Cricketts and Chipmunks??

okay, this is your thread and apparently you just want to discuss the small 22 rifles. Given that I'd have to end my participation in this thread with, "It's the parents fault that that 5-year old kid shot his sibling". That gun was left loaded and accessible to ANYONE. An adult could have picked it up and shot someone by accident. In our family we have the small 22's in our households. We are familiar with them as well as the kids in the family are familiar with them. We aren't just reading news reports about them and judging whether they should exist or not. We all know they aren't really that scary if used properly. The kids know how to use them because they have spent endless, fun hours using them with adult supervision. At this time they are unloaded and locked up in gun safes that none of the kids have knowledge of the combination to. They are manufactured to "fit" a child, simple as that. Is your "real" question whether a 5-year old should shoot ANY gun? Just the act of shooting a gun makes a kid a nutjob? If a manufacturer prints a brochure with a picture of a child wearing hearing and eye protection and shooting an adult-size 22 is that okay, they just can't manufacture a gun that fits a child's body? Admit it picker, you just don't think kids should shoot guns no matter what so the manufacturer should not promote guns to youngsters in any fashion. I simply disagree. I've seen parents that don't even let their kids get dirty so I understand there are folks out there afraid of just about everything.

That's right. I do believe that very young children should not be shooting guns. Just as I do not believe they should be driving cars. I believe that while there can be millions of families safely doing this the risk of serious / fatal accident is too great as very young children are not old enough to understand the ramifications of shooting something / someone - or themselves - with that gun.

And feel free to talk about children using any guns besides a 22. I would probably make the same argument if you told me a 3 year old should be allowed to shoot a Barrett 50 cal.

I am asking because I do disagree. I like to see other people's opinions on the subject even if I might disagree.

picker, because you hear horror stories about morons should not cause those that are not morons any infringement on their selected activity. Because other guys rape women, why should I be castrated?

Picker, i have to disagree on little kids not understanding the consequences of shooting a gun. My own son at that age was terrified of guns because he didn't want to get hurt or hurt anything.

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I would not have a issue with the parents being charged at all.

No but who will look out for their rights??

The government should be the last ones with that much pull. Look how well turning the childrens welfare over the to Goverment has worked in the past. Nazi Germany, Communist China, North Korea, Russia, the list can go on. Maybe we should just send them to Universial Soldier training from the beginging much like Nazi Germany or how about to athletic camps like many in China where they can train for the Olympics while being beaten and tortured for not being good enough at the high bar. Or even better yet just to Government schooling so depending on what political party is running the country at that moment they can indoctanate them to just blindly follow their party and agenda.

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Missouri hunting regulation; just to show you how some others think.
"Youths age 6 through 15 may hunt antlerless deer and turkey when in the immediate presence of a qualified adult."
Just so you know, they aren't hunting antlerless deer with a 22 single shot and this is a STATE law, not my hillbilly way of life. :)

Directly from from Mein Kampf? Until a parent 100% completly proves they are wrong for parenting who is anyone to take posession of their children. They are not property but they are the complete responsibility of the parent until they prove with out a doubt to be incompetent.

That's right / unfortunately too many parents are completely incompetent.

Directly from mein kampf - I have no idea what you are talking about. I would think that any person would agree that children have there own rights?! Or are women and children the property of the man of the house?? Hopefully most of you have evolved beyond that??

Picker, i have to disagree on little kids not understanding the consequences of shooting a gun. My own son at that age was terrified of guns because he didn't want to get hurt or hurt anything.
Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

By 5 or 6 I knew fully well the consequences of shooting a gun. Seeing one kill a squirrel or what ever game animal I had killed you understood. Maybe the problem is only shooting paper targets or soda cans you dont see what can happen. I dunno but I was smart enough to understand that a gun can end a life at that age.

Given the wording in the constitution, children have every right that the adults have; age isn't mentioned in any of them. That includes the 2nd amendment.

That's right / unfortunately too many parents are completely incompetent.

Directly from mein kampf - I have no idea what you are talking about. I would think that any person would agree that children have there own rights?! Or are women and children the property of the man of the house?? Hopefully most of you have evolved beyond that??

"Der Zustand muss das Kind erklären, der kostbarste Schatz der Leute zu sein. Solange die Regierung empfunden wird, wie, arbeitend zugunsten der Kinder, halten die Leute glücklich fast jede mögliche Verkürzung der Freiheit und fast irgendeinen Entzug aus." der Führer

"The state must declare the child, the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working in favor of children, keep the people happy almost every possible shortening of freedom and almost any withdrawal." Adolph Hitler.

Given the wording in the constitution, children have every right that the adults have; age isn't mentioned in any of them. That includes the 2nd amendment.

Just talking about what is responsible - not whether they have the "right" or not. As TH likes to day the point of the constitution is NOT to guarantee safety, etc, etc. hopefully we all understand there are some things we or our children should not do even though it is "legal" to do. No law against a two year old using a chain saw but at least personally I wouldn't be trying that.

What do you think about a 6-year old walking around in the woods of Missouri carrying a loaded weapon capable of killing a deer? Crazy isn't it?

It's amazing what a child is capable of if a parent spends some time with them instead of shutting them up in a room with a tv.

Check out North Dakota's hunting regulation.
For big game, minimum age is 14, with hunting safety class required. Small game has no minimum, but anyone 12 or older must have passed hunting safety class.
Apparently a 2-year old in that state can hunt small game without a license. OMG! Where is Bloomberg? He molded Colorado into his own image, he now needs to use his money to rule ND!

It's amazing what a child is capable of if a parent spends some time with them instead of shutting them up in a room with a tv.

Should military members be allowed to have guns? Probably not he just shot on purpose 6x the people the child shot on accident.

Should military members be allowed to have guns? Probably not he just shot on purpose 6x the people the child shot on accident.

I believe that is why they are talking about evaluating people when returning from combat and trying to keep weapons out of the hands of those deemed unstable. Frankly I'd be much more concerned about those vets committing suicide with a gun as opposed to going postal. But I know most of you are against keeping guns out of the hands of the unstable.

Access to guns and suicide would make another good thread I think.

A child is not the states property, it is the parents right to decide if and when a child is taught about guns...

200 years ago kids were taught to handle and hunt at very young age....

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A child is not the states property, it is the parents right to decide if and when a child is taught about guns...

200 years ago kids were taught to handle and hunt at very young age....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Who ever said a child was the states property? And 200 years ago you had a 50 percent child mortality rate - you want to go back to that???

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