I'd also add that, if the gun manufacturer were to promote the smaller guns as "killing" tools, I would be against that. To me, a small 22 rifle made to fit a kid's body is no different than making smaller skis for kids. Now, if you were to look at the video games you may not have any problems with, I'd suggest that you critique them as closely as you do the scary gun. I don't care what game it is. If you shoot something and the result of that shooting "kills or eliminates something" it is much more violent than a kid plinking cans with a single shot 22 rifle under close adult supervision. To me, even if it's a "monster" in a video game, that monster is "alive" and has to be "killed". What parent/child relationship do you find more appealing? A parent with a child outdoors in the fresh air, together, bonding, talking to each other, laughing with each other and the parent teaching the child something or do you prefer the child by themselves in the back room glaring at the tv screen and pretending they are killing things? It's a very simple choice for me.