I for one don't believe in toy guns and the marketing of such to children. I have owned and fired firearms since I was 8 years old. I have never had a toy gun, and only got my first BB gun about 10 years ago for varmint control. I was brought up in a house, and hunting camp where the guns were always loaded and secured,and you did not under any circumstances touch them or think of using them except for their express purposes. This training and upbringing has now been lost, and kids learn the ways of the gun from TV, and video games, and not from experienced family members and mentor's. By the way, never once have we experience an incident or accident, and when I shot competetivly, I expended 45-50k rounds per summer shooting season.
It is also a sign of the times that few are brought up as I and I suspect other's on this forum have, but if we keep trying to educate and train, perhaps we can return to a time when senseless, and stupid accidents occur. Every firearm accident just fuels the anti's arguments, they dont't look to educate, they only look to irradicate a piece of machinery that they don't understand. We don't need to argue among ourselves, but reach out and intelligently open a discourse with those that want our way of life to cease.