okay, this is your thread and apparently you just want to discuss the small 22 rifles. Given that I'd have to end my participation in this thread with, "It's the parents fault that that 5-year old kid shot his sibling". That gun was left loaded and accessible to ANYONE. An adult could have picked it up and shot someone by accident. In our family we have the small 22's in our households. We are familiar with them as well as the kids in the family are familiar with them. We aren't just reading news reports about them and judging whether they should exist or not. We all know they aren't really that scary if used properly. The kids know how to use them because they have spent endless, fun hours using them with adult supervision. At this time they are unloaded and locked up in gun safes that none of the kids have knowledge of the combination to. They are manufactured to "fit" a child, simple as that. Is your "real" question whether a 5-year old should shoot ANY gun? Just the act of shooting a gun makes a kid a nutjob? If a manufacturer prints a brochure with a picture of a child wearing hearing and eye protection and shooting an adult-size 22 is that okay, they just can't manufacture a gun that fits a child's body? Admit it picker, you just don't think kids should shoot guns no matter what so the manufacturer should not promote guns to youngsters in any fashion. I simply disagree. I've seen parents that don't even let their kids get dirty so I understand there are folks out there afraid of just about everything.