Cricketts and Chipmunks??

Dram, you take everything i say to the absolute.

If I say I eat meat I must like all meats, right?

Here I said I believe the seat belt laws to be reasonable. So, you take that to mean i agree with all laws?

I said the passage of the jersey gun Laws was a big yawn, so that means I agree with them? No! Figuratively speaking, when it comes to gun laws, here in Jersey we've already got life without parole. With these laws, what's another life sentence? Meaningless for all but a very few. We're already screwed! More gun laws? Yawn.

I pointed out that the tea partiers didn't have to file for tax exemption, you jump right to the extreme that i'm excusing the IRS. And, that i'm blaming the tea party groups - neither true.

But to answer your question, there are plenty of laws i disagree with. We can start with the 25 MPH speed limit extending seven miles beyond anything with any semblance to civilization in Bridgewater West Virginia. Talk about a speed trap? Any idea what the fine is for doing 70mph in a 25 is there? Don't ask! Friendly folks there. One of the nicest officers I've ever gotten a performance award from. But they are dead serious about their revenue collection! And, the only thing better than collecting that fine is collecting it from a Yankee on a fast bike!

In the end we agreed to double the fine and call it a parking ticket - in deference to my home state's ridiculous insurance surcharge law for things like speeding tickets. Apparently, the officer's testimony that I could have gotten away, but didn't even make him chase me played a large roll in the plea bargain.

Like i said plenty of laws i don't like.

Nf, dram is a solid guy. Believe me we disagree on plenty but he actually has a pretty open mind on things. He challenges but i always find he does it in a respectful way. I find he is a great guy to have an intelligent 2 sided conversation with. And believe me, weve had at each other a few times!! Just my 2 cents.

Sure I agree. But obviously that in no way would invalidate the seatbelt law. If a cop pulls over a car for spreading and the person says - but I was following a car that was going even faster yet you didnt pull them over - does that mean you won't get a ticket? It's actually a logical fallacy.

$$$$$ is the only reason. "We care enough to force you to do it but don't ask us to pay to do it". Personally seat belt laws are dumb to me of you wanna be a idiot and fly through a windshield that is your problem. The gov't don't own you. Same as helmet laws for motorcycles in many states. Pa is one of them it has no helmet law for a motocycle helmet but a seat belt law for a car.

$$$$$ is the only reason. "We care enough to force you to do it but don't ask us to pay to do it". Personally seat belt laws are dumb to me of you wanna be a idiot and fly through a windshield that is your problem. The gov't don't own you. Same as helmet laws for motorcycles in many states. Pa is one of them it has no helmet law for a motocycle helmet but a seat belt law for a car.

Yup $ is a reason. Also though I think people view the law as one that has absolutely no detrimental impact on anyone.

On somewhat of a similar note I've always wondered on why suicide was a crime? I can argue both sides but don't actually know the exact legal reasoning for it?

Yup $ is a reason. Also though I think people view the law as one that has absolutely no detrimental impact on anyone.

On somewhat of a similar note I've always wondered on why suicide was a crime? I can argue both sides but don't actually know the exact legal reasoning for it?

Most likely because religion says its bad

$$$$$ is the only reason. "We care enough to force you to do it but don't ask us to pay to do it". Personally seat belt laws are dumb to me of you wanna be a idiot and fly through a windshield that is your problem. The gov't don't own you. Same as helmet laws for motorcycles in many states. Pa is one of them it has no helmet law for a motocycle helmet but a seat belt law for a car.

Mustang, the problem comes in when you fly thru the windshield and don't kill yourself. You end up a vegtable with the state on the hook to spend millions to keep your dumb ass alive. (not you personally) We all get to pay for your medical bills and cost of care for life. Lucky us! We like the seatbelt alternative better.

As for helmets here is another stupid is as stupid does situation. Yeah, freedom rah rah rah!!!! I shouldn't have to wear a helmet!!!! OK, same argument as above. Except this - ever had tooth knocked out by a bug? I've seen that happen. How about serious eye injury to a small stone? Seen that too! Even seen someone fall off a bike in a parking lot and bang their head? Yup been there seen that! How about a high side? Not cool! And, if you go off the high side, your head is going to take a hit.

Not wearing a helmet isn't about freedom, it's about stupidity.

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Mustang, the problem comes in when you fly thru the windshield and don't kill yourself. You end up a vegtable with the state on the hook to spend millions to keep your dumbs ass alive. (not you personally) They pay ll your medical bills an cost of care.

That's a damn good point. We all pay in the end.

Mustang, the problem comes in when you fly thru the windshield and don't kill yourself. You end up a vegtable with the state on the hook to spend millions to keep your dumbs ass alive. (not you personally) They pay ll your medical bills an cost of care.
That is the Talking points isn't it? Means nothing though. How many people have been taken care of in this country that never put $ into any US program? It does make a good sound bite. ( funny how the left embraces personal accountability when they want to express a point, even though they do not believe in the concept)

Mirrors should be outlawed I say!

Dram, you take everything i say to the absolute.

If I say I eat meat I must like all meats, right?

Here I said I believe the seat belt laws to be reasonable. So, you take that to mean i agree with all laws?

I said the passage of the jersey gun Laws was a big yawn, so that means I agree with them? No! Figuratively speaking, when it comes to gun laws, here in Jersey we've already got life without parole. With these laws, what's another life sentence? Meaningless for all but a very few. We're already screwed! More gun laws? Yawn.

I pointed out that the tea partiers didn't have to file for tax exemption, you jump right to the extreme that i'm excusing the IRS. And, that i'm blaming the tea party groups - neither true.

