anything with any semblance to civilization in Bridgewater West Virginia. Talk about a speed trap? Any idea what the fine is for doing 70mph in a 25 is there? Don't ask! Friendly folks there. One of the nicest officers I've ever gotten a performance award from. But they are dead serious about their revenue collection! And, the only thing better than collecting that fine is collecting it from a Yankee on a fast bike!
In the end we agreed to double the fine and call it a parking ticket - in deference to my home state's ridiculous insurance surcharge law for things like speeding tickets. Apparently, the officer's testimony that I could have gotten away, but didn't even make him chase me played a large roll in the plea bargain.
Like i said plenty of laws i don't like.
Nf, dram is a solid guy. Believe me we disagree on plenty but he actually has a pretty open mind on things. He challenges but i always find he does it in a respectful way. I find he is a great guy to have an intelligent 2 sided conversation with. And believe me, weve had at each other a few times!! Just my 2 cents.