But to answer your question, there are plenty of laws i disagree with. We can start with the 25 MPH speed limit extending seven miles beyond anything with any semblance to civilization in Bridgewater West Virginia. Talk about a speed trap? Any idea what the fine is for doing 70mph in a 25 is there? Don't ask! Friendly folks there. One of the nicest officers I've ever gotten a performance award from. But they are dead serious about their revenue collection! And, the only thing better than collecting that fine is collecting it from a Yankee on a fast bike!

In the end we agreed to double the fine and call it a parking ticket - in deference to my home state's ridiculous insurance surcharge law for things like speeding tickets. Apparently, the officer's testimony that I could have gotten away, but didn't even make him chase me played a large roll in the plea bargain.

Like i said plenty of laws i don't like.
NF, thank you for replying to my question. I agree with your speed trap example. I was asking if you agree with all laws as it seems you do. Keeping in mind the laws we post about on here are just a small fraction of the laws on the books. It just seemed you agreed with them all. It is possible I may have missed some of your posts as well. That's why I asked. That's all. Has your thoughts on the IRS changed at all lately?

$$$$$ is the only reason. "We care enough to force you to do it but don't ask us to pay to do it". Personally seat belt laws are dumb to me of you wanna be a idiot and fly through a windshield that is your problem. The gov't don't own you. Same as helmet laws for motorcycles in many states. Pa is one of them it has no helmet law for a motocycle helmet but a seat belt law for a car.
Maine is the same way about the helmet law and seat belt law. Very inconsistant.

Well I am not sure where this thread is going but I do not have the time to read all 18 pages so I will just give my opinion. I have a 4 month old child and I can not wait to teach her to shoot. I already bought her a little pink daisy BB gun for when she gets older and I also have a single shot 22 she will be taught on. It is all about the parents and education, you have to educate your children that guns kill things and when something is shot you cannot take it back.

All these cases where kids shoot another kid because they were playing is because society is to afraid of guns and letting kids shoot and educating them about guns and gun safety. It seems very simple to me.

Kids do deserve a safe environment that is why they should be taught about gun safety at an early age. Guns are not toys.

after reading page 18 I am drawn back in so I will read the whole dam thing. Thanks guys and gals for keeping me entertained.

I have been in 4 car accidents, 3 of them the cars were totalled and 2 flipped. I was not wearing my seat belt in any of them and only had one air bag go off. I wasn't injured in any of them and infact the last one I was in about 7 years ago the cop said he was suprised I walked away and if I had been wearing my seat belt I probably wouldn't of.

I am not against seat belts, I rarely wear them unless my wife makes me. They do save lives but it shouldn't be a law unless your under a certain age wear you can make your own decisions. Just my opinion.

Out here in farm country nobody wears helmets when riding anything. I ride my 4 wheeler all the time and I run across kids between ages 8-15 ridin around going from field to field to "pick rocks" for farmers. I don't know what my point is but believe me I had one earlier. Good night everyone.

NF, thank you for replying to my question. I agree with your speed trap example. I was asking if you agree with all laws as it seems you do. Keeping in mind the laws we post about on here are just a small fraction of the laws on the books. It just seemed you agreed with them all. It is possible I may have missed some of your posts as well. That's why I asked. That's all. Has your thoughts on the IRS changed at all lately?

My thoughts on the IRS haven't changed. I hated them to begin with. It wasn't possible to hate them any more.

I have been in 4 car accidents, 3 of them the cars were totalled and 2 flipped. I was not wearing my seat belt in any of them and only had one air bag go off. I wasn't injured in any of them and infact the last one I was in about 7 years ago the cop said he was suprised I walked away and if I had been wearing my seat belt I probably wouldn't of.

I am not against seat belts, I rarely wear them unless my wife makes me. They do save lives but it shouldn't be a law unless your under a certain age wear you can make your own decisions. Just my opinion.

Again, in case you missed it, one of the reasons the law is there is so we don't get stuck with the tab for your obstinance. it is unlikely that you carry enough insurance to cover the millions it will cost to care for you for life. Of course, then again, maybe we luck out the next time you roll your car, you get ejected and crushed to death. Not great for you, but better for us. And, it's not like God didn't warn you. He gave you four chances to learn. That 's better than his usual three!

I get the not waearing seatbelt thing. It's an intrusion into our personal space. But today's cars have so much better survivability built into them it makes little sense not to take advantage of that technology.

THis video graphically illustrates:

I hate that they wrecked a 59 Belair, but the test result is clear.

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Diesel, you only believe i agree with laws because you take me in absolutes. Centered means centered. I agree with the right on some issues and the left on others. I'm rarely in complete agreement with either side. And, though you don't see it here because this place is so extreme right i don't like the extremist on either side. While both sides see themselves as the saviours of this country, they are the rocks in the road to a better country.

On the IRS I stand where i've always stood - I can't stand them. The worst of the worst in arrogant buracracies running over the people they are supposed to serve.

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Diesel, you only believe i agree with laws because you take me in absolutes. Centered means centered. I agree with the right on some issues and the left on others. I'm rarely in complete agreement with either side. And, though you don't see it here because this place is so extreme right i don't like the extremist on either side. While both sides see themselves as the saviours of this country, they are the rocks in the road to a better country.

On the IRS I stand where i've always stood - I can't stand them. The worst of the worst in arrogant buracracies running over the people they are supposed to serve.
NF, I appreciate the explanation. I asked the question in an attempt to get to know you a little better. A online forum like this usually only gives a little insight into a member, it takes a long time to get to know someone in a format like this. Extremes in anything in life is bad. However on somethings there are absolutes. Absolutes like our Bill of Rights, Constitution, ect.
I fully agree with you on the IRS.

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